Status: slow

I don't care what you think as long as its about me

Bonfire Time

Chapter 3

We got to my house as we pulled into the driveway. Jake went stiff.
“What’s wrong?” I asked him.
“Cullen’s here.” He said flatly.
“Will you come in with me so I don’t have to stay and talk to them?” I asked.
“Yeah but I bet it will just make them want to talk even more.” Jake said.
“I don’t care, you’re here so I can say we need to leave, because we will have to leave.” I said getting out followed by Jake.
“Okay, we just need to hurry.” Jake said.
“Can I ask why you don’t like Edward?” I asked him as I opened the door.
“You’ll find out tonight at the bonfire.” Jake said smirking.
I looked over to the TV and seen Bella and Edward ‘watching’ some movie. I grabbed Jakes hand and dragged him up the stairs as fast as I could before one of the two tried to talk to us.
“What will I need?” I asked him.
“A jacket or blanket.” He told me lying on my bed.
“This is soft.” He said bouncing around on it.
“I had our mom sent it to me because I didn’t want to use the one Charlie had for me.” I explained to him.
“Nice.” Jake said settling down.
“Yeah, ok I got the blanket. What else will I need?” I asked him as I threw my wolf blanket on him.
“A clothes that you don’t mind getting really dirty.” Jake said while smirking at the blanket.

Knock knock knock

“Can I talk to you, Riley?” Edward asked through the door.
“I’m kind of busy right now.” I said looking for some old clothes.
“Its important.” He said getting upset.
“Not if it’s coming from you.” I said opening the door and walking into the bathroom then slamming that door in Edwards face.
“As soon as you get out of there you are talking to me.” Edward commanded.
“Not really.” I said after I quickly changed then tried to get past Edward as he blocked the door.
“Edward let me pass.” I told him.
“Not until you talk to me.” Edward said coldly.
“Jake, Help.” I called out.
“Bella is talking to-”
“Get way from her” Jake cut Edward off.
“Shows how much you now.” I said walking of to Jake quickly.
“Lets get your blanket and go.” Jake said putting his arm around my shoulders and walking to my room.
We quickly grabbed my blanket and got out of the house and into Jakes rabbit.
“What did Edward want?” I asked Jake as he sped away from my house.
“He doesn’t like you hanging out with me.” Jake laughed.
“Well then he’s going to have to get over it. I like hanging out with you.” I told him.
“Well I like hanging out with you to.” Jake smiled.
“Good because you’re stuck with me. You share my dislike for the Cullen family.” I laughed.
“Why don’t you like Edward?” Jake asked me.
“From the start I got a funny vibe from them all. Then after I read Bella’s dairy I knew why. I’ve never really like vampires. When I would watch movies with vampires and werewolves, I would always vote for the werewolves to win and Bella for the vampires, I never did like her for that either.” I explained to him.
“Interesting.” Jake said after I told him that.
“What’s your favorite animal?” I asked him.
“Deer. You?” Jake asked.
“As you can tell from my blanket, wolves!” I told him smiling.
“Why?” He asked looking over at me than back at the road.
“Their just such beautiful creators. Running free and happy.” I said then chuckled.
“Wow. What would you do if you found out I could turn into a wolf?” Jake asked
“That’s a weird question but I would have to say at first I would be shocked but then I would be totally cool with it. Why?” I asked looking at me.
“I was just curious.” Jake said.
“Sure.” I laughed as we pulled up to the parking area of the beach.
“Come on.” Jake said grabbing my blanket and getting out of his awesome car.
“Otay.” I said child like while giggling.
“How old are you?” Jake asked halfway to everyone else.
“I’m 15! You?” I asked him.
“Turn 16 a few months ago.” He said proudly.
“Your very cocky.” I stated.
“But you love it.” He laughed.
“Maybe.” I smiled.
Jake and I went and sat down in a circle around the pretty fire that licks the driftwood making pretty colors. Jake went to get us some food while I just sat mesmerized by the fire.
“If you stair at that for to long you might go blind.” Jake laughed handing me a plate with three hotdogs on them.
“No I wont. This is one of the other reasons mom sent me to live with Charlie. I love fire so much. Oh and thanks.” I said lifting the plate a little.
“Nice. Not a problem.” Jake said stuffing his face with hotdogs from his plate.
After we were all done eating, one of the three elders cleared his throat getting the attention of everyone around the fire and then started telling the tails of his people. Throughout the whole story I was leaning forwards mesmerized by the whole story.
“What did you think about that?” Jake asked after we arrived to my house.
“That was so cool. Wait a minute, is that why you asked me what I would do if you could turn into a wolf.” I asked him.
“Yeah, kinda.” Jake said scratching the back of his neck.
“So you really can turn into a wolf?” I asked amazed.
“Yeah, so can Sam, Quil, Embry, Jared, Paul, Seth, and Leah.” Jake said slowly as if waiting for me to run away screaming.
“That is so COOL!” I said loudly.
“You don’t think that’s weird?” Jake asked.
“Not at all. I think is kinda hot.” I said winking at him as we pulled into the driveway.
“Hahaha.” Jake just laughed.
“Ughh, Edwards still here.” I groaned not wanting to deal with him.
“You have a window to your room right?” Jake asked me.
“Yeah, why?” I asked him.
“I don’t think they know were out here. We could go back to my house, drop the rabbit of then I could give you a piggy back ride here then be up in your room before you even got up there.” Jake explained.
“Okay, lets do that.” I smiled

~After all that just happened back at my house~

I walked up to the door to my house and opened it to see Charlie watching sports.
“Hey Dad, I’m going to bed. I’m really tired.” I said going and giving him a hug then going up to my room after Charlie saying goodnight to me.
I pasted Bella’s room and I heard her talking to Edward about me being back home and that they still needed to talk to me. I ran into my room to find Jake lying on my bed as if he was already asleep.
“I didn’t take that long.” I whispered trying to find my Pj’s, which consist of a little happy bunny shirt with matching capi’s.
“I’ll be right back.” I said sneaking out my room and into the bathroom soundlessly.
After I changed I quietly went back into my room with out running into Bella or Edward.
“Nice outfit.” Jake laughed.
“Hey, I think there cute.” I pouted looking at them.
“I never said they weren’t” Jake said.
“But you were thinking it.” I told him crawling into my bed.
“No I wasn’t.” Jake said walking towards my window.
“Hey, where do you think your going?” I asked sitting up.
“Home?” He kinda asked.
“Will you please stay here with me?” I asked sweetly.
“Ask the question that you where trying to avoid.” Jake said walking over to the bottom of the bed.
“Jake, will you please sleep with me tonight?” I asked play glaring at him.
“Well if you incest.” He joked.
“Perv.” I mumbled moving over so he had room to lay down.
“Goodnight Razor.” Jake said after crawling in my bed.
“Goodnight Jake.” I said curling up to him and falling into a deep sleep. That night I slept like a baby.