Status: slow

I don't care what you think as long as its about me

I know i'm adopted.

"Guys, i think she's waking up." I heard Quil say.
"What happened?" I asked slowly opening my eyes to see that I was laying on Sam and Emilys couch with the pack surrounding me.
"You yelled at Bella then passed out after shaking really bad. You scared me to death." Jake said on the side of me.
"I'm sorry. Do you know what happend Sam?" I asked looking at the pack leader.
"By any chance could you be adopted?" Sam asked me.
" I am adopted. Why?" I asked Sam.
" I think there could be a chance that your going to turn into a werewolf." Sam told me.
"So there is a chance that i might be turning into a giant wolf?" I asked.
"Yes." he said.
"Awesome! Jake, now i can be like you!" I said smiling at my boyfriend.
"What if i don't want you to be a monster thought." He said thoughtful.
"Jacob Black. You are not a monster. Edweird and the rest of the leeches are monsters. Your not." I told him.
"I turn into a over grown wolf. I think people consider that a monster." Jake said.
"Jake, if i thought you were a monster, i wouldn't be in love with you. Know would I?" I asked him.
"I guess not." He said smiling while leaning in to kiss me.
"Now, I think its late. Jake will you please take me home?" I asked sweetly.
"Of course, I'll even stay by your side tonight." he said picking me up bridle style and walking out of the house.
Once he put me in the passenger seat of the rabbit he got in and started the drive to my house.

Half way there I spoke up.
"Jake, I love you." I said before falling asleep with a smile on my face.
Not know the danger that I was in...