Lucy Talloway


Lucy’s trip began uneventfully by most standards, passing through the suburbs, seeing nothing that caught her eye, or captured her imagination. Focused on a goal, she ignored everything else, local radio keeping her company.
As the sun set, she began to develop a cramp in her neck and there was a gnawing feeling, the sensation of hunger in the pit of her stomach, which she ignored, as she often did. It was never for cosmetic reasons; merely that she had no time for something as banal as eating.
The land stretched out all around her, the sky buzzing with insects and acoustic sounds humming out of the small dusty speakers, some band from Adelaide changing the world one coffee house at a time.

She did not pull over to rest until the sun was beginning to peep up over the hilltops again, and her eyelids were closing of their own accord. Somewhere in the back of her mind she was disappointed at needing rest. On a mission like this, she felt she should just keep going.
But her body disagreed, and at a truck stop on the side of the road, sleep claimed Lucy Talloway, whipping her into a frenzied world of tall shadows with names.