The Cholerics

Radbert: Main Character. A diplomatic, smart, and witty gentleman. Acts very old for his age. (17).

Nate: (Would ruin story line if described) Ruthless, proud, smart, and a gentleman at times. Manifests itself whenever it pleases. (Age Unknown )

James: Loyal friend of Radbert. A quiet, shy, and handsome young man with a lot to hide. (17).

Asmodeus: The devil. A distinguished gentleman. Proud, smart, witty, and very handsome.

Ian: A very observant, christian boy. Smart, but at times can be very clueless.

Cachet: A very beautiful woman desired by all. A very sleazy character, which has much to hide. Girlfriend of Radbert.

Cloe: A very shy young girl, with a tendency to put her foot in her mouth.
  1. Chapter 1-The Dream
    Introduction of the main character and his life at home.
  2. Chapter 2- The School
    Radbert meets a young girl who he seems to be very attracted to.
  3. Chapter- 3 The birth of a new Love
    Radbert and Cachet's date