The Cholerics

Chapter 1-The Dream

He wanted only to sleep.
That reoccurring dream was making it impossible for him to rest. It was always the same exact dream. He would float in space, the earth was uninhabitable and white. He hears a seductive man's voice say "it's almost time". Night after night, this dream would haunt him. He sat up on his bed, sweat runs down his chest as if he had been working under the sun for hours. Gasping to catch his breath, he looks around to see if he is still in his room. He finds that nothing is missing. Everything is well organized, very hard to believe it is a teenager's room. His books are all neatly stacked in place. Anatomy and physiology, Biology. His room is painted in white, as pure as a cloud. With the ceiling being a dark black. On his wall sit a couple of perfectly even, newspaper articles. One titled, 'Murderer claims to be carrying God's plan' and the other 'No one can help us now! How tearing down local Walmart will Kill our economy'. On his desk, is a Macintosh computer decorated with Star Wars action figures all around it, and a very small collection of children stories. Radbert stands up, he is a pale, skinny boy with wavy, long, brown hair covering his ears, deep brown eyes like a tree in the spring. He has lustful, rosy, lips. He walks over to the mirror.
"I know I've heard it all before."

" Are you up yet? It's time for school." The voice is heard coming from downstairs.
Radbert, starts to dress and is trying to decide weather to wear a black long sleeved dress shirt, or a white one.

" This kid is unbelievable." Radbert's father to his mother, while reading the newspaper. The headline reads 'What you don't know may kill you'.
" Why do you say that?" The mother replies slightly annoyed.
" Everyday it's the same thing with him. He never learns. He needs to go to sleep early so he can wake up early and refreshed. I tell you if he were to sleep at 9 O' clock he would never have those nightmares."
says the father still not giving his wife full attention
" He is a great boy, what more could you ask of him?"
The father now puts the newspaper down to expose a piercing glare through the glasses and says
" You're an idiot! You never understood the prob--"
" How dare you talk to mother that way?" says Radbert, now wearing the black long sleeved shirt and a black stylish tie, with white lined black DC pants, and white stitched black shoes.
"Oh! Well if it isn't the man in black. This is none of your business." says with a smirk on his face.
" Actually it is my business." Radbert starts to walk towards him but his mother stands in his way.
"Honey, please go to school. Do it for me." she said with kind, hurtful eyes.

Radbert gives a nod and and walks out the door. Outside is a beautiful day. The birds are chirping, and the sky is a light blue with a single dark cloud over head.