The Legend of Joe Jonas

The Legend Of Joe Jonas - Chapter One

*Unknown POV*
So I guess you’re here to find out what happened to my oh-so-loved brother?
Well then you've come to the right place, but to find out what happened and why you’re going to have to hear a little story me and my brothers like to call The Legend of Joe Jonas!
Catchy right?
Anyway it all started with a girl, doesn't it always?
But unfortunately for my brother this was no ordinary girl . . .

*Normal POV*
As I raced through the forest, ever so gracefully, I began to let my instincts take over.
I'm just so thirsty I can't take it!
Somewhere in the distance I could hear a faint heart beat.
Thump Thump Thump
It gently went; I raced faster wanting to get there first. Although only a new-born vampire, I’ve been in this game long enough to know I have competition in this forest. I'm not sure who or what, but I know their competition.
But then as I was getting closer and closer, the heart beat just stopped.
'Drat!' I screamed as loud as my voice- box was capable, I saw animal life scurrying from there hide holes, as far away as possible.
'Oops' I whispered to myself. I can tell you if I could blush, I would be right now.
'Who's there?' velvet but angry voice ordered.
Should I answer or should I flee, for all I know they could be the enemy.
'I said who's there? I know your there, I can hear you!' the same voice almost sang.
How can they hear me? I'm not breathing, I’m not moving, I’m not speaking, all I’m doing is thinking! Hang on can they . . . No that's not possible!
'Actually it is' the voice spoke once again this time followed by a light chuckle.
'Who are you?' I asked slightly scared.
'I believe you have yet to answer me that' the voice said, this time followed by a tall, slim man? No he can't be human, his skin is white like mine, and his hair is bronzy but his eyes? No it can't be . . . their golden!
'Thanks for noticing' the figure said chuckling once again.
It was unbelievable like that man who did this to me, he's god-like, drop dead gorgeous!
'Umm thank you?' he almost asked. 'So what's your name?'
Livv I thought.
'Well Livv it's nice to meet you, my name is Edward. But you can speak you know I’m not here to hurt you.'
'Umm' I started but stopped myself.
'My eyes? Well Livv you see my family and I all have eyes like mine, because you see we're what we call "vegetarian" vampires . . .'
'You what?' I shouted cutting him off.
'We only feed on animal blood, and from the looks of your eyes that's what you've been doing as well.'
'Only because I don't want to hurt. . .'
'That's the exact reason we do as well Livv'
'Oh, I thought you were like allergic to human blood or something'
'No No' he chuckled 'Anyway Livv, would you like to come back to mine and my family’s house, that is as I presumed if you don't have anywhere else to go?'
'Thanks that would be great!'
Then we were off, running through the forest at a speed which to the human eye, would be impossibly fast and make us just look like blurs.
After just under a minute we arrived at a very bright and open looking house, the complete opposite to what I’d been expecting.
'Oh come on Livv, did you actually think we'd have a huge gothic castle full of coffins?'
'No I just didn't expect this!' I said following him cautiously through the front door.
'Livv!' a short brunette girl sang throwing her arms around me.
I was taken aback, shocked I backed away knocking into a huge boulder of a man, he was more of a bear. Trying to dodge him I came face to face with the most beautiful blond girl I’ve ever seen, but taking one look at the scowl on her face I quickly tried to push past another brunette male. But suddenly feeling more relaxed I stopped myself.
'Well done guys, great first impression you scared the girl to death' the brunette male said.
'So she's already dead' the blond snapped'
'Now Rosalie be nice, please' the bear- man directed at the blond.
'I blame Alice' Edward said looking straight at the brunette who seemed to know my name 'Calling her by her name the first time you meet her is going to freak her out a bit, don't you think?'
'Sorry Edward' the girl who I now knew as Alice said.
'Well Edward maybe you should have explained about our families gifts before bringing your new friend home' a new figure said now appearing in the midst of us all. He was blond, he looked older than the others, he looked as though he'd been changed when he was in his forties, where as the rest still looked in their teens. Apart from the women who now stepped from behind the blond man, she had dark brown hair and looked in her thirties. Give or Take?
'Hello, my name's Esme' the women said putting her hand out to me.
I took it slowly.
'Livv' I said shyly.
'Well Livv it's wonderful to meet you' she said turning back to the argument that was taking place.
'Enough!' the blond man shouted 'I don't care who's fault it is!'
Then turning to me he gently said 'Now Livv, introductions I’m Carlisle, my wife Esme, of course you know Edward, Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper and Alice.' he continued pointing to each of the people in front of me.
'So Livv how old are you?' Emmett asked, I winced at his booming voice.
'17 forever' I said trying to smile at him, truth was I was pretty freaked out by his size.
'She wants to know how Alice knew her name' Edward said completely out of the blue, shoot I forgot he could hear my thoughts.
'Well Livv you see most of our family have special gifts' Carlisle paused thinking of the right way to phrase his next sentence 'because they were . . . slightly gifted in their human lives, when they came to the next life they were . . . stronger.'
I nodded following what he just said even with all the pauses.
Carlisle looked over to Edward who nodded confirming that I was following for him.
'Alice for example had flashes of the future when she was human, so now it's stronger.
Edward was always sensitive to what people thought, Jasper was always conscious about how people were feeling, Emmett was always strong, Rosalie was always beautiful and Esme was always caring.'
'But what about you?'
'Umm I’m not sure something along the lines of never craving human blood I guess'
I nodded again.
After showing me to my new room Edward answered the question that had been on my mind since I met his family.
'Rosalie doesn't hate you'
'But the way she looked at me'
'She's not sure of how you became a vampire. You see Rosalie has some problems with what's happened to her, and she's not sure if it was your choice to become this . . .'
'Of course it wasn't!' I screamed 'Do you think I asked for the scum- bag to kill my parents and my little sister and older brother and best friends and my fiancé' I carried on screaming as I fell to the floor.
'Livv' Edward whispered getting down next to me on the floor 'I know it's probably the last thing you want to hear, but I’m sorry'
I looked up at him water coming from my eyes, it was almost painful, and this must be why vampires don't like to cry.
He pulled me into a careful hug.
'So anyway school tomorrow' he said standing me up.
'What? I have to go to school for the rest of eternity?'
'More or less' he said chuckling, I groaned.
'Oh come on maybe you'll get lucky and be in my classes.'
'Yeah a mind-reader listening to my thoughts of how bored I am, lucky you!'
'Anyway you might want to go hunting before tomorrow'
I nodded and stood up, I turned.
'Oh and Edward thanks for listening'
He nodded.
'But if you tell anyone I will personally rip your head off' I said before jumping out of the window, ready for an evening of hunting, before school tomorrow, oh joy! Note the sarcasm.
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xThanks for readingx
Comments telling me what you though would be most appreciated! =]