The Legend of Joe Jonas

The Legend Of Joe Jonas - Chapter Two

The next morning I arrived back at the house, to see everyone piling into separate cars. I climbed into Edwards silver Volvo, as I don’t have my own car, yet?
‘Hey Livv, you ok?’ he asked climbing into the driver’s seat.
NO! ‘Yes’
‘Umm Livv I can hear your thoughts, remember?’
‘I know’
‘Did you catch anything?’ he struggled to make conversation I wasn’t making it very easy.
‘Look Livv . . .’
‘Edward it’s ok’
‘But I think you should tell them, they deserve to know they are your family now. . .’
“I'm alone, on my own, and that's all I know, I'll be strong, I'll be wrong, oh but life goes on, I'm just a girl, trying to find a place in, this world. . .”
Yes saved by the phone!
‘Hey I heard that’
I stuck my tongue out and answered it.
‘Umm Hello’ I asked wondering who it could be my family, friends and fia. . . are all dead.
‘Hello lucky Jonas Brothers fan’
‘What?’ I asked completely confused.
‘You are the lucky winner of the concert tickets and backstage passes for you and one other friend, for the one night only concert in Forks.’
OMJ I’d completely forgotten that I’d entered that competition, well that was in my other life, so cut me slack.
‘Well we’ll send you everything you need in the post . . .’
‘Wait, sorry I’ve moved’ I nearly shouted, a few moments later they had all the information they needed.
‘Well they should get to you really soon Livv, see you at the concert.’
I clicked my phone and hung up.
OMJ, OMJ I’m going to meet the Jonas Brothers! That was my biggest dream in my last life! OMJ they are so HOT!
‘Hey brother in the room’
‘Well if you don’t want to hear my thoughts stop listening!’
‘Like I have a choice’
I stuck my tongue out and before me new it we were at school.
I sat bored in all my classes, until finally the bell for lunch went.
The Cullen’s all brought human food and sat with it in front of them; I looked at them weirdly, but before I could ask Edward answered.
‘It’s to help us blend in’
‘Oh yes because five unnaturally gorgeous people with weirdly white skin all sat in the corner of the cafeteria with food in front of them they don’t to eat is so human . . . Wait strike that the girls can probably just get away with it, but seriously boys . . .’
‘Ok we get it!’ Edward snapped, while everyone else burst out laughing, everyone turned to stare as if this was the first time they’d heard then Cullen’s laugh. I felt suddenly awkward and stopped.
The others just carried on their conversations as normal as if no one was staring.
I scowled and tried to join in until I heard one girl say ‘Do you think the new one is Edwards you know girlfriend’ I couldn’t help but laugh, Edward was like a brother to me and these people thought I was involved with the family in that way.
After lunch I went back into my own little world of day-dreaming. As soon as I heard the final bell ring, I was up and waiting by Edwards Volvo waiting.
The car journey was silent.
I didn’t even think.
‘So . . .’ Edward started trying to break the awkward silence.
“But she wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts, she’s cheer captain and I’m on the bleachers, Dreaming about the day when you wake up, and find that what you’re looking foe has been here the whole time . . .’
‘How many ring tones do you have.’
‘I have a whole list it changes when there’s a different person I don’t know calling’
I picked it up.
‘Hello sorry for my brothers ignorance but he seems to have forgotten to write your new address down.’
‘Oh ok’ I said giving him my address once again.
‘Thank you’
‘Your welcome?’
I said hanging up.
‘About the competition?’
‘So who you going to take?’
‘Edward, I didn’t think of you as a Jonas Brothers fan’
‘Shut Up, you know what I mean’
‘I was thinking Alice, since Rosalie’s still scowling at me’
‘You know if you told her . . .’
‘Sorry just saying’
‘Whatever’ I huffed turning to look out the window.
Moments later we pulled up in front of the house.
I grabbed my bag and ran at the speed of light upstairs to my room, which has now been decorated, my walls were painted a golden colour, and like Edward I had a bid CD collection not as big as Edwards of course, but quite big. I have a desk, a couch and TV, a CD player, all that when you don’t sleep you need something to do when you’re not hunting.
Just as I finished my homework at high speed the door bell rang.
I heard Emmett answer, and start booming his loud laugh.
‘Your them boys, Ha-ha, that, Ha-ha, Livv has, Ha-ha, picture off’ he struggled to say between fits of laughter.
I ran quickly and quietly downstairs, and behind Emmett.
‘Emmett why don’t you go and see if Edwards ready to go’
‘Right away little sis’ he said saluting me, trying to withstand the laughter that was building up inside him.
I turned back to the doorway, and there I saw what every girl wants on her doorstep.
‘Hi I’m Kevin’
Duh of course I know who you are, but I’ll just play along.
‘I’m Nick’
I turned to the last boy waiting for an introduction, but instead got a rather disturbing stare.
‘And you are?’ I asked
‘Single!’ He snapped ‘I mean I’m Joe, Hi!’
I giggled at his comment.
‘Smooth Joe’ Kevin said whacking the back off his brothers head.
‘Anyway Livv, we’re here to pass these on’ Nick said giving me the concert tickets and back- stage passes.
‘See you tomorrow’ Kevin said slowly walking away with Nick, but then realising Joe wasn’t following turned back and pulled his brother, with some help from his other brother, back to the limo.
‘Alice!’ I yelled, closing the door.
‘What’s up Livv?’ Alice asked appearing seconds later next to me.
‘Do you want to come to the Jonas Brothers concert with me?’
‘I wondered when you’d ask me’
‘Did you have a vision?’
‘No, Edward told me!’
‘I should have known, if that a yes?’
‘Of course it’s a yes, silly!’
‘Cool’ I said going back to my room at human speed.
♠ ♠ ♠
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