The Legend of Joe Jonas

The Legend Of Joe Jonas - Chapter Three

After an evening of doing practically nothing but listening to music, the sun finally came up and Alice waltzed into my room.
‘Morning Livv’
‘Hey Alice, sleep well?’ it had become our new inside joke to ask that.
‘You could say that’ she said with a giggle ‘So anyway we have all day to get ready. . .’
‘We need all day?’
‘Of course’
After a day of everything imaginable that girls do to look good we were finally ready. We would’ve been sooner but some people, not mentioning any names *Cough* Edward *Cough* Emmett kept getting in the way and by trying to take our pictures.
‘Ok we’re done guys!’ I called; two seconds later Edward and Emmett fell through the door, closely followed by Jasper, Carlisle, Esme and finally Rosalie.
‘Oh that’s better you look nicer without that stuff on your face’ Emmett joked.
I turned and hissed.
‘If you had any sense you two wouldn’t have gotten in the way, girls are five times more vicious when it’s about how they look’ Rosalie said sounding bored.
‘Well if she had any sense she wouldn’t get so involved with humans they’ll just end up dying on her’ Edward snapped at his sister.
I scowled, that’s the first time I heard Edward talk to her like that.
Before I could get involved with the argument that seemed to be getting more and more vicious, Alice grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the window.
‘A bit of warning would be nice next time Alice!’
‘Sorry I just thought we should go before that argument got worse.’
Just as she finished, head lamps came up the driveway and two boys jumped out of the car running over to us.
‘Oh My God are you two ok?’ Joe shouted as he gasped for air.
‘Why wouldn’t we be?’ I asked confused.
‘You two just fell out of that window’ Nick said pointing back to the window Alice and I had come from. I looked back at it, to see Edward and Jasper with smirks on their faces, Emmett nearly rolling on the floor from laughter and Carlisle and Esme trying to hide their amusement.
‘Um . . . we . . . um’ I stuttered.
‘It’s ok they do that all the time!’ Edward called from the window.
The boys were defiantly confused, but shook it off.
‘We came to pick you up’ Joe said avoiding eye contact with me.
‘Thanks’ I said also avoiding eye contact.
‘Joe stop flirting, we’re going to be late!’ Kevin shouted from the car.
Joe turned so fast to scowl at his brother he cricked his neck.
The car journey to the concert venue was pretty much silent, because of the awkwardness.
That was until Joe said quite loudly ‘AWKWARD!’
We all burst out laughing and just like that the conversations started.
‘So is it weird being in a house full of people?’ Nick asked turning to look at Alice and me.
‘No not at all’ Alice said.
‘We’re all like family, well except for the fact. . .’ I started but was cut off by Alice whacking me.
‘What?’ Kevin asked.
‘Except for the fact that Rosalie and Emmett are dating, Alice and Jasper are dating . . .’ I carried on being this time cut off by Joe.
‘And You and Edward.’
Alice and I exchanged glances and then burst out laughing.
‘What your married?’ Joe asked having a dim moment.
‘Yes Joe, I’m happily married at 17’ I said joking around.
But Joe being Joe took me seriously looked at the floor depressed.
‘Joe she was only joking’ Alice said leaning over and touching his arm.
I immediately shot her a glare, as Joe jumped at the shock of how cold her skin was.
He stared dumbfounded at Alice, who looked suddenly nervous.
‘Hey Kev, could you turn up the heat a bit?’ Joe asked his brother.
‘Why? You cold Joe?’
‘No but Alice is freezing’
‘Ok?’ Kevin more asked then stated.
A few more minutes passed in silence, and we arrived at the concert venue.
‘M’ Lady’ Joe said putting on an English accent and opening my door.
“If you believe in magic, don’t bother to choose, if its jug band music or rhythm and blues, just go and listen, it’ll start with a smile . . .”
‘Sorry’ I said pulling my phone out; I looked at the screen and said ‘Sorry it’s my overprotective husband again’
Everyone burst out laughing, apart from Joe who pouted.
God he’s so cute, I thought as I answered my phone.
‘I heard that!’ Edward said on the other end of the line.
‘You know what!’
‘Oh sorry’
‘It’s ok’
‘So what’s hubby’
‘Sorry, private joke Joe thought we were married’
I heard Emmett’s booming laugh.
‘Am I on speaker?’ I said angrily.
‘Whatever, what do you want?’
I listened to what Edward had to say, then hung up in a state of shock.
I entered the venue behind the boys, nobody asked what Edward wanted, and we all just stayed silent.
The boys we instantly ushered into what they called the “lockdown room”, whatever that is!
‘So what did Ed want?’ Alice asked finally cornering me.
After I told her what he’d told me, she pouted.
‘Alice, what’s . . . ?’
‘I thought it was so cute!’
‘You knew?’
‘Yeah I had a vision as soon as he decided.’
Just at that moment a male voice boomed.
‘Girls and Boys give it up for the Jonas Brothers’
Screams erupted, and Alice and I joined in, we were right at the front. So as soon as they came on stage they spotted us and smiled.
We enjoyed the concert, as well as the fact we got to act like human teenage girls.
As the last song ended, the boys ran over to us and pulled us on stage.
The screaming immediately stopped, everyone was staring at Alice and me.
I heard some whispering start.
Then Joe finally spoke.
‘This is Livv, the contest winner and her friend Alice.’
We waved cautiously.
Then finally Kevin put us out of our misery by saying.
‘Well thanks for coming everyone’ and running off stage.
‘You guys we’re awesome’ I said as they were handed towels.
‘Aw thanks, come here’ Joe said attempting to hug me so I’d get all wet from his sweat.
‘Ew No! Take a shower first and maybe we’ll talk’
‘Spoil sport’
I stuck my tongue out and went to join Alice who was deep in conversation with Nick and Kevin.
We all headed out to dinner, where Alice and I reluctantly took a few bites of food.
After that they insisted on taking us back to their hotel room, to watch a movie. Guess what they chose. Yep Van Helsing! They were trying to scare but their plan back fired and they ended up scared, while Alice and I were just laughing our heads off.
Which now brings us back to the present, the boy’s parents called them telling them to shut up and take us home or they were grounded.
‘It wasn’t funny’ Joe screamed for the fifth time, as I mocked his high pitched girlish scream.
‘Actually it was!’ Alice said.
“Because the drugs never work, They’re gonna give you a smirk, Cause they got methods of keeping you clean, They’re gonna rip of your head, Your aspirations to shreds, Another cog in the murder machine. They said all teenagers scare the living . . .’ I quickly picked up my phone.
‘Edward says stop making out with Jonas’ and come home, he’s worried!’ Emmett attempted to say without laughing, unsuccessfully.
‘First I’m am not doing anything in that nature, and second he’s worried?’
‘Yeah he’s scared you’re going to slip up!’
‘Oh thanks for believing in me!’
‘It’s not me it’s him!’
‘Whatever’ I said hanging up.
‘What’s up?’ Alice asked.
‘The husbands worried’
Everyone laughed even Joe this time.
We pulled up outside our house. I quickly said hurried goodbye’s and ran up the drive with Alice.
‘Shit!’ I whispered.
‘We forgot to act human!’
‘Do you think they noticed?’
We turned back to look at the car, and saw all three Jonas’ staring opened mouthed.
‘Yep they noticed’ I said, clambering into the house shortly followed by Alice.
‘YOU!’ I screamed pointing at Edward.
‘I told you she kill him!’ Emmett shouted triumphantly ‘Jasper pay up’ Jasper angrily slipped him 50 dollars.
‘Livv I . . .’ Edward started.
‘Shut Up! How could you? You ruined one of the best nights of my life, because you didn’t trust me! After everything I’ve gone through!’ I screamed running past him, up to my room and out the window. I sprinted into the forest; I’m not going back there EVER!
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Hope you like it! =D