The Legend of Joe Jonas

The Legend Of Joe Jonas - Chapter Five

*Mrs Jonas POV*
‘Paul I’m really worried about Joseph’ I said zipping up the last suitcase.
‘Why? He always forgets to pack’
‘No Paul, it’s not that. It’s the way he reacted when I reminded him we were leaving tomorrow, Paul he screamed I could see the panic in his eyes. . .’
‘Honey don’t worry he’s a teenage boy’
‘Paul!’ I snapped
‘Sorry, but it’s probably nothing now let’s go to bed’
‘You're probably right’ I agreed switching off the light.
I sat suddenly sat bolt upright in bed
‘Paul did you hear that’ I whispered, shaking my husband’s arm.
‘What’ he mumbled.
‘I thought I heard shouting.
‘You were just dreaming dear’ he mumbled again falling back asleep.
‘I’m going to check on the boys’
I walked to each of the boy’s room, Frankie, check, Nick, Check, Kevin, Check, Joe, Ch. . . .
‘JOE!’ I screamed frantically looking round the room, he wasn’t in the bathroom, he's disappeared ‘Joe’ I sobbed. I looked around again and found his suitcase fully packed, with a note lying on top.
I picked it up and read;

Mum, Dad, Kevin, Nick, Frankie
I’m terribly sorry but I can’t leave.
It’s just that I’ve. . .
Someone has stolen my. . .
I can’t explain why, I just can’t. I’m sorry but I won’t be back, don’t look for me you will not find me. It would probably be easier if you forget about me, to save yourself any heartache. I apologise Nick and Kevin for I am abandoning the band, I don’t know I guess Frankie could take my place . . .
You guys will always be in my heart.
But I have to find her. . . I lo. . .
All my love
Joseph Adam Jonas
DJ Danja
Or whatever name I decide to adopt.

That’s Joe always making a joke in serious times, what am I doing?
‘What?’ he shouted running into the room closely followed by Nick, Kevin and even little Frankie.
‘It’s Joe’ I sobbed.
‘What, what about Joe what’s he done’ my husband panicked as I broke down. I passed the letter over to him loosing the ability to speak. He and the boys stared at the letter trying to take it in.
‘Oh Know’ Kevin and Nick echoed.
‘Boys?’ my husband asked trying not to break down himself, poor little Frankie was already in tears; I ran over and pulled him into a hug.
‘I . . . We . . . He’ Nick stuttered.
‘Livv’ Kevin finished.
‘The girl who was over earlier?’
They nodded.
‘What does he mean he has to find her?’ Paul asked.
‘We don’t know’ the boys answered.
The next second all of us were in the car in our pajamers and slippers.
‘Where does the girl live?’ I asked still hugging Frankie who was now sobbing quietly.
After a bit of driving we eventually found the house.
I quickly ran to the door closely followed by my family.
I banged on the door, moments later it was pulled open by a gorgeous man who couldn’t have been more than twenty five.
‘Hello I’m looking for Olivia’s father’
‘That would be me’ then same man replied.
‘All my children are adopted’ he added.
‘Sorry for the late hour but my son has gone missing’ I said passing him the letter.
He looked at it for a second.
‘I think you better come in’ he said quickly stepping aside.
We entered and took seats in the lounge he beckoned us to; we hadn’t been there for ten seconds when, a woman, two girls and three boys entered. I was momentarily confused by the fact the whole family was still dressed.
‘Where’s Livv, Alice?’ Nick asked a petite girl.
‘She’s gone’ a bronze haired boy answered.
The whole family looked heart-broken as the words were said, I must admit I was surprised I thought she hadn’t been living with them for that long according to what the boys had told me.
‘Alice, Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie, Edward could you please take Mr and Mrs Jonas’ children through next door while I talk to them.’
‘No!’ the bronze haired boy shouted.
‘Edward’ Mr Cullen warned.
‘This is my fault I’m staying in here to help’
‘Edward sweetie it’s not your fault’ the women shushed pulling him into a hug.
‘It is’ he sobbed, but oddly enough no tears came.
All of the minors but Edward left.
‘Please tell me you know where my son is’ I begged.
‘I’m sorry but we do not’ Mr Cullen said sadly.
Edward started sobbing again.
‘Edward, do you . . .’
‘Yes’ he answered me before I finished asking my question. ‘I do know something, you see Livv ran away . . . and we thought she’d gone to him . . . so Alice called . . . and I think he’s gone to find her . . . but it’s dangerous . . . I don’t know where she is!’ he sobbed burying his face in his hands.
‘Edward we’ll get them both back safely, it will be fine’ Mr Cullen comforted his son.
‘But Carlisle . . .’
‘Edward please could you get Jasper’
Edward nodded disappearing into the other room. I had no idea why he wanted Jasper? So I stayed sat silently.
I sat gobsmacked, Carlisle’s son Jasper, had just come up with a search party plan off the top of his head. It’s like he’s a general, but he’s only a junior.
My whole family nodded all thinking the same thing, even little Frankie looked confused.
The next morning we were all back at the Cullen household.
‘I can’t believe we didn’t find them!’ Jasper shouted throwing his torch through the wall in frustration and storming upstairs shortly followed by little Alice.
‘What the . . .’
‘Weak wall’ Emmett mumbled in a rehearsed sort of way, taking Rosalie by the hand and walking upstairs.
I led Frankie’s sleeping body on the couch and sat down.
‘We will keep searching’ Edward reassured me. ‘But we will need to keep this on the down low we don’t need this place swamped with reporters and heart-broken fans.
I nodded, slowly dozing off, how are the Cullen’s so awake, I looked to my left and right my family were already asleep.
‘It’s ok Denise sleep, you’ll need it’ Carlisle whispered exiting the room with Esme and Edward, as my vision slowly turned black.
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Thanks for Reading!!!! =]