The Legend of Joe Jonas

The Legend Of Joe Jonas - Chapter Six

*Livv’s POV*
I don’t know how long I’ve been sat in this spot in the middle of this alley in Port Angeles, but it’s been awhile. I knew the first place they’d look would be the forest so I decided to run into civilisation. Of course eventually Alice will see me, but I’ll find a way out of that. I guess I’ll go back to living in a forest somewhere.
They keep trying to call me, like I would answer!
My phone beeped again signalling I have another missed call, probably Edward or Alice.
I looked down and had to do a double-take.
I quickly pressed the call button, what on earth?
‘Livv oh my god! Where are you? Are you alright? Are you hurt? Are you lost?’ he babbled.
‘Joe I’m fine’
‘Why did you runaway?’
‘I-i couldn’t stay’
‘Livv please where are you’ I heard him say desperately.
I took a glance at the time.
‘Joe shouldn’t you be on an airplane right now?’
‘Um delayed’
‘Joe don’t lie to me where are you?’
‘At the airport’
‘Livv I can’t explain just tell me where you are!’
‘If I tell you will you tell me the truth?’
‘Fine I’m in some street in Port Angeles, where are you?’
‘Joe tell me!’
‘I don’t know . . .’
‘How can you not know?’
‘I runaway. . .’
‘JOE!’ I shouted but all I could hear was the dial tone.
Oh My God! I can’t believe it! What’s going on?
I thought frantically, and only came up with one solution.
I ran as fast as I could to Joe’s hotel room, luckily his parents and brothers weren’t there. Oh know there out looking for him what if they get hurt?
Stop Livv, one problem at a time, I thought to myself.
I sniff as hard as I could, trying to remember Joe’s smell, which was actually driving me pretty insane.
Then I was off I ran around trying to pick up even the smallest trace of his scent.
As I caught it, I followed, as it got stronger and stronger, I was getting hungrier and hungrier. But I didn’t stop I had to find him first.
Before long I found myself outside a hotel.
I kept following even with staff yelling at me to stop I kept going, until I found myself outside a room, where the scent was so strong I knew he was in there . . . bleeding . . .
I didn’t know what to do, but I didn’t stop to think of the blood, I was extremely angry at whoever had done this and I knew one thing for certain I was going to kill them!
I knew my eyes were pitch black, as I kicked down the door. I heard screams and yells as the door flew across the room in pieces.
Two men and one woman looked up at me from the floor, terror in their eyes.
I looked around the room to find Joe knocked out cold blood dripping slowly down his face, scratches over his arms.
This tipped me over the edge.
I killed them without a second thought all three of them, I didn’t touch their blood, but I made sure they were dead before I picked Joe up and ran at vampire speed out of the room.
The burning in my throat was unbearable, but no matter how bad I knew I could never bring myself to hurt him.
I slowed down as I reached the familiar hospital, I knew by now Alice would have seen me.
I stepped through the doors, where people gasped.
‘I need help’ I screamed as two nurses ran forward with a stretcher.
‘What happened miss?’
‘Um I don’t know I woke up in this room covered in blood he was in there with me there were three people dead on the floor we were both strapped to chairs, I used a sharp edge to escape from my chair. But he was out cold, please I don’t know what happened, I just knew I had to get him here’ I said in a very believable voice.
‘Livv?’ I heard Carlisle ask from behind m.
‘Carlisle’ I shouted throwing my arms around him ‘it was awful, they, he, I . . .’
‘Its ok sweetie calm down’ he knew that I would tell him what happened later.
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Thnx for reading!