High School Never Ends

Terrified of what's inside

"That's disgusting," Gerard muttered under his breath. I looked over at him and smiled slightly at the look of distaste on his pale face.

"It's only a frog," I said, shrugging. "It's dead anyway."

"That's the point," he spat, leaning back in his seat and glaring at the teacher. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"I'm sure it lead a fulfilling life," I countered, studying his face. He looked at me, his eyes flashing in anger.

"But they've killed it just to teach idiots like this. I mean, why? It hardly takes a genius to work out that frogs have intestines. Why do we need to cut them open?"

"Geez, Gerard. Chill out. You'll fail if you don't disect it."

"Well I'll fail." He nodded defiantly at me, then folded his arms.

"Why are you so stubborn?" I asked in exasperation.

"Because I'm good at it." he replied. He glanced over at Mrs Henderson. She was coming our way.

"Gerard, at least pretend your doing something. Your parents will flip if they find out your failing biology," I hissed. He shrugged and stared, steely gazed at the teacher. She sauntered casually over and raised one eyebrow at Gerard.

"Suprise, suprise Mr Way. You know, just because you go on strike, it doesn't mean we'll stop disecting frogs to make you happy. It's part of Biology. And you will fail if you don't do what your supposed to do." He shrugged again, seeming more arrogant than he was.

"Well, so be it. It's on your own head. Maybe you can join some other animal protesters when your older. Chain yourself to zoo gates or something." She turned away, then muttered under her breath. "...it'll be all your good at."

The whole class sniggered and Gerard's eyes grew dark.

"I wish she was dead," he muttered menacingly.

Little did he know, his wish was about to be granted.

(Anyone wanna be a character. PM me. XD