Hatred surrounds Us

The Horrors to Come are Going to be Worse

“Welcome to the place where you’ll be living for the next four years of your measly existence.” The guard says growling slightly intimidating us all. The crowd around starts moving closer to each other as a girl starts sobbing somewhere in the distance. The lights snap back on in an instant causing several people, including the wannabe bad ass that was with my group, to scream.

Quiet!” A voice from the stage yells in a not so friendly tone. Turning instantly toward the stage, catching a glimpse of the man behind the voice over the heads of the turning people. I begin to hold my breath at the sight of him.

“Who I am at this point is not at all important. What you need to know is that as long as you are alive and inside of the walls that close the school from the outside, I am the only thing close to God you’ll see. I control your fate at this school. I control whether you graduate or fail. Most importantly, I control whether you live or die.” as the word leaves the strangers lips, the girl’s sobbing gets louder and more uncontrollable. As a habit of nervousness, I run my hand through my hair feeling the dew of perspiration on my neck, as my fingertips gently run across it.

A scream, now replaced the sound of uncontrollable sobbing, watching in absolute shock as the tall man from before, that had been looking through my luggage, pulls the once sobbing girl onto the stage. The man quickly steps off, as quickly as he had appeared on the stage, leaving the fragile female with the man that now controlled our lives. The sound that came next with be engraved in my memory forever.

The sickening sound of a neck being broken and of a lifeless body falling to the stage.
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Sorry guys about the lack of updates!! I've been sick and haven't felt like doing much of anything! I'm so sorry!! Decided since I'm actually feeling a bit better I needed to update!! Sorry about the shortness, but I should be posting the next chapter within the next five minutes! Hope you enjoy it!!
I forgot to mention in the last chapter that two men that you've met are Jimmy and Johnny and this chapter there's Matt! Soon the rest of the guys will appear!
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