Status: Final Chapter is complete and up!

The Saviour & the Scourge of Holy Mountain

Chapter 1

The human woke up from his bed in a shock, sweating from head to toe, breathing heavily. He looked lost and scared; as he looked around the room he was in. It looked like it had been handcrafted from old tree branches to support the structure of the room. The roof was covered in lush, leafed plants that could only be found in tropical areas. The walls were made of wooden planks and stuck together with mud, so was the floor expect there was less mud shown. On the east side of the room was, what appeared to be, a thick tree to the human’s eye. To the west, a made-shift door held up with rope. Clearly, the human had no clue where he was.

“You have awoken” a deep voice said behind the bed, “That is good news indeed.” “Who are you?” The man responded. An elven man walked out from the shadows, he was dark skinned, slightly over weight, bald, and wore robes and a head-dress that looked to be made of leaves. “My name is Chief Medicine Man Zulco, I am known for my knowledge of blending herbs from the jungles” he said whiles mixing some plants with a strange paste. “May I ask you are?” The human paused for a moment, thinking for a moment and replied “I… I… I don’t know who I am…”

“Well that’s a shame, since I know who you are”
“You do? Then why ask?”
“A small joke I have with memory lost people”
“TELL ME WHO I AM!” The man shouted at Zulco, leaning up from he bed. Zulco nodded, “Very well.” He walked over and sat at the end of the human’s bed and thought on what to say next. “Your name is known among this world as The Saviour. You are a talented Templar knight from the giant City of Galeran with extraordinary powers” The human looked puzzled and confused, “Galeran? Templar? Talented? Saviour?” Trying to remember anything he could, but nothing came to him.

Zulco went back to he table and picked up a mug. “Maybe this will help you.” He said as he offered him a drink. The Saviour took the mug and looked inside the mug, a green and brown liquid sat inside the clay mug, bubbling away and giving out a disguising smell. “And you want me to drink this?” The Saviour asked, looking at Zulco. Zulco nodded. Saviour held his nose and took one big gulp, it began with a chocolaty tang but as he swallowed it, it gave a nasty, muddy punch. Saviour began to choke a little. “BLARH! What is this?!” Saviour asked as he chocked. “Just a small herbal remedy” Zulco answered, chuckling to himself. “Oh, that reminds me.” Zulco walked over to a cupboard, opened it, and inside contained clothes. “I believe these belong to you.”

The Saviour got off his bed and walked over to the cupboard, the first thing he pulled out of the cupboard was a pair of boots. They were a deep shade of grey with thick toecaps, and when worn reach half way up the shin. “Err… could you help me with these laces?” The Saviour asked Zulco. Zulco chuckled and help Saviour tie his boots. The next thing that came out of the cupboard was a robe. They were a light shade of brown and looked of linen, yet felt soft and light like cotton or silk. When worn, the sleeves were baggy and so was the hood, the hood casted a shadow over the Saviour’s face only showing his lower jaw and nothing more.

Saviour then attached the leather scrap around his waist; on his left hip was a sword holster, made of thick leather, another leather scrap when across his chest from the right hip to the left shoulder. On the shoulder was a leather patch with small slots. Saviour was very curious what went inside these slots but more curious about what was to attach to his back. There were holsters for something long, a two handed sword perhaps, or a fishing role.
Zulco taped Saviour on the shoulder; he turned around to see Zulco was holding a very strange but perfectly detailed necklace. “We also found thing on you when you was bought here. The elders thought it was the source of your powers” Zulco said in a curious way. “My powers?” Saviour asked, “What powers can I do?”

“You are able to create lighting within you hands; create shields that never break, no matter what the force; and break objects in mid-flight.” Zulco said, with an enlighten felling on his face. Saviour looked shunned for a moment, but quickly turned around and tried to shoot a bolt of lighting from his hands towards the clay mug. Nothing happened. He turned back at Zulco, “Are you sure I’ll get my powers back when I take that necklace?” Saviour asked Zulco. Zulco shrugged, “One way to find one” he said. Saviour reached out and touched the necklace, at that point a shock when up Saviour’s body. He’s heart stopped, he’s eye pupils shrunk smaller, and he flashed back to 3 months ago.

A wrecked outpost sat outside the jungle and desert borderline, the trees from the jungle casted a large shadow over the outpost. Two guardsmen stood above the gate of the outpost, having a conversation about there relationships. The thinnest one, with ginger hair and in his early 30s spoke about his girlfriend and how she doesn’t cook a good mutton. The fatter one, with a huge black mustache and his late 40s told the thin one that his wife’s mutton was the best in all of Galeran.

“Hey. Do you see that?” the thin guard said pointing out into the desert. “Where?” asked the fat guard, taking out his spyglass. “Over there. By the forked palm tree.” The over weighted guard looked through his spyglass, and saw a horse backed man heading towards the outpost. The horse was wearing Galeranian armour. “It’s him.” The fat guard said quietly. “What?” said the thin guard, trying to listen in again” “He’s here!” the fat guard shouted “who’s here?” asked the thin guard.

“Open the gate!” the fat guardsman yelled down. As the gates opened, the rider came storming in. The hooded knight re-sorted his weaponry. His pole arm attached to his back was a shinny grey with a sharp blade tip on the front, an energy charger was between the blade and the shaft, the other end of the pole-arm was a strange orb and sitting on the energy charger was a rifle scope. In his sword holster was a one-handed sword, and on his left shoulder sat a patch with throwing knives in them.

“It’s an honour to meet you, Mr Saviour,” a young stable boy said excitedly. The Saviour looked down at his, and smiled. He un-mounted his horse and took out a few silver coins from his pouch. He gave it to the kid and said “Don’t spend it all at once.” As the stable boy took the horse into the stable, a heavily armoured man came out of one of the bigger tents; clearly he was the commander of this outpost.
“You’re late, Saviour”
“I’m sorry commander, I was interrupted by a surprised goblin attack.”
“Well… At least you’re in one piece, eh?”
“Indeed, sir.”
“Please, Saviour, follow me to the Command Tent.”

The Commander and The Saviour both entered the tent the Commander was in before. Inside was a table with a map of the jungle area. “Galeran was getting worried,” The Commander, said, “We was expecting you a month ago.” Saviour nodded. “If it wasn’t for those goblins, I would of.” The Commander nodded and took off his helmet. He had light, brown hair, cut the military style and an oily face, due to sweat. The Saviour began to look at the map. “What the static so far then?” he asked. The Commander pointed at a spot on the map “The latest attacks has been here, no one survived, not even are finest men.” “Sounds like you’re giving up hope” The Saviour said, looking towards The Commander. They met eye to eye. “We’re doomed if we don’t get a miracle soon.” And at that moment an eagle scream was heard, but strangely, a phoenix flew into the tent, landed on the table holding in its mouth a red orb and a necklace.

The phoenix dropped the orb and the necklace on the table, gave another scream and flew out the tent again. Saviour picked up the orb, it began to glow, and he dropped it onto the table as a cloud formed over it. The cloud took form a head appeared of an elven man with long, blond hair, but also had a worried face upon it. It began to talk.

“Greetings Commander of the Galeranian Outpost.” The head spoke, echoing within the tent “My name is Arch-mage Salmir and I’m contacting you to give salvation to your people.” “What luck!” The Commander said surprised, The Saviour nodded his head and carried on listening to the Arch-mage. “I’m also contacting you for help. My tower, located in a secret area of the jungle, is fear of attack by the same enemy you face. I have too many experiments that could get into the wrong hands, like a book I have, that can control the minds of anything living. A preaching book shall we say?”

Saviour looked at The Commander “What do think about this?” asked The Saviour. “Arch-mage Salmir hasn’t been seen for some time.” The Commander said, “I actually though he died.” “If you wish for my assistance,” Arch-mage Salmir continued, “Take the necklace, and meet the jungle guide I’ve seen out in the jungle, about 5 miles in.” The head then disappeared into the orb, and the orb stopped glowing. “Commander?” Saviour asked, “Could I have you permission to take on this mission?” The Commander got up in shocked. “Are you mad, son? You could get killed.” Saviour looked at the necklace and then said, “It’s a risk I’ll then have to take.” And grabs the necklace.

At that point, everything shot back into present time. Saviour suddenly fell to the floor, breathing heavily, like he did when he woke up. “Everything… I know it all… Who I am… where I’m from…” Zulco knelt down to Saviour “what about the necklace?” Saviour looked up and said, “It’s not my source of power, and my powers are part of me.” Zulco help Saviour back to his bed “You’d better rest Saviour” Zulco said as he laid him down, “And you’d better get use to those flashbacks. They’ll be more where they came from.” Zulco said as he left the room. Saviour tried to speak, but didn’t have the energy, and fell back to sleep.