Status: Final Chapter is complete and up!

The Saviour & the Scourge of Holy Mountain

Chapter 2

The next day, the jungle sun came shining into the room, reflecting on any metal in the room. The necklace that Arch-mage Salmir delivered to Saviour was hung on the bedpost; it shone the light into the Saviour’s eyes, waking him up. Saviour got up, easier than last time; he stretched and grabbed a piece of fruit from the fruit bowl on the bedside table. While eating his fruit, he heard some voices outside, heading towards the room. Saviour stopped eating to hear what was being said.

“I’m so glad the remedy is working, Zulco.”
“Indeed my dear, I didn’t actually think it would work on a human.”
“Do you think he’ll remember me?”
“I’ not sure, and I don’t want to bet on it”
The door opened and Zulco came in, and stopped in shock to see Saviour awake. “Oh. Saviour, I was just about to wake you.” Zulco said surprised, Saviour just smiled and ate his fruit. “Well, that’s wonderful news for our guest.” Zulco carried on saying as a female elf walked into the room.

Saviour looked at the elf. She was at least a head-size smaller than him. Her skin was a peachy colour with a light hint of lime green, floral tattoos, and wore an Ivy Green Bikini, with many dagger pouches on her. She had long, strawberry red hair that came half way down her back and was tied up in an exotic ponytail. She was smiling towards Saviour.

“Saviour! You’re O.K!” she said and ran up to Saviour and hugged him. “Erm… Yes I am?” Saviour asked, puzzled. She stopped hug Saviour, and looked into his hood, her eyes began to sparkle. “You… don’t know… who I am, do you?” she asked, and Saviour replied “No.” She stepped back and turned to Zulco. Zulco knocked, “I’ll leave you two alone. The remedy is over in the corner” he said pointing to a table with vials and plants and left the room, closing the door afterwards.

“What exactly does this remedy do?” Saviour asked the elven girl. She turned to look at Saviour, but didn’t say anything for a while. “We jungle elves have a way of curing amnesia by opening memory paths with the 5 main senses.” She calmly said, walking over the table, not making eye contact with Saviour.

“The senses?” Saviour pondered, “Well, I guess touch is out of the list” he said as he felt the necklace. “So I just have Taste, See, Hear and Smell left.” The elven girl turn around, eyes open and smiling, baring teeth. “That’s it!” she said loudly as she prepared another mug full of the disguising green and brown liquid. She walked over to Saviour “Sit on the bed” she told Saviour, he sat down a little confused, she pasted the mug to him and, holding his nose again, he took another gulp.

“Now,” the elf girl said, untying her ponytail. It fell further down her back. She grabbed a handful of her hair “Smell this.” Saviour laughed. “Smell your hair?” he chuckled. “Please, Saviour. It will help, trust me.” She responded as she moved the hair closer to him. Still finding comically confusing, Saviour took the hair and smelt it. This then started another flashback.

Inside the giant jungle, Saviour cut through the heavy foliage into a burnt patch of the jungle. A village had been recently burnt down by the looks of it. Saviour wandered around, checking for bodies, to see what answered there could be to who burnt the village, but none were seen. Whoever or whatever burnt this village down must of either burnt the people living here into a fine dust, or taken the bodies with them or it.

Saviour walked past a hut, still burning a little as the top. He looked inside; nothing was inside, just complete black. Suddenly, Saviour heard a twig snap for in the trees, someone was tracking him, like an animal. He wielded his pole-arm and stood in his battle stance, left leg forwards and bent, right leg out back for balance, and his right hand behind him, with pole-arm in that hand, ready for a full swing.

It went silence. Saviour walked to the center of the village, pole-arm still wielded. A rock cam flying from one direction towards Saviour, he sensed it. He turned around and, with his left hand; he focused his energy on the rock. The rock suddenly exploded into a fine dust. “Come on! Show yourself!” Saviour yelled. He suddenly felt a kick from behind pushing him down to the ground.

Saviour pole-arm was now out of reach; it fell out of his hand as he hit the floor. He turned over to see a mask assassin preparing to strike him down. The assassin became its attack. Saviour took out his blade and blocked the assassin’s daggers from touching him. The assassin started to speak in elven tongue. Saviour didn’t understand this elven, or any elven language for that matter. “Sorry elf, I don’t speak your language.” He responded as the assassin started to force down more onto Saviour’s sword. There was a large pause. “Cursed Scourge!” The assassin spoke out, in a female voice. “You will pay for the damage of burning my home village.” “You’re female!” Saviour said in shock.
“It won’t matter what I am, you’ll be dead.”
“You have it wrong elf, I’m here to help.”
“How can you…” she paused. A strange smell filled the air. “URGH! Can you smell that?” asked Saviour, the elf nodded. They both got up to see, as a strange creature appeared from the jungle foliage.

The creature, or some strange alien, was as tall as a Minotaur, but he’s skin was a sea blue. He had no fur like a Minotaur, but wore a mix of plated and chained armour, it carried a giant shield on it’s back and a two-edged blade on his belt. Saviour and the Elf stood ready in combat, the creature showed no expression. “Necklace.” The creature said in an extremely deep voice.

“Necklace?” Saviour questioned the beast, “Necklace.” He repeated. “What do you mean by neck…” Saviour then realized, the creature was talking about the necklace that Arch-mage Salmir had sent with the phoenix. He put his sword back into his holster, the elf looked confused at what Saviour was doing. Saviour then put his hands in his hood took off the necklace and presented it to the creature. The creature smiled, walked towards Saviour and bowed.

“Name, Davud.” He said in his deep voice. “Me, created, by, Master, Salmir.” “You were “created”?” asked the elf. “Yes” Davud replied, “Davud, one of many.” Saviour put the necklace back on and looked up a Davud “Davud, do you know what happened here?” he asked. Davud shuck his head, “Davud, not know. Elf, maybe know.” Saviour then turned to the elf assassin. “Well?” Saviour asked the elf. A silence began for a few second before the girl replied.

“I was on a scouting mission” the elf started, “I was looking for any incoming danger from the border. When I came back a week ago, this is what I saw, expect for one thing.” “Scourge?” Saviour asked. “Yes.” She answered, “They were here, collecting the bodies. Even my father’s…” she fell to the ground and began to cry. Saviour's knelled down to her and placed a hand on her shoulder “Take off you mask, elf. Everything will be fine.” He whispered. She nodded, whipping the tears from her eyes. She pulled her mask off her face; she had a peachy skin tone with a faint green tone. Facial tattoos, under her eyes, and purple lips.

“What is your name elf?” Saviour asked “Claria.” She replied, “Ok, Claria, you have to get out of here, it’s not safe to be alone, they’ll come back.” Saviour explained to her. “Davud,” he said turning towards him, “We should get going to Arch-mage Salmir.” “Davud nodded “Indeed, Master, be, waiting.” Saviour walked over to his pole-arm and re-attached it to his back. “Wait!” Claria said to Davud and Saviour. Saviour looked towards her. “Let me go with you, please?” she asked “I have no where else to go.” Saviour sighed, but walked towards Claria and helped her up. “Very well then.” He said, not happy with his choice “But stick close to us.” “Yes, of course.” She replied, “Right then, lets move.”

“Davud, don’t know, human name.” Davud spoke out to Saviour as he was walked up towards Davud. Saviour smiled, “They call me The Saviour, and I’m the one who will stop these Scourge.” “I knew I recognized you!” Claria yelled. Saviour looked back at Claria. “Yeah, I’ve heard so much about you! Maybe you could tell me some of your recent adventures?” She asked shyly. Saviour just smiled and the three of them began their journey into the heart of the jungle.

Hours passed, the trio found a pathway. Davud was ahead whiles Saviour and Claria were behind, talking about Saviour’s past. A pause broke and Saviour looked at Claria. “But what about you, Claria?” Saviour asked, “What was your past like?” Claria giggles, “You don’t wanna know my past. It would involve mostly training and… my father…” her mood saddened. “Hey, it’s OK.” Saviour said to her, “Think about it, together we can get revenge on the murders of your father.” She turned to look at Saviour, “yeah… Yeah!” she said, with her spirit lifted. “I’ll avenge my father’s deaths, and the my villages too!” Davud chuckled. “Don’t be mean Davud.” Saviour said. Davud carried on chuckling.

“Aren’t you hot under that hood?” Saviour asked Claria. “Aren’t you?” she replied. “Good point, but the shadow in my hood and the bagginess of it keeps me cool.” Saviour pointed out. Claria smiled. “My father never really liked me wearing a hood.” She said, “Did your father not like the fashion of hoods?” Saviour jokingly said. Claria laughed, “No, he said my hair was too beautiful to hide.” Saviour looked at Claria “Let me see.” He said. Claria then looked a Saviour and smiled.

She took off her hood; her hair then fell to half way down her back, and was a strawberry red. A sweet smell filled the air. “Is that smell coming from your hair?” Saviour asked. Clairia laughed, “Yes actually, it is. You wanna smell or something?” Saviour burst into laugher. Davud stopped and turned to look at Saviour. “It’s ok, I don’t mind.” She said giggling as she offered her ponytail to Saviour. Not to be rude, he took the ponytail and took a sniff. The fragrance of her hair and orangery, but also a detection of berries were also in the mix.

Saviour then suddenly was back in present day. He began breathing heavily again, but it was more controlled, he looked up at the elven girl that was in front of him. “Cl… Claria?” he asked, catching his breath. She smiled with joy and helped Saviour stand up. “It worked! You remember me now!” she responded. Saviour hugged Claria “I’m glad you’re OK.” He whispered he her ear. “Me too.” She whispered back.

“Where’s Davud?”
“He went ahead to Arch-mage Salmir, to tell him we’re going to be a little late.”
“Are we close?”
“Yeah, he’s tower is nearby, and as soon as he helps…”
“The sooner we can avenge your father and village.” Saviour finished. “Us three, together.” Claria looked up, a tear came down her face. “Yes, together.” She replied. “Urgh! I need to lie down.” Saviour said, felling weak. Claria helped him down to his bed. He then fell asleep again. It may still be morning, but these flashbacks made The Saviour fell like he’d been awake all day.