Status: Final Chapter is complete and up!

The Saviour & the Scourge of Holy Mountain

Chapter 4

Saviour awoke the next morning as the sunlight beamed down upon he’s face. He turned over to expect Claria next to him still sleeping, but she wasn’t there. He sat up to see Zulco brewing more remedies at he’s brewing table, quite a sickly smell was coming from the brewing table. “Zulco?” Saviour asked, Zulco turned his head around to look in Saviour’s direction, “Where’s Claria?” Saviour carried on.

“Humph!” Zulco replied and turned back to his brewing. “Just because she yelled at you for some privacy, doesn’t mean you have to hate her. She’s lost her father you know.” Saviour tried explaining, “And you now think she cares for you more?” Zulco responded, “She was rude to a higher level of the council of a village she is not even part of, I took deep offense to that.” Saviour had got up at this point and walked up to Zulco. He grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and held he up against the cupboard. “I do care for her! And her feelings!” Saviour spoke through the skin of his teeth.

Zulco began to sweat madly. Saviour had clearly got a little pissed off at Zulco. “The worse thing you did was to get the Elders involved in this.” Saviour carried on. “No, Saviour,” Zulco stopped him, “I was on my way to The Elders to tell them what Claria did but that is not the reason why they wanted her.” “Then what did the Elders want with Claria then?” Saviour questioned Zulco. A silence fell, “ANSWER ME!” Saviour shouted at Zulco who had just froze. “Saviour? What are you doing?” Claria’s voice said from the doorway.

Saviour and Zulco looked in the direction on the doorway to see Claria standing there, but not in her normal outfit. She was wearing a badly made plated bikini armour with some green cloth draped over some parts of the body, a bleach-white wig was on her head, clearly not fitted correctly, and her lips were a bright shade of red. Saviour was studded at the site he was seeing. The one he cares for, wearing an outfit that was very confusing and not normal.

“What… Are you wearing?” asked Saviour as he let go of Zulco. Claria straighten out her plated bra to a better position, “The villagers made it and The Elders told me to wear it.” She replied. Saviour got a little confused. “Why did they tell you to wear with… poorly made outfit?” Saviour then asked and turned to Zulco, “Would you happen to know anything about this, Zulco?”

Zulco straighten himself out. “Well, this is a little hard to explain.” He started off “Sight and Sound senses are the hardest senses to unlock to open your memories. We always try to leave it at last so we can try to re-create the scene where the incident happened, or at least something similar.” Saviour stood silence and then agreed. “I see your point, but it doesn’t answer my question.”

“It was the armour she was wearing.” Claria explained, “The Elders and the village blacksmiths helped out to make me look similar to her.” “Similar to who?” Saviour quickly asked, “Who is this “she” you speak of?” Zulco touched Saviour on the shoulder, “All will be explained in due time,” he said calmly, “ When you have your next, and final flashback.”

Zulco started making space in the room, moving most of the gifts to one side in a neat pile so nothing got crushed. Claria touched Saviour on the shoulder, Saviour turned to her, and tears were forming in her eyes. “I’m sorry Saviour,” she began saying, “For what happened in the past. I heard you and Zulco talking, and I’d just wanted to say that…” Saviour hushed Claria and held her close. “My job as a Templar is to serve and protection those who need protecting. And you’re the biggest thing I need to protect right now.” Claria began to cry a little, Saviour lifted her chin and smiled. “The last flashback,” Claria said slowly, “Don’t be mad at what I do.” Saviour then kissed Claria on the nose, “Nothing you could do could stop me from caring for you.”

“Are we ready to begin?” Zulco asked Saviour and Claria. Claria whipped the tears from her eyes and nodded. “Very well. Saviour, take this again.” Zulco responded, offering Saviour the clay mug of the Amnesia Remedy. Saviour took the mug, took one big gulp and threw the mug onto the bed. “What now?” Saviour then said. “You need to kneel on the floor, around here.” Claria stated, standing on the point she wanted Saviour, “But we need an extra person.” Claria pointed out. Zulco went to the balcony outside the room and whistled down to an elf not doing anything important.

The elf came in and stood next to Zulco. Saviour was on the floor, on both knees, it looked like he was praying. “Right, Saviour?” Claria asked, “I need you take your hood off.” Saviour’s jaw dropped, but had to oblige. He placed he’s hands into his hood and laid it gently on his back. Claria smiled at finally seeing Saviour's face for the first time, but qiuckly snapped back to what she was doing. She instructed Zulco and the other elf to grab Saviour on each arm. Saviour began to laugh a little, “This reminds me of the prison cells back in Galeran’s Stockades.” The others didn’t laugh. Saviour remembered these elves have never been to Galeran, so the joke was pointless.

“Saviour,” Claria spoke out getting everyone back into what they were meant to be doing, “You going to need to look directly into the gem on this amulet.” She showed Saviour an amulet. It looked like someone had made an amulet base out of a cheap metal and covered it in gold leaf, and then stuck a red gem into the center of the amulet. Claria began wrapping it around her left hand and began to wave her arm about. “I don’t think this is doing anything, Claria.” Saviour began, “Then concentrate!” Claria yelled at Saviour. Saviour looked down from Claria’s gleaming eyes into the amulet’s gem as the sunlight shone into it. Saviour began twitching a little; hearing voice in he’s head, Claria moved her hand closer to Saviour. Suddenly, Saviour went into a state of shock, “SAVIOUR!” Claria screamed out and Saviour’s pupil shrunk and was sent into his final flashback.

The trio had come out of a tunnel from the water carven, Davud leading the way with Claria piggybacking on Saviour. The forest light seemed dimmer and less green than normal as they came near the forest edge, or so Saviour seemed. Davud and Claria knew there was something wrong. As they got to the edge, they realized it was not the forest edge at all. They all found themselves in a swamped area, thick grey fog covered the area and the trees that once stood tall and proud had been hacked down and lying across the to swamped land. Claria was horrified at the site, she climb off Saviour’s back and ran forwards, Davud and Saviour ran behind her to come up near a destroyed elven village.

“What have they done?!” she cried out, Davud and Saviour turned to earn other and knocked, and explored the village area. Nothing but burnt or crushed elves could be seen. Saviour then stopped a human corpse crushed under a tree. “There’s a human corpse here.” Saviour pointed out and Claria and Davud ran over. “Clearly, scourge” Davud stated, Saviour nodded. Claria kicked the skull off the corpse’s spine, “If the scourge was here…” Saviour started, “They’ll be ahead of us still” Claria finished, “Land, not safe.” Davud spoke out. Saviour wielded his pole-arm, and looked at the other two. “Arm yourselves.” He told them.

Davud took out he’s twin edged blade and shield, placing his shield on his left arm. Claria took out her two main daggers, spinning them on her hands, they had an ivy green handle and the blades were curved for deeper penetration. “OK, lets move out.” Saviour commanded and they headed up north of the village. They moved in a slower pace than before, in case of a surprise attack. They had reached a clearing, just swamp. No trees, no village. Saviour felt that something was wrong.

Suddenly, skeleton hands grabbed Claria and Davud on the ankles. Claria gave out a high pitch scream. Saviour turned around in an instance to see two elven corpses grappling Davud and Claria, their weapons thrown to the ground. Then, out of the ground appeared more rotting, smelling corpses circling them. They weren’t just elves, human and minotaur corpses were part of the squad that had circled the trio. Saviour immediately stood in his combat stance and taunted at two of the zombies that looked the toughest.

They corpses ran towards Saviour, Saviour channeled a shield at one side of him, blocking one of the undead, whiles he fort off the other with his pole-arm, slicing it by the spine. He turned to the other who was diving onto him. Saviour just let the undead fall onto his pole-arm. With the two corpses on the floor not moving, Saviour looked around at the other mindless corpses around him.

A girlish chuckle was heard over the undead crowd. “Did you think it would be that easy, warrior?” A voice said, coming closer. The re-animated corpses moved aside as a caped and hooded woman walked up towards Saviour, her hands hidden inside her green cape. As she entered the center of the circle, the corpses closed the hole in the circle. “Now, now then.” The woman began talking, “What is a hooded monk doing with a weapon like that?” she stared down at Saviour’s pole-arm. “And, why is he walking in this part of the jungle with a young jungle elf and…” her head turned to Davud, “… and that thing?”

“You leave Saviour alone!” Claria yelled as she tired to free herself from the bony arms of the elven corpse. The caped woman turned and walked over to Claria, a smile appearing on her face. “Saviour, is he?” she asked, “Now, where have I heard that name before?” she sacristy pondered and chuckled again, “Don’t tell me. This hooded monk is the Legendary Templar of Galeran?” She stated and laughed. “Oh how I’ve been waiting for this moment.” She continued and whipped off her green cape.

Under the hood of the cape revealed the woman’s long, blonde hair, at least falling to hip hips and covering only her right eye. Her lips with big, lush and as red as a rose petal in bloom, her pale white skin tone made them look redder. Her slim body that was hidden inside the cape was similar to a model’s body. Her large breasts and hips were covered in a dragon scaled, plated bikini armour that fitted perfectly around all her curves, with semi-transparent red silk covered most parts of her arms, legs and stomach. Her right hand held onto her golden plated sword that sat in the holster of on her bikini thong armour. Her left hand had some strange necklace wrapped around it, with a huge golden amulet attached to it.

“I was expecting more armour on you, Templar.” She said softly to Saviour. “I would say the same to you,” Saviour responded, “Miss?” “You may call me, Valentine” The women replied, offering her hand, expecting it to be kissed. “YOU KILLED MY FATHER!” Claria yelled at the top of her lungs, tears forming. Valentine laughed as if she was royalty and walked over to Claria. “Now, now. Big girls don’t cry.” She said placing a finger on Claria’s lips. “Don’t you dare touch her!” Saviour spoke out, standing back in combat stance. The undead corpses readied their weapons.

Valentine turned to Saviour with a wicked look to her. She started to walk back to Saviour. “You care for this Jungle Mongrel?” she questioned, “ Wouldn’t you want to be with a real elf?” she moved part of her hair behind her elven ears, her eyes began to glow a corrupted purple. Saviour, Davud and Claria’s jaws dropped in surprise. This leader of undead corpses was but a High Elf, filled with a corruption to control corpses. “So you were the one’s who attacked Claria’s village!” Saviour spoke in a sharp tone. “Oh no, I would of got my hands dirty.” Valentine responded calmly, walking back to her original position “It was these pea-brains who did it. I only told them to do it because the Master commanded me too. “More salves, bigger army!” he said”

“Who is this master you speak of? Tell me, enlighten me.”
“Ooh, they’ll be plenty of time to explain. But I’ve been instructed with something else”
“And that’s what? To kill us three?”
“ No, no, no. But it does involve you, and only you.”
“You’ll have to catch me, if you want me!” Saviour responded, and charged forth at Valentine, letting out a battle cry. Valentine didn’t flinch, she just flicked her skinny fingers and two of the undead corpses came out a grabbed Saviour, as he was about to reach for Valentine. Saviour was forced on his knees; he’s pole-arm out of reach. Valentine started to chuckle in an evil manner, “I love it when a man is begging at his knees.” She then said. “NOOOOO!!!” Claria screamed at, crying. “Claria, there’s nothing you can do!” Saviour replied to Claria, quite stressed.

Valentine knelt down to look at Saviour in the eyes. “Don’t you see yet? Anger is your weakness.” Valentine whispered to Saviour, “That’s why you’re in this position.” Saviour looked into Valentine’s eyes, her eyes swirling with corrupted clouds of poison. “The Master told me a lot about you, Templar.” She then said getting up; wiping the mud off her knee, then began fiddling with the necklace’s amulet, polishing the ruby attached to the center of the amulet. “The only knight in the Galeran’s whole army that has the abilities of holy powers, he was very interested with that fact about you.”

Saviour looked up, felling defeated. “If you must know what my instructions are, Templar.” Valentine continued pointing the amulet in the direction of Saviour’s face “Is to take your powers and memories, and give them to the Master.” An orange beam shot straight towards Saviour, the beam made all his bones twitch. He’s spine bent backwards leaning his head back making his hood fell off. From Claria’s and Davud’s view, they could only see Saviour’s chocolate brown hair. Saviour started crying in pain. “Mmm… if only I wasn’t doing this to someone as handsome as you,” Valentine said sacristy, “but it is what the Master has asked for.” Saviour began to fall to the ground, only to her Claria shout “SAVIOUR!” as the world around him blackened.

Saviour got himself up, he stood in the middle of darkness and nothing was with him, not another person, or object. He tried to shout something, but no sound came out from his mouth, not even the sound of he’s breathing could break the silence. A figure then appeared in front of him walking towards him. “My, my, Saviour.” A voice echoed from behind him, “Did the cat catch your tongue, or this my amulet take more than your powers?”

The figure then changed into Valentine, holding up the amulet. “The Master will be very happy that you allowed him to share your abilities.” She said in a proud gesture. Another figure appeared from out the shadows, a caped man formed in the figure. The grey-cloaked man stood behind Valentine and reached out to the amulet with his dark grey hand, as he grabbed it, Valentine began to fade. The hand disappeared into the cloak and he began to fade too, leaving the message “We will meet in person soon… Saviour…”

Saviour woke up in a shock, sweating from head to toe, breathing heavily. “Saviour? Are you ok?” Claria said quickly, hugging him tightly. “Y…Yes…” Saviour responded slowly “…but that man… Valentine’s Master… has my powers…” Claria looked at Saviour in a scared but interested expression. Zulco then came rushing over with the clay mug, “Drink this, Saviour.” “I don’t need anymore of your muddy paste you call “a remedy” Zulco” Saviour yelled as he moved his right hand out. He didn’t expect for a yellow bolt of lighting to come out and smash the mug. Zulco dropped the mug has Saviour hit it. When it hit the floor, water poured out, not the remedy Saviour had to suffer drinking the last few days.

Saviour began to smile and laugh with joy. “My… My Powers!” He said jumping up in excitement “My powers are back!” Claria got up too, “ Saviour, I’m so glad for you!” she said as she jumped on Saviour. Saviour held her up and kissed her passionately. When they finally stopped, Saviour pondered out loud, “How was I able to regain my powers back?” “I think I can answer that.” Zulco spoke out, storing himself out again, “You have abilities, Saviour. Abilities that no one can take away from you.” Claria got off Saviour preparing the bed, as she knew what would happen. “I think, they more or less copied your abilities. Whoever has it basically have the same powers as you, you’re no longer the only talented knight.” Zulco continued.

Saviour smiled at Zulco, “Thank you for your help, Zulco.” Zulco bowed. “Urgh! I… I need to lie down.” Saviour said felling light headed. Claria helped in onto the bed. “This we’ll be the final time you sleep here,” Claria said to Saviour. She leant into his ear "My love." she whispered to him “Tonight, we celebrate!” Zulco stated. He walked to the doorway and stopped “Claria, make sure he’s awake by sunset.” Claria nodded. “I’m going to tell The Elders you’ve made a full recovery, and try to re-united you with some “old toys” Saviour.” Zulco smiled and walked out of the room.

“Claria.” Saviour said softly, Claria turned to Saviour. “I must know. How did we escape, between the time of me getting my powers copied and me waking up in the village?” Claria just smiled and kiss Saviour on the lips. “We’ll save that story for tonight.” “Will that bikini be still on you?” Saviour jokingly said. Claria held the door frame and spun her finger up and down it “Only if you want me too.” She winked and walked out. Saviour then went for the last sleep he would have in this bed, knowing the fact that he is now the way he was, the talented, and super-natural Templar Knight known as “The Saviour.”