Status: Final Chapter is complete and up!

The Saviour & the Scourge of Holy Mountain

Chapter 5

The elven village was alive with atmosphere that evening. A roaring bonfire was sat in the center of the village with many stalls around the outer edge, offering various herbs, spices and fish dishes. Zulco had set up his brewing station under a hut, and instead of serving the horrible amnesia remedy, he was serving a selection of elven wines and spirits. The village was in celebration for the recovery of the hooded hero.

Saviour had sat down at a table with a mountain of food on a wooden plate. He began to shovel down his food, starting with Raw Salmon and Mint Seasoning, moving onto a Cod and Cinnamon dish. “Looks like you’re enjoying that.” Claria spoke loudly to be heard over the crowd. Saviour looks up at Claria and smiled, noting she was back in her Ivy Green bikini armour.

“The only thing I’ve eaten since I first woke up was a piece of fruit from that fruit bowl.” Saviour stated, “And all I’ve drank is that disgusting remedy, I never got anything to wash it down with.” Claria then sparked up with a thought and ran over the Zulco, Saviour looked over the see she was collecting two mugs of a pinkie, bubbly liquid and running back over to him. “Here you go.” Claria said with a smile, “It’s wine.” Saviour took the mug Claria offered; the smell of he wine was a strong scene of strawberries, and when drank it tasted much sweeter than normal, human wine.

Claria then sat down next to Saviour as he prepared to dig into what he thought of tuna. He took a bite, it was lumpy and soggy, he spat it out and took a big gulp from his wine. Claria giggled, “I guess you don’t like Mud-lump Eel then.” She then said as she offered a cloth to him to clean his mouth. Saviour took the cloth and whipped his mouth before Claria cuddled around him. Saviour then wrapped his arms around her and they both watched the bonfire flicker into the night sky. Small fire particles began to rise above the houses in the treetops.

Claria turned to look at Saviour; he was still looking towards to fire. “I guess now is a good time to tell you,” Claria began, Saviour looked down towards her, “About how we got here after Valentine’s appearances.” Saviour then un-wrapped his arms and straighten up. “Tell me,” he asked, “everything.” Claria nodded, and began her story a few minutes before Saviour had his powers copied by Valentine.

Saviour charged at Valentine, letting out a battle cry. Valentine didn’t flitch, she flicked her fingers and two of the re-animated corpses grabbed Saviour and thrown him to his knees. Valentine started to chuckle in an evil manner, “I love it when a man is begging at his knees.” She then said. “NOOOOO!!!” Claria screamed, trying to riddle out the zombie’s arms while crying heavily. “Claria, there’s nothing you can do!” Saviour replied to Claria, quite stressed.

Claria looked over at Davud, he just stood there, not trying to struggle out of the bony arms that grappled him. Something was telling Claria that he had a plan. She looked down at her daggers lying on the ground, out of foot’s reach. Then, a thought clicked into her head, her back up daggers in her boots. As the orange beam began to absorb Saviour’s power into the amulet on Valentine’s hand, Claria lifted her leg up to grab her daggers in her right boot.

As soon as she grabbed them she booted to corpse in the stomach and slicing it through the neck, back flipping away to her main daggers. Davud then saw his chance and broke free from his corpse’s arm, ripping them out of its sockets. Another corpse ran at him but Davud just grabbed him by its skull and threw it down onto a rock, smashing its skull. Claria charged forth towards Valentine, “SAVIOUR!” she screamed as she sliced off one the corpses arm off that was holding Saviour up.

Valentine moved the amulet away from Saviour’s face as she drew her sword. Davud had grabbed his sword and shield and fought off the scourge pack while Claria and Valentine dueled. For every move that Claria did, Valentine parried it perfectly, until Claria was able to get a prefect stab into Valentine’s pale, white arm. She began to bleed and grabbed her arm in pain. “Boys! Retreat!” she ordered her squad. The scourge then became to run off into the distance.

Valentine took out a small red ball and threw it on the ground. Red smoke then began to form around her, “This isn’t over, Jungle Mongol!” Valentine sharply said as she began to disappear. Claria ran into the smoke, but Valentine had disappeared. Claria began to catch her breath, she turned back to see Saviour lying on the floor. “Saviour?” she said quietly as she ran back over to him, she felt his pulse. The pulse was very slow and felt cold. “SAVIOUR!” she shouted as she grappled him, lifting him into a hug.

“Village, Nearby. Us, leave, now.” Davud stated and grabbed Saviour, placing him over his shoulder. Claria nodded and picked up Saviour’s weapons and they began to run out of the swamp. They entered back into the jungle and found the pathway again. They spent a week traveling down the path, looking for any sign of civilization. Then, a light could be seen at the end of the road, they knew they found the village Davud was talking about.

“Wait a minute, Davud.” Claria stopped Davud. Davud turned to her, “You can’t enter the village.” She stated, “They’ll kill you thinking you’re Scourge.” Davud nodded, “Claria, Take Saviour.” He said as he pasted Saviour down to her. “Davud, go to, Master. Tell Master, We late.” Claria nodded as she lifted Saviour onto her back. “Claria, take care, of Saviour.” Davud spoke out as he began to run off the path around the village. “We’ll see you later!” Claria shouted back to Davud and begin to walk down the path to the village.

When Claria got to edge of the village, she saw it looked exactly like her village before it was burnt down. A charm, peacefully and filled with elven life was living within the wooden huts and trees surround it. The elf villages looked friendly but didn’t notice that Claria was dragging a human on her back. Claria walked a little more into the center. “Hello?” She shouted, “Need some help here!” as she lay Saviour on the floor, plenty of elves ran over to she what has happened.

“What happened?” one of the elves asked. “Scourge.” Claria responded, “They used some weird amulet on him, draining his power.” “His power?” Another elf asked, “Yes! He’s power!” Claria responded louder as the crowd became bigger, “He is The Saviour after all.” The crowd began to mutter, “The Saviour? Here? It can’t be?” “We need to get him into the Medical Hut,” One elf suggested, “We causing a scene.” Claria nodded as two elves picked up Saviour. “Someone call for the Medians Man.” The elf shouted, “ZULCO!” two elves shouted up to a hut.

Hours pasted since Saviour was taken into the medical hut. Claria sat outside the hut looking down on the village, felling scared and worried for her loved one. The door opened from the hut and an over-weight, dark skinned elf came out of the doorway. Claria looked up to the elf, “Is he ok, Zulco?” she asked. “Oh, he’ll be just fine.” Zulco replied, “He just got a little amnesia, just needs plenty of rest.”
“When can I go see him?”
“Later, my dear. But first you have to introduce yourself to The Elders.”

“… Few days after, you woke up.” Claria told Saviour, now back in present time, “but I made sure I was by your side as much as possible. I never left your side.” Saviour smiled and let over to kiss Claria, until one of the villagers came up. “Mr Saviour, Sir?” the elf asked, Saviour turned his head to the villager, “The Elders would like you to come to the center of the village.” Saviour sighed and nodded. He got up and grabbed Claria’s hand and they walked into the center.

A wrinkled old man stood next to the bonfire, lent forwards slightly and woar a green robe. “Villagers,” he spoke out in a weak voice, “As you may you all, we are here to celebrate that recovery of a hero. The Templar Knight from the Human City of Galeran, better known as The Saviour.” The crowd began to mumble, “Saviour, my dear boy, if you could come and stand here?”

Saviour made his way to the Elder and bowed to his presents. The Elder then turned around and picked up Saviour’s pole-arm and pasted it back to him. “Reunited…” a thought ran threw his mind as his took his prided weapon and held it in his hands. The Elder then turn to pick up the Saviour’s sword until one of the Elf Rangers up in the trees shouted down “SCOURGE!”

The villagers began to scatter and scream. Saviour and Claria wielded themselves and ran into the direction of the threat. The Elven Ranger stood in rows with their bow and arrows at the ready. A strange tall figure headed towards the village, one of the Elf Rangers out from one the trees and tried to stab in him in the lung, but the creature swung it’s arm and threw the elf back. “Hold your fire!” Saviour commanded the Rangers, as the figure got close to the light, Saviour knew who it was.

“Davud, it’s good to see you again.”
“Saviour, Better?”
“Quite so, Davud. What are you doing here?”
“Master, Trouble, Scourge.”
Saviour went into shock, if the scourge had reached Arch-mage Salmir’s tower, what hope would be for the world? This question was running though his mind. “We have to do something then!” he suggested. “No. Saviour, rest.” Davud said as he looked at Saviour in a serious manner. “Davud, I’m fine, we should…” Saviour begin to state, but became light headed and fell to his knees. Claria helped Saviour back up, “Even if you had the energy,” Claria started, “The jungle is a dangerous place at night.” Davud nodded and revealed teeth marks on his arm. “We should at least sleep on it.” Claria continued, now holding Saviour in a sexual manner.

Saviour smiled, “Very well then,” he began still catching his breath, “We’ll leave tomorrow morning.” Davud nodded and Claria smiled. “Come on then, Hun.” Claria whispered to Saviour, “Let’s head up to our room.” Saviour looked at Claria, she was smiling and her eyes were twinkling. “But what about Dav…” he began before seeing Davud had set himself for sleep by the Village Outpost.

Saviour chuckled to himself before Claria tugged on his arm to lead Saviour to back to the room in which Claria had been staying in while he had been in Zulco’s medicine room. Saviour knew that this was going to be his last night in the elven village.