Status: Final Chapter is complete and up!

The Saviour & the Scourge of Holy Mountain

Chapter 6

In a snowy mountain peck, inside a carven dug in the side of rocks, a fire burnt brightly, snapping and popping every few seconds. A hooded man sat with his back facing the flames. He sat there, quietly, with a mug of hot tea in his right hand. A lady walked into the cave, with her hand wrapped around her arm whiles holding onto a gold chained amulet.
“Master,” she began, “I have got what you asked for, and it’s contained in this amulet.” She took her hand off the bandage wrapped around her arm and offered the amulet to the man. He didn’t move, he took a drink from his mug. “What exactly do you plan to use these for, my lord?” She then asked. Again, he said nothing as his placed his mug on the ground.
“Is there something wrong, my lord?” she then asked as she knelt down next to the man. “Yes, Valentine,” the man finally said, his voice sounded sore, like it was infected, “There is… something wrong.” He then suddenly got up and walked towards the entrance of the carven, he grabbed onto another hooded man and whispered to him “Private meeting, Templar.” And pushed the man backwards into the snow.

Saviour fell backwards into the snow to then wake up in a white, soft, silky bed with Claria on his left, still asleep. He put his hand to his head in pain; it felt like a stone miner had whacked him on the crowd of his head. He climbed out of the bed’s netting and walked outside onto the treetop platforms. He lent on the rope fence around the walkway as he watched the sun rise over the treetops and the elven villagers were preparing for morning market.

But many thoughts and questions were running around in Saviour’s mind. Who is that man? Why did he get Valentine to take his powers? How did he even convince Valentine to help him in the first place? Where is located? And what is his next target? One thing he was sure of, Archmage Salmir would have some answers, he is the most intelligent elf on the world for all he knew.

“Saviour? Are you ok?” Claria asked sleepily, leaning on the doorframe of the tree house, “What you looking at?” He turned around to Claria and smiled a little, “I was just… watching the sunrise.” He replied in a sadden voice as he turned back around. Claria walked up to him a slipped under his arm so they were cuddling. “That’s not true,” she responded, “You can tell me. You trust me, don’t you?” Saviour looked at her and smiled a little bigger this time. “Of course I do,” he answered as he placed his lips on hers and kissed her, “But I want to save my problem till I see the Archmage.” He then carried on, “He has answers I need.”

Claria nodded, and they both carried on looking at the sunrise finish rising. The village horn blew. “We should get going.” Claria suggested, and Saviour nodded. They walked back into the hut to collect belongings. They packed their gifts into large leather bags collected their weaponry at the front door to the ground floor. Saviour and Claria exited out of the tree base and began walking to the watchtower that Davud had been sleeping at, only to be stopped half way by a bunch of villagers with extra supplies for them.

Two priests were the first to hand them some extra supplies, a brown bag with a golden drawstring containing bandages and medicines. “The potions can cure almost anything,” one priest said, “jungle poisoning to frostbite.” The other priest nodded in agreement. “Thank you,” Saviour said as he did the Galeran Knight’s salute, the priest bowed and stepped back as a small family then offered another bag, this bag was a lighter colour than the priests bag.

A strong smell was coming from the bag; it’s smelt really delicious. “Mmmm… what’s in the bag? It smells so nice.” Claria asked as she opened the bag for a peak. “Oh, it’s just some sandwiches my wife made for you guys, food supplies for your long journey.” The husband said as his wife smiled in shyness. “Well thank you,” Claria responded, “We are most graceful.” A little girl then appeared, tugging on Claria’s ponytail. “Excess me? Miss Claria?” the girl asked in her squeaky voice, “but are you and Mr Saviour married?” Claria and Saviour looked at each other a laughed a little. “No, we’re not married,” Claria told the girl, kneeling down to her, “but we are together like a couple.”

“Well, I have a small present form you.” The girl said as she reached into her pocket and pulled out a strange flower. Claria giggled as she knew what the flower was, Saviour didn’t have a clue on what the flower was. “What is it?” Saviour asked, Claria turned to Saviour and smiled, “It’s a Heartbulb flower.” Claria answered, Saviour was still confused. “If two people are destined for each other,” the little girl began explaining, “The flower will turn white and smell of summer fruits.” The girl paused, as she tired to remember the rest, “But… if the couple are not destined for each other, the flower will die.”

“Is that like, some sort of lucky charm saying?” Saviour asked. “Of course not!” Zulco said aloud as he walked up to them, “Heartbulbs do as they say on the petal, so to say. It’s the reason why the couple who made your food supplies for you are together.” Saviour chuckled, “Come on, lets try it out.” Claria whispered to Saviour. “We can’t, Davud is waiting for us.” Saviour answered as he waved at Davud, signalling him to get ready. Davud nodded and picked up a large backpack that was given to him. “Zulco,” Saviour then said, “thank you, for all you did.” Zulco chuckled and bowed as Saviour saluted to him, Claria attached the Heartbulb flower to her hair and they both met up with Davud and some Elven Rangers.

An hours after leaving the village, the trio had walked a few miles towards the elven lake, the Elven Rangers followed them from above in the trees, in case of any attacks from wild animals, or worse, Valentine’s squad of undead. They appeared at the lake’s edge, the lake had a mystical look about it, a strange purple mist hovered over the still blue waters and a number of fireflies would occasionally been visible in the mist. To the trio’s east was a small fishing dock, “That’s where you’ll get your boat.” One of the elven rangers stated, “We’ll come with you to talk to the man there, some say he’s a little crazy.” Saviour nodded and they made their way to the dock.

An old elf was standing outside a hut on the dock, un-hanging fish from a net he recently fished with. He heard the party walking up on the dock. “I’ve already sent my cargo to the village.” He stated, not looking at them. “We’re not here for fish, old man.” Saviour stated. “We were wondering, could we borrow one of your boats?” Claria asked. “Borrow one of my boats?” the old man questioned, “Why would I let you…” he turned around to look at them and his eyes turned straight to Davud in shock. “YOU AGAIN!” he shouted as he grabbed a nearby harpoon. “YOU’RE GOING NO WHERE NEAR MY BOATS THIS TIME, BEAST!”

The old man started trusting the harpoon at Davud, Davud started moving back, but Saviour pulled out his pole-arm and blocked the old man’s next swing of his harpoon. “Davud is not a threat sir. He’s one of my friends, and I don’t find it friendly that you’re pointing your harpoon at him.” The elven rangers then took hold of the harpoon and took the old man to one side to explain some things. “Saviour.” Davud called out, Saviour turned to him, “Davud, Saviour’s, friend?” he asked. “Of course Davud. You are my friend.” Saviour replied “You’ve defended me in the past against Valentine, I’m just trying to repay the kindness.”

Saviour could see that Davud was trying to smile Saviour just chuckled. “Ok, the dock owner said use boat three.” One of the rangers told the trio, “He says that will hold the weight of all three of you.” Saviour gave the Galeran salute to the ranger and the trio began a long journey across the lake to find the Archmage’s island. Two hours into the boat trip, and Davud had been rowing since they left the dock, but was not tired from rowing. Claria had fallen asleep in Saviour’s arm and Saviour was looking out into the mist. His dream was still annoying him, he was trying to relate it to the last time he saw that man. “He’s voice was sore and much deeper this time, why?” Saviour asked in his head, He just couldn’t put his mind on it, just not one bit.

Saviour looked forwards and saw a banking coming up. “Davud, I think we’re here.” He pointed out to Davud. Davud looked behind him and replied, “Yes. Master’s, land, here.” Davud rowed abit harder, and landed to boat on the edge, waking Claria up. She lifted her head wiping her eyes, “Huh? What? Where are we?” she asked softly. “We at Archmage Salmir’s tower.” Saviour answered as he climbed out of the boat, but the island was bare. No trees, no rocks, and no tower. “Where is it?” Saviour asked Davud, “Are we on the wrong island?” asked Claria. Davud replied with “Cloaked.”

Davud then took off his shield and reached inside a pocket on the inside of the shield and pulled out 3 crystals, the crystals marbled between blue and purple gems and appeared that the colours were swirling around inside them. Davud gave both Saviour and Claria a crystal and began speaking in a strange dialect, a mix of elven and minotaur vocabulary. The gems began to glow and hum with a charming tune and then, right in front of them, a tall tower began to appear from nowhere.

Claria and Saviour stood there in amazement. Archmage Salmir had found a cloaking spell. “That’s amazing, Davud.” Saviour told Davud, “But if it was cloaked, how did the scourge discover it?” Davud said nothing as he unlocked the tower door and walked into the tower, Saviour and Claria followed, pass the doorway which had a several locks and enchants, Saviour was puzzled, but not for long. They entered the tower to find it in a complete mess. Bookshelves, scroll cabinets and broken vials scattered the floor, in the center a giant hole with claw markings around it. “That examples how they got in.” Savour thought out loud, and Davud nodded.

A stack of cages blocked the stairways up. Davud started moving some of them so Saviour and Claria could pass, then closed it up again and climbed over. They began walking up the staircase, passing pictures of a high elf. Saviour could tell it was Archmage Salmir, for he remembered the message he sent the outpost. As they came near the top of the stairs, and voice echoed in the tower. “Davud? Is that you? Why have you returned so soon?” And at the top of the stairs, an elven man wearing blood red robes waiting at there.

“My goodness!” the elf said ever so politely, “Can it be? The Saviour? In my household?” Saviour bowed and the elf chuckled, “Please, Saviour. Don’t bow to me. If anything, I should be bowing to you, the Guardian of Galeran.” Saviour smiled and nodded, “But it’s quiet a pleasure to meet you, Archmage Salmir.” Saviour then said. “Please, my friend, just call me Salmir,” the elf responded, “please, step into my study, Davud was about to boil the kettle, wasn’t you?” Salmir stared at Davud and Davud waited into the room.

Saviour, Claria and Salmir followed in, the study also a mess but not as much as at the bottom of the tower. “You’ll have to forgive me for the state of my study,” Salmir began explaining, “I was not expecting your company so soon. Of course, the last company I had in my tower of those blasted undead.” Davud then appeared carrying a tray of tea, biscuits, cups and saucers. “Do you drink tea, Saviour?” Salmir asked, “I have never tried.” Saviour replied. Salmir nodded in a pondering state and began to sweep items off his desk to make room for the tray. Davud laid the tray on the desk and stood aside.

“Now then,” Salmir began has he sat down at his desk ad magically pulling out chairs for Saviour and Claria, “Davud said you was coming to my humble home, but he never said why.” Salmir began to lift the kettle up with his amazing telekinesis abilities and poured out the tea, “So, what brings you, and your friend, to these parts of the jungle, Saviour?” he then asked as he moved the tea to Saviour and Claria. Saviour reached into his robes and pulled out the necklace that he got from the outpost, he threw it to Salmir and he examined it.

“Ah… yes, my insignia necklace…” Salmir thought out loud, “The outpost sent you did they? Magnificent!” Salmir then opened a draw in his desk and took out a plain book, so it seemed. He placed it on the desk, facing Saviour, the hard back book was wrapped in a dark brown leather, a dark brown that could be mistaken for black, it was held onto the cover by brass corner pieces and a red rope was threaded through the spine of the book. “This book contains many of the world’s most demonic secrets,” Salmir began, “Summoning demonic armies, mind controlling angels, but most corrupt…” he then flicked the pages open to the page marked Chapter Twelve, Saviour read the first paragraph, “Reanimation?” Saviour asked in shock.

Salmir nodded as he got up and walked to the window and looked out towards the mountain range. “In that chapter, there is a section on how to control reanimated corpses,” he began stated, “perhaps you should read up on it.” Saviour took hold of the book and started reading it. Claria got bored, she wasn’t enjoying the taste of tea, but something grabbed her eye, a strange glowing orb, floating between two leafless trees. She got up and walked over to it, it was giving off a strange blue glow and looked like water, an urge came to her to touch it.

“It may very well end this army of Mih’han” Salmir continued. “Mih’han?” Saviour asked as he joined Salmir at the window. Salmir nodded and pointed to the mountain range, “Dark Lord Mih’han hides in the Holy Mountains, a strange aura is pulsing out of there, which he uses to command his army and wreck havoc in the jungle.” Salmir explained, Saviour pondered. “Then why does he need my abilities?” he asked out loud.

“What? He has your abilities?”
“Yes, his assistance was commanded to get them from me.”
“This is bad news, for all of us!”
“What do you mean?”

“How do you know this, Saviour?” Salmir questioned, “I see him in my dreams, ever event that involves him and his assistance.” Saviour responded. “This is not good.” Salmir began, “with your powers, he could very well shake the foundation of this world…” he suddenly turned to Claria and shouted “AND DON’T TOUCH THAT!” Claria jumped in shock and the orb fell to the floor, smashing making a puddle in the studies carpet.

Claria turned to Salmir, “I’m sorry, Mr Salmir, sir!” she said begging at his feet. Salmir walked up to her and prepared to slap her across the face. Saviour quickly grabbed onto his arm, “You dare lay a finger on her…” he began through the grit of his teeth, “You care for this jungle mongrel?” Salmir asked. Saviour, Claria and Davud all had a déjà vu moment, “Valentine said the same thing,” Saviour stated, “when she took a copy of my abilities.” Salmir was shocked, “No… I can’t believe…” he kept saying as he walked back to his desk, “I WON’T BELIEVE IT! SHE’D NEVER DO SUCH A THING!”

He pulled out a picture frame of him with a female elf and showed it to Saviour. Something was familiar about the woman, her hair and her body. “Valentine… is my sister.” Salmir explained, “Mih’han had tried to invade my home before, Valentine helped defend off some of the scourge that appeared,” he paused has he wiped a tear from his eye, “but she got hit in the back of her head, and was dragged out thought that tunnel. I never saw her again.” Salmir took back the picture and looked at it for good memories, but turned his face away as he threw it and set it on fire in midair. “Valentine has revised that section of the book, Saviour.” He carried on, “but her powers are weak, undead minds are easier to control. Whatever Mih’han did to get Valentine, it must have been very good.”

Salmir then got up and faces to window again; he knew he had to make a difficult choice. “Saviour, Jungle Elf. The task is simple. Kill Valentine, and Dark Lord Mih’han. It’s the only way you’re going to save, not only this jungle, but the entire world!” “Salmir, may I ask for one thing?” Saviour asked, Salmir turned to him, curious on what Saviour will ask him. “If possible, I’d like Davud to join us in our quest.” Salmir laughed, “What a silly question!” he then said, “Davud can’t join you. He is sworn to protect me and my research, I’m his father and I need to…”
“Davud, Go.”
“Davud? What are you…?”
“Saviour, Friend.”
“Davud, you’ll be breaking your commands, and I order you to…”
“Davud, Take Leave.”

Davud then walked out of the study, “Come back here, you stupid beast!” Salmir started yelling as he ran to get him back, but Saviour stopped him in his path. “We all need freedom from rules and orders, Archmage.” Saviour began, “Isn’t it the reason you’re researching here, and not in Galeran? Davud realised his time for freedom, but why don’t you?” And from there, Saviour and Claria began to catch up with Davud down the stairway.

“He’s apart of you now, Saviour.” Salmir’s voice echoed, Saviour looked up to see Salmir at the top shouting down. “Who? Davud?” he asked jokily. “Mih’han has your power, he will try to keep entering dreams until one of you defeats the other.” Salmir replied, “Save the world your three, it’s now your destiny! Head to the North East of the lake to the Holy Mountains, find Valentine and Mih’han, kill him both and find the source of the aura!” The trio understood their mission, and boarded the boat and began another long journey across the lake to the Holy Mountains, where the final battle should be held.