Status: Final Chapter is complete and up!

The Saviour & the Scourge of Holy Mountain

Chapter 7

An up-roar had begun inside Galeran’s Halls of Ruling. The different council parties of elves and humans shouted across to one another at the council’s table, disagreeing and suggesting better ideas that the other. This was normal for the Galeran council but this argument had lasted for four days without a clear point and some fights had to be stopped but the royal guards.

“We say, we defend ourselves by collecting enough magic to cover Galeran with a huge, impregnable shield to stop this invasion!” An elf in blue robes shouted.
“No you pale skinned ghoul! We need to fight them head on!” A human in a red suit responded loudly, “We have the best metal and soldiers to last months!”
“What about our families?!” a human in the back shouted into the council. “Surely we can protect by keeping them underground!”

“Those mindless corpses can dig underground!” an elf at of the table shouted back, “So keeping our families underground and that magic shield will do nothing!”
“SILENTS!” A man shouted, echoing through the hall. The council quieten down as the King walked to his chair, “Normally I’m use to this arguing by this is ridicules!” He continued as he sat down. He colourful robes and seal of Galeran seemed bright in the sunlight heading through the hall’s windows, but his golden crown sparkled the most upon his mid-aged body. The council bowed to him and remained silent.

“This scourge threat is not something to fear my people,” he stated in a relaxed voice, “Though it is true we must prepare for a battle of epic proportion, I trust that The Saviour will return will good…”

“We don’t even know if he’s still alive!” A human in green interrupted, which then started the council’s arguing again. His highness got up and prepared to silent his council, until an eagle’s scream was heard. The council stopped talking and heard the scream getting louder and louder.

“What is it?” someone asked, “the cry of war?” everyone started to mumble. Then, a red phoenix flew threw an open window circling the council before landing softly in front of the king. The council continued to mumble. The phoenix looked at the king and bowed it’s neck, the king smiled at the bird until he noticed the phoenix wasn’t bowing, but pointing to a quite large red orb attached to it’s leg.

“Guard, untangle that orb on this bird.” The King ordered as a royal guard walked up and unwrapped the chain. The phoenix hopped to one side after the orb was taken off its foot, gave its final scream and flew out of the hall. All eyes then drew to the orb, who had sent it? How did that bird carry it? And other questions not related to it.

The king picked it up in one hand to examine it, but then it began to glow. “It’s a bomb!” Someone shouted and everyone began to scream. One of the guards bated the orb out of the king’s hand and it flew on the table, smashing it. A red fog began to appear and form of an elven figure.

“To: Galeran Council. Subject: News You Might Want.” Archmage Salmir’s voice began, “Your highness and council, I have much news to discuss to you all. Where I am, what I’ve been doing and were-about of your hero, Saviour.”
“Archmage Salmir?” the king asked, ”I thought you was…”

“May I please add, “Salmir continued, “That this is a pre-recorded message and cannot answer any questions. I will tell you everything I can of what I know.”
The entire council and his majesty sat in silent as Salmir began his stories to them. His stories lasted until sunset but the council had heard everything they needed to know. The image of Salmir then bowed to the King and faded back to smoke. The king sat back in his chair, running his fingers down his beard, pondering the situation.

“Mih’han… I haven’t that name in a long time…” he said to himself, “I pray to the stars that Saviour can get to him before he gets to us.”

Meanwhile, the trio had arrived at the icy shores of the artic land north of the elven jungle. Saviour jumped out of the small boat first with rope in hand and tied up the boat to a rock poking out the shore’s bed. Davud began to chuck the trio’s packs out of the boat followed by him, as Davud landed on the snow covered ground, he shuck the ground which cracked the ice around the boat, Saviour took advantage of it and pulled the boat closer for Claria.

Saviour peered into the boat to see Claria had crawled up to the end of the bed curled up and covering herself in whatever cloth was available. Saviour jumped back into the boat and crouched down next to her.

“Claria, what’s wrong?” he asked her as he tried to look at her face, he reached his hand towards her shoulder.
“Th… Th… There’s nothing w… wrong!” Claria responded through chilled lips. “W… Why don’t you and Davud go up a h… head? Yeah! Th… that’s a g… good idea.”
“You know I can’t leave you by yourself, Claria.”
“Su… sure you can. I’d only sl… slow you down.”

“Claria. I need you with me you know I do. I cannot stop Mih’han without you.”
Claria then looked up at Saviour with her frosted eyelashes and blue cheeks. Saviour crawled up to Claria and cuddled her whiles kissing her softly. Saviour’s warm lips brought a heated feeling into Claria’s heart, and then the rest of her body.

“Do you really think that way, Saviour?” Claria asked him after he finished kissing her.
“Love is a strange emotion,” Saviour replied whiles grabbing some fur, silk, a needle and string, “When you find it, it can give you strength, intelligent and confidents. If you can work out what makes it tick, you’ll never let it go.” Claria smiled shyly and looked over at what Saviour was making. A few minutes later Claria jumped out of the boat, landing softly on the snow wearing a clock that covered her whole body and disguised her into the snow. Everyone grabbed there bags and begin their snow trek to Holy Mountain.

Hours past and the trio found themselves at the foot of a large glacier, as they looked up it, they could not see the top and all agreed it would be too dangerous to climb.

“Let’s check further along it. Maybe we’ll find a smaller edge of it.” Saviour suggested. Davud and Claria nodded and began to follow Saviour along the glacier. Further and further down they walk, and the glacier was not changing its height. They stopped at a dug-in as a mini blizzard started to blow past. Saviour and Claria cuddled up inside Claria’s clock whiles Davud began empting his backpack and collected up a couple of large iron fishing hooks and a rather long piece of rope.

Saviour knew what Davud was doing; he was making a grappling hook so they could climb the glacier easier. The blizzard began to charm down to a light sprinkle of snowflakes that amazed Claria making her feel young in a way. Saviour offered his help with throwing the grappling hook, Davud nodded and handed him the rope.
“Stand clear, friends.” Saviour stated as he began to spin the hook faster and faster until he thought it would reach the top. He let go and watched as it flew up into the clouds and then seconds later come crashing into the ground. He tried again with a bit more strength but again it fell to the ground. Saviour had two more tries before Davud took the grappling hook off him and threw it up himself. This time the rope didn’t fall back down and after Davud gave a sharp tug on the rope, he began climbing up the glacier.

“Beginner’s luck.” Saviour mumbled in cold breath as he climbed up after Claria. It took them several minutes to climb up the glacier, a little more due to the occasional slips Claria had, but they managed to reach the top. Saviour looked back down the glacier but saw nothing but grey fog towards the horizon. The trio continued to walk north until they appeared to be walking down the main street of an abandoned village that was partly covered in snow or burnt.

“I can sense another blizzard coming,” Saviour stated, “Lets get inside one of the buildings till it’s past. The others nodded. Davud went towards a building’s door and bragged it open; the room in which he entered was still in one piece but was rather cold. Saviour and Claria rushed into the building as the wind began to pick up and sheltered from the oncoming blizzard.

A few hours past, and the blizzard still blew throw the abandon village with force. The trio had started a fire in the fireplace that was still in one piece, the embers were only glowing but still allowing a warm heat to cover the room. Davud had fell a sleep on the door to keep the blizzard from opening it whiles Claria and Saviour were snuggled together under Claria’s cloak. But Saviour was twitching a lot; something in his dream must be bothering him.

In Saviour’s dream, Saviour had appeared inside a silvered domed area, with grey clouds falling from the top like a dry ice waterfall and white sparkles that appeared now and then everywhere. Saviour looked around in curiosity, he remembered what Salmir had said to him earlier, about Mih’han being able to get in his dreams. He then noticed a strange man’s figure in the distance.

“Mih’han!” Saviour shouted as he ran towards him, he then suddenly hit an invisible wall. Mih’han began to chuckle under his breath.
“Hello there, Templar,” Mih’han responded, slowly walking around Saviour, “It’s so nice we get to meet again and have a little chat.”
“What do you mean old man?” Saviour asked as he got up straightening himself.
“Old?” Mih’han responded, “Ha! With these powers you have, kindly offered, I’m now as young as you think.”
“Just tell me what you’re planning to do Mih’han! Is it for power? Wealth?” Saviour questioned trying to break through the invisible wall.
“I’m just finishing a job, Templar.” Mih’han responded, “A job that involved snuffing out the light of this world, permanently!”

Saviour then punched the invisible wall as Mih’han began to walk away. He then used his holy lighting upon it, which shattered the wall and then ran straight to Mih’han, diving on top of him pushing him to the ground.
“I’m going to settle this now, Mih’han. Here and now!” Saviour whispered in Mih’han’s ear, pointing his fingers at his neck, ready to charge another bolt of holy lighting.
“Why waste breath?” Mih’han responded, “There will be a better time.” He then turned his head towards Saviour. “Besides, you need to wake up. That elf girl is here.” Saviour suddenly heard a snap and woke up shouting “Valentine!”

Valentine had appeared in the abandoned town, along with her squadron of scourge. Her moved her blonde hair from her eyes and peered into the distance of the town but saw nothing.

“You promised there was new slaves for the master, boys.” She said as she turned to look at them, “Where is it?” the reanimation corpses looked at each other silently until one of them tugged on Valentine’s silk covers and pointing into the fog. Valentine turned to where the corpse was pointing to see a figure walking towards them. Valentine smiled to herself.

“Fresh meat, boys.” She said aloud, she turned back to the other corpses, “well? Don’t just stand there!” the squad then began to burrow under snow and hide. Valentine and two other corpses began to walk towards the center and as the figure came closer and closer, Valentine began to look puzzled; the figure began to look like someone she had already took care of weeks before. The man stopped in shock when he saw Valentine.

“Who… Who are you?!” What are they?!” The hooded monk asked, scared at the site of the corpses. Valentine laughed.
“Oh there’s nothing to be worried about.” Valentine responded, “They won’t bite unless I say. Tell me monk,” she continued as she turned away to clean her fingernails, “Why are you here?”

“I’m here looking for something,” the monk responded, “A necklace with a red gem in it.” Valentine stopped suddenly, she realised why he looked familiar.
“Who sent you?!” Valentine questioned in her strictest of voices. “Was it an elf girl and a blue creature?” the monk fell over as Valentine looked him straight in the hood, he nodded and Valentine turned back in a huff.

“You don’t understand, Miss… whoever you are.” The monk began, Valentine turned her head to listen, “Saviour needs that amulet, he doesn’t know anything anymore, and not even how to tie his shoe lays.”
“Does it mean so much for you to get this amulet?” Valentine asked holding out the necklace in her fingers.

“It means so much for a lot of people.” The monk responded. “If I have to beg for it I will.” He began to get onto his knees
“Awwww…” Valentine started to show a cute smile, “how did he know I love men who kneel at my feet?” she then began to giggle. “Here, take you stupid amulet.” She threw the amulet towards the monk. “But I don’t see what it will do to help…” Valentine continued until she heard a shattering.

“We still have unfinished business, Valentine!” Saviour stated as he go back on his feet. The amulet sat on the snow shattered in many pieces. The two scourge that was with Valentine charged forwards at Saviour only to be blocked by Davud and Claria who had jumped from the roof of the buildings. Valentine was shocked and angry. She flicked her fingers to summon her squad who surrounded the trio.
“Oh no you don’t!” Saviour began as he opened up the book Archmage Salmir had gave him, “This time we’re making it even.” And began to speak in a mix tongue of human, elven and demonic. The reanimated corpses began to start acting madly, turning against one another and even themselves. Valentine gave out a shocking scream.

“My babies!” she cried out. Saviour stopped quoting the book when only two corpses remained.
“We’re even now,” Saviour said with a smile, “All thanks to your brother.” Valentine looked up at Saviour and drew her sword.
“So that rat gave you the book on corpse rising, big deal! I can still kill you one by one and not even break a fingernail.” Valentine stated heavily. The trio began their charge at Valentine and the remaining of her squad. Davud took on the more armoured scourge while Claria duelled against the thinner and faster one.

Saviour and Valentine battled in anger, as each attack they did was blocked or dodged by the other, with the mirror odd cuts on each other’s arms and legs. Saviour swiped Valentine at her feet, but then she back flipped towards some barrels. Thinking on her toes, she threw one of the barrels at Saviour as he charged towards her and fell to the floor. She then dived on top of him showing her evil smile and corrupted purple eyes.

She then chuckled and planted a kiss on Saviour’s lips and whispered, “I’ll miss this pretty face.” Only to then feel two daggers under her neck.
“Find your own Saviour!” Claria said loudly as she slit Valentine’s throat. Blood split all over Saviour’s robes and onto the snow, and all of the corpses that were controlled by Valentine began to crumble to dust. Davud pulled Valentine’s corpse off of Saviour and helped both Saviour and Claria up. Saviour walked over to a wall and sat back down, pulled out some bandages.

“We did good today,” Claria stated while sitting next to Saviour to hug him, “we achieved what the Archmage wanted.” Davud and Saviour looked at each other.
“We’ve not even started,” Saviour then responded, finishing up and some bandages on his legs “We still need to climb the Holy Mountain.” He pointed to the summit. Claria looked towards the mountain and then at Valentine.

“What should we do with her?” She asked, “Burn, Elf.” Davud suggested, Saviour shuck his head. “Let her be.” He then stated and straighten Valentine’s rag dolled corpse and laid her sword in her hands. As the snow began to cover Valentine, The trio began to walk north again towards Holy Mountain and prepared for the final assault on Dark Lord Mih’han.