Give Them All That They Can Drink & It Will Never Be Enough

Well They Encourage All Complete Cooperation

Jareth Mac Cionaoith slicked his hair back in the rain as he sat atop his stallion. He had become frustrated with Jeremy... again. Jeremy was his twin brother, although the two had nothing but their looks in common. When Jareth became frustrated with the stubborn little brat, he would take walks outside or ride his horse.

On this fateful night it was raining, how typical. He smirked to himself and kept his horse at a light trot. Terri had tried to stop him from going out into the dark because of what everyone in that house knew was out here. Vampires. Jareth was currently sharing the house with five humans. Terri, Jeremy, Allia, Luc, and Gwyn.
The ironic thing was that he, himself, was a vampire. Somehow he had been duped into being on the good guys side and was now fighting his creator, Mira. Jareth sighed again. Too much for his brain.

Jareth turned his horse around so he would start heading home. He felt cooled off. Well, that was a lie. He had no feeling. He was dead. He felt calmed.
Slowing his horse, Jareth noticed two girls walking in the rain. One cloaked and the other just in a bunny hug. He frowned slightly. Cloaked? Wasn't it like... the 21st century? Not that he should be talking, he had been alive before cloaks had been in style.
He jumped off if his horse when he regcognized the blond hair spilling onto those perfect shoulders.

"Mira!" he yelled, grabbing her shoulder. Mira turned around gracefully, her beauty, like always, was impeccable. She smiled lightly.

"Jareth Dear, I didn't hear you." Mira crooned, that horrible smile dancing on her lips. The young girl with her turned, looking lost and confused.

Rheanna didn't remember much. One minute she was riding down the rainy highway on her motorcycle, heading for New York, the next she was walking alongside this amazingly beautiful women in a field. The woman had said her name was Mira. She wore a gorgeous gown and a cloak and had said she worked for a tourist attraction nearby. Made sense... she hoped.
Rhe rubbed her neck slightly. It had been aching oddly ever since she had met Mira, but she thought nothing of it.

Jareth glared at Mira.

"What are you doing?" He glanced over his shoulder, expecting a wave of her minions. Nothing.

"I'm escorting this poor girl out of the rain, Jareth. Can't you see?" Mira smirked. She had spotted the girl on the side of the road with her bike. It had blown a tire. How tragic. The girl was beautiful and thought she'd bring her home for her and Lora to share. Lora and Mira had been lovers since the 12th century and were still happy.
The girl's name was Rheanna. She was a smaller thing with short, choppy blond hair and glassy blue eyes. Lora's favourite.

Jareth grabbed Rhe's arm.

"Come on." He said, not wanting to explain. Not wanting to know why he was helping this poor human girl. Jeremy was getting to him. Rhe didn't fight him as she was a little too confused and felt groggy.

Mira smirked.

"If you wanted a midnight snack and were too lazy to fetch your own, I understand. Have her." Mira pushed the girl into Jareth. He caught Rhe gently and looked at the soaked girl. Her hood fell from the push, revealing the bite marks on her neck. Still bleeding.
Jareth's eyes fluttered a touch at the smell of human blood. It had been so long... No. He would get her back and they'd be fine.
Mira smirked.

"Oh come now. You know you would love some..." Mira held out a bloodied palm and smirked. The rain beat against her palm, washing the blood away slowly. Jareth watched it fall to the earth. He wouldn't tell the others. He wouldn't say he had any. He could hear Mira's voice in his head, talking to him. Crooning. Telling him it was alright. It was alright. He didn't realize what he was doing till he heard Rheanna scream out. It soon swept past him though as the blood flowed into his mouth.

Rheanna woke up a few minutes later, huddled on the cold, wet grass. What had happened now? Where was the beautiful woman? She sat up shakily to so Jareth standing by his horse. He glared down at her.

"Come on. You're coming back with me." He hissed, obviously not in a good mood. Rhe stood up awkwardly, stumbling every now and then. She wanted to run but just couldn't bring herself to do it. She was cold, lost, hungry and her neck hurt like a bitch. She nodded bleakly and let him pull her onto the horse.

Jareth held her waist tightly as they headed back to the house. What would he tell them? That he had no control over himself? He was dangerous to be around? How would they explain this to the poor girl? Jareth sighed and slicked his hair back again in the rain. It had lightened at least. He put away the stallion and led the dazed and weak girl to the cottage. Opening the door quietly, he entered, praying everyone would be either in bed or in any room but this.