*** at Band Camp

Jealous Flag Twirler

This is my tale on how I made it through my third year of band camp. It's a miracle that any of us made it out alive. Unfortunately some students weren't as lucky as others. The band director used to say, "Not that many freshmen live through their first band camp." Too bad his joke became reality this year.

It started a few years back when Julie, a wannabe flautist, didn't make band. After that her and her twin sister, Tanya, tried out for color guard together. Tanya and Julie did everything together, but Tanya didn't make it. Although Julie had a troublesome time dealing with the fact that her and her other half were separated from each other, she wanted to get back at the band director. She didn't quit guard because of the fact that she was going to get back at the director one way or another.

After planning that she would take out as many of the newbies and others at camp before she gets caught, she would talk to the upperclassmen about her plan. Thinking that she was yanking their chains, they went along with what she was saying. She would ask them what year they think that she should get revenge, and yet again thinking she was joking, went along with it. They told her that her third year would be the best to get back at him, and she took it to heart.

She perfected her flag twirling and was top dog, but still no one had believed what she said. When the third year for Julie and I came around, most of the seniors were joking around about it. Soon we would be going to band camp, and Julie would be firing up her plan. Although most of the upperclassmen didn't believe her, some of the u.c.m. saw that glimmer of truth in her eyes as she spoke of what she was planning. Those who saw that glimmer were worried.

When it came to pack the truck and the buses, everyone was on end. Not just because of Julie, but because of the aura around her. We got the truck loaded, seated in the buses, roll called twice, and went over the rules of the camp. We were on the road. I ended up sitting next to Julie and she kept staring at me. The whole way to the mall two towns north of where the school is, her eyes were glued to me.

We got to th mall and they told us to meet them at the front doors no later than 2:45. It was a go. Julie was the first person off of the bus, but nobody seemed to care. This time we didn't have to use the buddy system, and all were grateful. Who likes walking around the mall with someone stuck up their rear? Although we didn't have to use the buddy system, groups of band members walking around the mall together. Friends. Some in the food court, others walking, others shopping.

My group was in 'Hot Topic' looking at C.D.s and T-shirts and zip-up hoodies, and some were looking at posters.Me, I was at the C.D.s most of the time. When I wasn't looking at C.D.s, I checked out the 'Tripp pants' and guitar picks. We got what we needed, well more like wanted, and headed off to the food court. We split up to go to the different restaurants, and then met back up at the table. Kris was missing, where did she go?

I go up to one of the adults on the trip with us and tell her that Kris is gone, "She's probably with other friends." She said wiping he mouth and taking a sip of her drink. "Don't worry about her, she'll show up soon, it's almost 2:30. Hurry up and eat." She continued picking up her trash to throw away.

No help. Kris was and out cast, the only friends she had was the flute section and her girlfriend. At 2:43, the gang and I throw away our trash and head to the front. There's Julie, sitting on a bench, reading a book. Julie wasn't seen at all while here at the mall, we didn't see her in the food court, 'Hot Topic', or in the book store.

The reason the gang and I had stopped by the book store is to see if they have any new books that I may be interested in. I'm the only one who likes to read in our group, but when one person goes somewhere, we all go. We get on the bus and they check roll a few times, and we head off. I didn't ride the same bus as Kris, so I don't know if she was there or not, but I didn't think so.
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here's chapter 1. tell me whatcha think