*** at Band Camp

End of chapter one

After the cops and everybody else leave, the adults call us into the lobby to explain to thoes who are clueless what just happened. Most of the girls that knew her were crying, although some of the guys that knew her were just tearing up. With others, though, if you look closely at some of the others, they were shaking, keeping the tears in, not wanting to show weakness.

Some looked angry, others bewildered. Most sad.

Shane gets up and runs out of the room, nobody stopped him. I got up and followed him. I don't know what I was going to do when I got to him, but i had to do something.No I didn't want to do something, I needed to. Something was wrong with Shane and I needed to find out.

Shane storms out the door and stops a few steps later. I slowly slip through the door, not trying to upset him anymore. I take a step forward and he turned around. He was crying. I've never seen a guy cry like this. This wasn't just him crying because he felt remourse for the family, he was crying because he was in pain. Why was this guy, the strongest person at band camp, breaking down so easily? Why have two girls gone missing, just to find out that one is dead, and the other is most likely in the same position as the first?

I walk the last few steps towards him, lift my hands, and gently wipe the tears from under neath his eyes. I cock my head to the side, curious. He notices my look, "She was my half-sister. I didn't know her, but I was in charge of her, and now look. I'm such a good brother! She wouldn't do this. Just from the time that I have known her, I could tell. In sectional, we got to know each other, and she told us she would never committ suicide or think about it, but that she feels for the families who's children have committed, or even attempted. She wouldn't do that, its not her. Someone killed my little sister, and nobody cares. Why doesn't any body care!" He says as he turns and paces.

On his way towards me, I grab his shoulder and turn him to face me. "When did you find out that she was your half-sister?" He gestures to the ground, and we sit. "Well, earlier on break, I called my mom, and she told me to call my dad. You see, my parents are divorced, and Dad remarried, and he knocked her up and they were having a new baby. Well Dad and his wife haven't came to see me in years. Dad said he would, but Mom said that if he comes on her yard, or anywhere near me, she would press charges. He never came.

"Dad told me that one day I would meet my new sibbling. That I would know them. Well tonight, when I called him, he told me that I had probably already met her, that she was in band too. That she plays clarinet. He still doesn't know that I play clarinet. Dont ask. Well, he told me her name was Nessa, and since there was only one Nessa here..." He trailed off. He shook his head and continued, "Dad asked me to keep an eye out for his little angel. His words exactly. I told him I would, and that I have met her, and everything. I told him that i would also call him with regular updates on how Nessa's doing, since she never called them. Now I have to call my father back and tell him that I let his 'little angel' get killed. How am I going to do that? I don't think I can!"

By now, there are kids in blankets around us with candels. It was a little chilly and very dark outside. You could hear the sniffling from the crying band members. It was too dark to see who was male and who female. By the end of the story, I was in tears. I honestly don't know why, but I think it's because of the fact that Shane, the guy i have been majorly crushing on for the past few years and still get nervous around him, is beating himself up over the loss of his half-sister, and he didn't even know about it untill just recently.

The adults told us that we still had to march, but nobody had the same energy as before. We just slowly marched aroung the field. Everybody was sluggish for the next few days, and the adults told us that as soon as we got back to the school, we were all going to attend her funeral session. The people from the morgue had postponed that funeral for us to attend. Shane was still beating himself up.
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here's the last post for chapter one. please comment, it is much appreciated.