*** at Band Camp

Two and Counting

The next day was the hardest. especially for Shane. He was beating himself up most of the night. This is what happened.

When he called me from his bunking area, he asked if I would talk, I told him yeah, but we had to go somewhere because the adults couldn't know we were still up and I couldn't wake up my roomies. So, we snuck out to the field, he brought a jacket, and I didn't. He also brought a blanket to sit on. We sat under the moon and talked for a while. He told me how his father bitched him out because he didn't watch Nessa better, and then how he was appologizing when Shane told him that he didn't know who Nessa was untill the phone call, right before it happened.

Shane talked for a while, and I listened. Sometimes its more comforting when you have someone to listen to you instead of talk to you. We slowly walked back to the building still talking, this time me telling him how it's going to be okay, and only time will tell. All that cliche crap. When we made it back we hugged and his face was so close to mine. His scent mixing with mine, lingering in the air, in my mind, and on my clothed.

I went to my 'dorm', he to his. When I got there, there was a small bed-side lamp on, all of the girls were awake. "Where were you?" Michelle said. "The bathroom," I said fibbing. They saw right through it. "For an hour and a half, and just manage to come back from taking an hour and a half leak with Shane McAllister's jacket on?" Chantell said, trying to be serious, the two girls stiffling a giggle.

"Do you like him?" Julie says
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here is the beginning of chapter two