*** at Band Camp


The two other girls plus I gasp. We had barely ever heard Julie talk. She always had her nose stuck in her books. "What? I talk. I just don't talk about all that band crap like you band nerds do. So do you like him or not?" We were still suprised that Julie of all people would be interested in if I liked Shane or not. Who wouldn't like Shane? Besides a complete idiot.

"I'm not too sure," I said, still in disbelief, not trusting anyone with any of my answers. But the truth is, I'm not all that sure that I do like Shane.

He's cute, funny, very very sweet, and his choice in spray is just amazing. He has the cutest little dimples on the sides of his mouth when he smiles. When he's deep in thought, he screnched up his forehead and he gets this look in his eyes thats pretty much to die for.

"You two would make such an amazing couple," Julie said standing up and going over to her bags. She pulled something out. It wasn't untill she took one out and lit it up that we realized she had gone and gotten a pack of cigarettes. She holds out hewr arm, offering us girls one. I was the only one to accept one. I think that if the other two girls weren't so affraid of her they would have taken a smoke.

We sit there for hours talking about boys and who we like and why. Each time me and Julie would light up a smoke and finish it, she would walk back over to her bag and pull out fabreeze and spray it. All toghether me and Julie smoked half a pack, and Chantell and Michelle shared a few.

Us girls were talking and laughing. "You guys are cool. I guess now I wont need to kill you." we all kind of laughed nurvously. "Kidding, I'm just kidding guys," she said and we ended up laughing a bit too loud. We heard the foot steps coming down the hallway. Michelle and I jumped into bed, since we were on the top bunks.

Chantell turned off the lamp and slid it under the bed as Julie hid her lighter and cigarettes, closed the window and jumped into bed. We were all in bed and quietly breathing heavily, acting asleep, when an adult opened up the door.

Acting on instincts that would probably get me killed later, I slide out of bed. I rub my eyes groggily as Julie rolls over and bumped me, a warning to play it cool or get hurt in the end. "Whats the problem, Ma'am?" I say, brushing my hair out of my face. "I heard some laughing, and I came to see who it was. Were your roommates laughing?"

"Does it look like it?" I say gesturing to my 'sleeping' roomies. "Why are you up?" She asks me, trying to get to the bottom of this whole laughing thing. "I needed to pee, can I go, or do I have to pee myself?" I say being as smart ass as I can be. "Okay." She said walking off into the other direction, I headed off to the bathroom to make my story check out, and because I now needed to go worse than I thought.

When I got back to the room, I called out to see if the other three girls were asleep. No answer. I shrug and go to climb up to my bunk. A hand reaches out and grabs my bare ankle, "Do that again, and your dead." Julie says and lets me go to climb back up and get some sleep. Not that I got that much, the words she said kept floating aroud in my head. Do that and your dead.
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here you go, whatcha think?