*** at Band Camp


The next day Shane didn't ask for his jacket back, he did wait for me and eat breakfast with me though. He even went and fixed me a cup of coffee. I thought it was nice of him to be acting like this, but others were talking about 'us'.There was no 'us' was there? I didn't think there was, but aparently other people do. I think I do like him, and I think I'm hoping he likes me.

He actually smled today. We joked around about stuff, little stupid things, like Mr. Roeder. I really like hanging out with him, also Julie was watching us with a careful eye, a little grin on her face as she saw us having a good time with each other. Does she think this will go far also? I wore his jacket to breakfast and pretty much the whole day, he told me it looks good on me. I liked how he was kind and had manners.

Chantell looked as though she had a ping of jealousy in her eyes. I didn't think too much about it though.We head out to the field and get in roll call. There is another member missing. A sax player. Charlie, as we call her. Nobody knows her real name though, she has always went by Charlie.

I thought something was up, but I couldn't worry about it too much, I had to focus on marching today. It was only the second day of band camp, and Mr. Roeder is riding us hard,
making sure we get the sets right, and if we didn't, he'd make us run laps. 'Building wind,' as he called it.

After we marched for about thirty minutes, we got to take a break, and Shane and I went and sat under a tree to talk some more. We sat there and drank water and talked for about three
minutes and here comes Julie, Chantell, and Michelle, ruining my time to shine. Did I really think that? Was this really my time to shine because I was hanging out with the most popular guy in band? Was I mad at my friends for coming over and hanging out with us also? Did I really like Shane?

The problem with me asking myself these questions is the fact that I cant answer them, or at leasrt not at the moment I cant. I don't want to even think of the quesions until later. "Hey
guys," Chantell says as her, Julie, and Michelle sit down in front of us. "Hey there," Shane says, always being polite, no matter who it is. We sit there and talk about what had
happened to Nessa. Shane, Michelle, Chantell and I were the only ones talking, Julie just sat there listening in to the conversation.

In mid conversation, we are instructed back on the field for more practicing.The day was long, but I still hung out with Shane as long as possible. Some of his buddies were teading with him about his new 'girlfriend' per say, me, as he told me, and I just laughed at it. I thought it was funny that people would never give me the time of day, and now when I'm just hanging out with Shane, I talked about all through band camp, even by the chaps. I was only hanging out with him, right?

I always wondered what it would be like to be with the coolest guy in band, but never did I see this day coming, if that in deed this day was, me being his new girl. I'm not too sure how
he feels about me, but I really would like to know, just to get into his head once, to see if he really likes me or not.

I've never ever been like this for a guy. I'm not sure what 'this' is; but what ever this is, I think, or at least hope, it wont end.
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here it is, a little sappy and girly, but actually have a crush on soeone, and how i feel usually goes into my writin, comment?