
Continuation of Chapter 2... just with more cussin

Who believes in that shit anyways? That’s just some fucked up saying that you only believe when you’re a stupid gullible kid. When you actually think you’re mother will one day love you. When you truly believe your father will walk through the front doors and save you from the lies, the beatings, your own mother.
As Lily got older she realized that none of that crap was coming true and she was left to deal with the weight of the world. Asshole… thought Lily. Sure she liked having her father around but doesn’t mean she can automatically forgot all those wasted fucking birthday where she sat by the phone waiting for his call… oh and in case you were wondering yeah he didn’t call.
Lily grabbed her enticing blade calling for her. She deserved a nice cut after all the shit she’s had to deal with. She rolled up her new purple long sleeve shirt thanks to her father. And gazed at her old scars… some of which were thanks to her father. When she pushed the blade into her skin she silently asked it to bite harder at her skin and guess what it obeyed. This is the only time when Lily was truly at peace. Great isn’t when she was only at peace when she bled?
“Lily, what kind of pizza toppings to you like?” her father called from outside of her door.
Lily grimaced thinking that he would know if he was actually a part of her childhood.
“Pineapple.” She tossed the blade knowing that the moment was gone.
She waited till she could no longer hear her father’s slow steps walking away. Wouldn’t you think it’s so easy to walk away from your daughter especially since you’ve done it before Lily thought with a bitter mind. Once again she grabbed a hold of her glimmering blade with a smear of fresh blood, she expected to resume her favorite past time but the moment was just plainly gone. So, she just tucked away her blade in between her mattresses, for safe keeping. After all if life taught her anything it was that you never know what might come up… and what might never come up.
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yea you had to have read chapter 2 to understand this part.
I swear im a happy person lol im not totally depressed