Chelsea Smile


My name is Chelsea Ann Thompson.
And I have a secret.

~ ~ ~

I first me Oliver Sykes over a year ago when I was a sophomore in college. I was at a concert and got separated from my best friend.

I was trapped in the middle of the mosh pit waiting for the next band to go on by myself. Beth and I had been separated when the imbeciles in the back decided that they could get to the front of the barricade by impaling themselves onto the people in front of them.

I could only get one of my hands lose from the people surrounding me, and unfortunately couldn’t get it back down to go for my pone in my back pocket. I could feel my right butt cheek vibrating, and sending a strange sensation up my spine but couldn’t do anything about it.

I knew it was Beth calling to try and find me, but I couldn’t answer her call.

My butt kept vibrating, and I was starting to get annoyed with my stupid phone.

“Shut up!” I screamed turning my head and looking down at my back.

My phone didn’t listen. It kept on vibrating and shocking my but with every pulse.

“Um, excuse me.” Someone said tapping me on the shoulder.

I turned around to be met with a shaggy haired, green eyed guy who quite literally towered over me.

“Can I help you with something?” He asked, a little hesitantly.

“Uhgg, yes! My phone is stuck in my back pocket and it keeps vibrating. Would you mind getting it for my since one of your hands is still down there?” I asked, as another pulse of vibration was sent up my body.

I could imagine how much of an idiot I sounded like.

Could you, ya know, just kinda grab my butt please?

Who asks something like that?

Me, apparently.

“Uhm, sure.” He said looking a little puzzled. I hadn’t heard it before, because I was so preoccupied with the persistent buzzing coming from my back pocket, but the guy had an accent. Something British or Australian, maybe even a New Zealand accent. I couldn’t tell, but some sort of accent.

He tentatively reached his hand down and started feeling around my pocket for my phone. He grabbed it and brought it up to me.

“Thank you.” I said taking the outstretched phone.

“No problem. I never turn down a chance to get to second base.” He said with a slight smirk. “I’m Oli by the way.” He said extending his hand to me once again.

“Annie.” I said laughing a little at his comment. “Yeah I normally wait until at least the second date for that.”

Oli let out a little snort. It wasn’t one of those obnoxious snorts where you hear it and than cringe, it was a cute one.

~ ~ ~

That was how I met Oli.

I have a secret.
Oliver Scott Sykes is the father of my baby.
And I’m going to keep it.
♠ ♠ ♠
new story
first few chapters pre-written
let me know what you think