Chelsea Smile


“I love the high you get right after a great concert. Where your like ahhh and you don’t want it to end. And you feel all invigorated from all the jumping, but tiered from it to!” I ranted on to Oli as we walked out of the venue together.

“I don’t know. I think the best part is when the band sings the whole crowds favorite song, and everyone starts jumping and screaming. Its like a giant screaming un-orgy.” `

“An un-orgy? What the fuck is an un-orgy?”

“Just like a bunch of people having the time of their life, without having sex.” He said laughing a bit.

“There you are!” Beth said as she jumped on my back. “I’ve been looking for you ever since the show ended!” She said, than noticing Oli. “Oh, hello there.”

“Beth, this is Oli.” I said introducing them through the awkwardness.

“Hi.” He said giving her a small wave.

“I’m going to go wait at the buss stop. I’ll see you there in a few minutes.” Beth said to me, while getting off of my back.

Beth left. There was nothing but an awkward silence now.

“I better be going.” I said gesturing to the way Beth had gone. “By Oli.” I said giving him a small smile.

I was walking away when I heard him call my name. “Annie,” I turned around to look at Oli. “Could I get your number by any chance?”

“Yeah sure.” The smile on my face got bigger. “Here,” I said going to my back pocket for the sharpie I had brought with me.

I rolled up his sleeve and wrote my 11 digits on his arm.

“Great, I guess I’ll see you around Annie.”

“Yeah.” I said with a smile as I turned away again.
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