Chelsea Smile


“What are you majoring in at university?” Oli asked as we sat across from each other at a pizza parlor after we had seen the movie.

I swear to god, if that movie had been five minutes longer I would have ran out screaming at the top of my lungs, like some horrible rabid sewer monster had been chasing after me, trying to eat my brains!

“Actually,” I started, “I’m double majoring in photography and interactive arts and media.” I said proudly of my overachieving. “How bout you, are you in school?”

“Well we Brits do it a bit differently. We go to university at about seventeen, but no. Right now I’m just working on a demo with some local producers.”

“Your in a band?”

“Yeah,” he said getting a smile on his face. I could tell this topic was something he enjoyed. “We’re called Bring Me The Horizon.”

“Sorry, never hear of it.”

“I’m not surprised, we’re not very well known in the States. But we have a pretty loyal fan base back home in England.” He stopped to take a bite of his cheese pizza. “What type of music are you into?”

“A little of everything really. I’m a big Grunge girl, but I also love newer stuff too. Pretty much anything that’s not Country or Rap. I cant stand it! More Alternative stuff is probably my favorite though. But I couldn’t pick a favorite band if you put a gun up to my head. And that’s probably a little more than you had thought of as an answer.”

“No, really its fine. I’m not one to judge when people talk about music.”

“So tell me more about your band.”

“Well, its me and four of my best mates from back home. I sing and they do all of the instrumental stuff. Its my life. I’ve love music as long as I can remember, and I’ve actually made a career out of it.”

I could tell that Oli was proud of his accomplishments; he had managed to do what so many people, all over the world, strive to do.

~ ~ ~

“I had a great time tonight Oli.” I said at the door to my dorm room.

“Yeah, I did too.”

I could hear people scurrying around behind the door, and automatically knew that it was probably my ‘peeping Tom’ dorm mates. I just hoped that Oli couldn’t hear them as well.

“I’ll call you.” He stated.

“Yeah. Bye Oli.”

“See you around Annie.”
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