Younger Sisters Anyone?

Younger Sisters Anyone?

This is my first story. So I am sorry if its crap. :D Messages would be nice. Let us get on with it!

Laura’s P.O.V;
My Sister. Where do I start with her... she’s the most annoying person you could possibly ever meet? She probably thinks that she is the biggest person in the complete wide world. Ha, she wishes. Boss of everything, hmm.
And, she is 5 years younger than I am! Well, you probably then main idea. 

Oh, I didn’t realise my ranting, it sometimes goes on like this for ages. I didn’t introduce myself, did I? Well I am Laura and I am 19. I live in Brisbane. I also work in the local bakery. I HAVE to walk around dragging that little brat around. And, well my sisters names is Ashlee. 

My mum and dad, the sweetest people you could ever meet. Well, that was until Ashlee could talk. I swear my mum and dad around just about ready to go insane. Does she have any respect for them? No. They try so hard, I guess that isn't enough for her, hmm... figures.

After all this heavy thought. I still can't believe what a bitch she is. I’m still trying to get to sleep, and I’m not the only, everyone in a 3 mile radius is trying. I don't reckon they will get one minute of rest until Ashlee shuts her stupid music off. It is blaring her dodgy mix cd. She should drop-off into her sleep soon, well we all hope. Guess what? I'm praying for her. Just for her to shut up! After about 10 minutes of banging of the walls attempting to gather attention, I just give up. She’s not worth my anger and frustration. At about 12pm she shuts her music off and I fall asleep straight away.

The next morning came to quickly, it felt like straight after closing my eyes, I have to open them and start my day again. I decide to get my bum out of bed before 'her majesty' gets out of hers. I climb out of bed, grab my necessities from my top draw and start walking to the bathroom. Get through the door, close it, and lock it. If I could bolt it and never come out again, I swear would... After getting unchanged and stepping into the shower. Turn the taps and have a burning hot shower. Trying to drown my sorrows and relax. I can hope that time will just stop for my moments of being alone. As the shower is running I’m trying to think about what I should do next. I think should move out by now, but I just cant risk it. If I leave my parents now, they will probably will go insane. I really hope she can stop acting like-
"LAURA, HURRY UP AND GET OUT OF THE SHOWER!" screams Ashlee while banging on the door, I think she might actually know the door down. I turn off the shower and jump out. Change into a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a random top I pulled from the basket. Straight after I take one step outside the bathroom door, I try and sneak around Ashlee, but, it doesn't work. I some how make enough noise for her to hear me. Ashlee takes once icy glance and at and starts running at me. I turn and run at full might, I don't seem to run fast enough, Ashlee grabs my wrist and swings me around, with great force I might add and goes all up in my face. "Why do you have to take SO LONG in there?" Ashlee complains. "Uhmm, because- wait, hold on! Your NOT my mother, WHY are you telling me what to do?!" almost stuttering, but I hold it. "COZ I CAN! Don't you see? I don't really care what you think! As long as I get my way" Ashlee said, I could tell how annoyed she was. All I do is just roll my eyes and walk away.
See, I told you she was annoying, as well as RUDE!

"Mum, dad, I'm off to work!" I scream but I can barley can even hear my self as because Ashlee has her music pumping.. once again. Just before I close the front door, Ashlee comes crashing down the stairs "WAIT, wait Laura, can you take me into town?"
"Why should I? From how rude you were earlier?" I quickly say back. "Because if you don't, I’ll tell mum. And you know how she acts" Ashlee said trying to hold in her laughter. "Fine" I said with the most amount of hate I could put in my voice. 

On the way, she leans forward and starts playing with the radio system. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!" I scream, and slap her hand from the volume control. "I'm trying to find my type of radio station, duhh!" Ashlee replied, rolling her eyes, and goes back to play with it. "I don't think so, I'm driving, this is my car and I really don't even like taking you with me". The rest of the car ride was complete silence. I drop Ashlee out the front. "Wait for me here at 2pm, ok?". I tell her. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever". Ashlee says quickly before running of to her friends. I drive the car into the parking lot and find a spot. Walk into the bakery and, well you know work. After a strenuous time of working. I FINALLY get off. Walk back over to the car and pull up out the front. Ashlee is no where in site. "Damn it". I say quietly. I pull over at the side of the rode and call her. Bring Bring. "Hello?" Ashlee says quickly. "Yeah, hello. Where are you?" I ask. "Oh, don't worry about me, I'm getting a ride home". Ashlee says with all her friends laughing in the back round. "Fine. Bye". I hang up and start driving back. I get home and sit on the steps as I only just remembered Ashlee has the only keys for the house. I see mums car driving up the drive way and guess who I see in the car with her. Ashlee. As soon as the car comes to an halt. My mother fly’s out of the car and screams at me "Who do you think you are, leaving your younger sister at the mall?". "Well its her fault-". Mum interrupts. "I don't think so, don't try and pull that story on me again. Ashlee told me everything. Your grounded. Go to your room, NOW!" Mum yells, really frustrated now. I storm off, stamping on the stairs, and slam my door. Lie on my bed, put my face in a pillow, and just scream!

That is the end of the first chapter. Hope you liked it. =D