Younger Sisters Anyone?

Younger Sisters Anyone? Chapter; 2

Younger Sisters Anyone?
Chapter 2;

I really thought this grounding wouldn’t have lasted, but I guess was wrong. For the next week it has just been wake up, go to school, come straight come, change, go to work. This was serious, I cant stand being under lock and key.

Stupid sister, stupid school, stupid work and most of all stupid parents! Arghh! This was all so stressful. Cant my parents see that I didn’t do it. It was all HER fault! I always bet blamed for every little bad thing that goes on in this house, so what’s the difference now.

Being in my room all day everyday is just plain boring! So I had to do something, it was just racking at my brain to sneak out. But, what would be the consequences? How much longer could I last in here? Not much longer. Now, there’s something final, I’m sneaking out. All that’s left is to plan this big mischievous ‘outing’. When would be the perfect time? Where would I go? What would I do? All these strange questions were just flying through and gnawing at my insides. I knew I would get in SO much trouble, that’s if I get caught. I’m feeling rebellious. That’s it! Tonight, when everyone’s asleep im getting out of here!

Later tonight, after it was all quiet, I jumped out of bed and snuck around the house to check if everyone was asleep, trying to miss every creak, any thing that could possibly make a noise. In my desperate attempt in keep quiet, I manage to trip over something. Slamming head first into the ground. Lucky me, mum, dad and the evil little sister Ashlee were all dead tired and are all heavy sleepers. After checking every door, making complete certain that one and all was in a deep and restful snooze. I could tell Ashlee was asleep by just walking past her door, she was snoring like a train. On to the next room, I open the door slightly and peek my head in. Phew. Their both asleep. Time to make my move. As soon as I get just outside the door I swear I see some type of movement in the house, and I just panic. Close the front door as quietly as possible and just bolt for it!

As soon as im far enough from the house, a couple of blocks, im seriously tired. I stop right in front of a bus stop and collapse on the bench. Immediately after I have my breath again, I let out a small sigh and take in the cool air. It is quite cold, I should have grabbed a jacket. Oh well, I enjoy this, its so nice and refreshing. Able to be myself, on my own, outside! What to do now? I never thought of that. I could just walk to my best mates house… yeah, that’s what ill do. I get up and start my walk. The chill starts to get to me, I start shivering. I come down a street at then end, I turn left and I can see my friends house, right at the bottom of the street. The person in the whole wide world that I love the most, the person that I can tell anything and trust my life with; Shirley. A smile starts to creep across my face when I think of her. I hope she will be happy to see me. Of course she will, she’s my best friend.

At the end of the street, there it is. Shirley’s house. By my luck so far, her room is at the front of the house. A one story house. I check if the coast in clear. Looking my left and right. No one to be seen. Good. Walking slowly up to her window, being very precautious, keeping my eyes out for anything that could make a loud noise. After making as low noise, I finally reach her window. I try the window, its locked, figures. I tap on the window softly, by chance she’s a very light sleeper. Shirley wakes up after about 1 minute. Slowly makes her way over the window, where I’m standing, unlocks the window and it creaks open.

“LAURA!” Shirley whispers as her face alights with joy.
“SHIRLEY!” I whisper back. Looking at the window. Shirley takes a step back and looks at the window too. I know this, she wants to me climb in.
“Do you reckon I’ll wake your ’rents?” I say in a hushed tone.
“Oh, right… them” Shirley replies as she rolls her eyes and then climbs out the window. She almost falls but catch’s herself.
“What are you doing here? I though you were under serious lock and key… and wait, its 2am… what in the world, couldn’t you pick-” Shirley’s voice slightly picking up in volume with each word.
“SHH! What, aren’t you happy to see me?” I say sarcastically.
“Offcourse im happy to see you?! I’m over ecstatic about it. But, what im wondering, why now?” Shirley says while looking at the ground but with a huge smile across her face.
“You see, im still under ’serious lock and key’ so I had to sneak out and I thought I was going to go insane with out seeing my bestest friend”. I roll back to her while nudging her in the arm. Shirley looks up at me and tackles me. We starting rolling across her lawn laughing. After all our giggles have seized.
“Shirley? …” I look at her like I’m about to ask a serious question.
“Yes, Laura?” She looks back at me with curiousness in her eyes.
“You know I wouldn’t leave my sister at the mall, knowing how annoying she is, I still wouldn’t, right?” I look at the ground trying to avoid her gaze.
“Yeah, offcourse you wouldn’t leave her there, is that the only reason while your grounded…”
I sigh. “Well, that’s the only reason I know of. I’m quite sure, that little wench probably said more. But even mum knows that I wouldn’t leave her… im just so curious on what her exact words were”
“I have no idea there… hmm, it must have been real bad though, for you to get grounded. You’ve done worse than just leave her there…” Shirley says quietly with hard concentration across her face.
“Yeah, you have a good point”.
After a long pause of deep thought, I let out.
“Well I better get going before anybody notices”. I get up and watch as Shirley gets up.
“Yeah you better, it’s a shame that we don’t go to the same schools, my stupid parents had to send me to a private school”.
“What a shame”. I repeat. We exchange hugs and then I start walking back home.
Later, when I get inside the house. I think I see movement again. Thoughts keep running through my head. “Why did I do this? Why couldn’t I wait?” I must of just been me, because there was nothing in side moving. Everyone was still sound asleep. I race up the stairs still trying to keep my movements soft and unhearable. I’m not looking where im going, and I run straight into my bedroom door. I let out a small “Oomph” noise then quickly open the door, and close it behind me. Jump under the covers and rest peacefully. Before I knew it, it was sunrise.