One Lucky Ski Trip

" make the best turkey and mashed potatoes!"

I struggled through the last classes of the school day, anxious to get home and ask my parents about our road trip to Aspen. It was extremely hard to focus, therefore the day went by sooo slow.

Once the final bell rang, I dashed out of my class in search of Danielle for a ride home. Unfortunately, she was nowhere to be found and I was stuck walking home. Thankfully, we only live about a 10 minute walking distance from school.

The best part about arriving home everyday, is that I'm always greeted by my dog running up to me with a tennis ball in his mouth, tail wagging wildly. His name is Koa; meaning strong, bold, and brave. He's a ridgeback/pitbull, and truthfully, he's one of my best friends.

I leaned over to get down on his level and said in my playful voice, "Koa! Hey bud!" while scratching his head. "Aww, yes you're a good boy! Yes you are!" I grabbed the tennis ball from his mouth and threw it while saying, "Go get it Koa!" He spotted the ball and was off. He quickly retrieved it and returned to my side.

As I began walking up the driveway, I greeted our mailman, Charlie.
"Oh! Good afternoon!" I said.
In his distinguishable southern accent he said, "Good afternoon, little lady! Looks like a package came for you in the mail."
I replied a quick thank you and quickly ran up to the front porch in search of the package that came for me. I saw the package with my name and address on it and savagely ripped it open.

"Finally!" I exclaimed.
At that very moment, my dad popped his head out of the window. Frankly, it scared the shit out of me. I, of course, expressed this.
"OH MY GOD, DAD! Don't scare me like that!"
My dad nonchalantly replied, "Oops."
"It's my Jonas Brothers sweatshirt." I told him.

I briskly pulled the sweatshirt over my head and exclaimed, "Ahhh! I love it!"
"How's it look?" I asked him.
Then, an anonymous voice replied, "Amazing." You can tell the person was smiling while they said this.

Once I turned around to face the unidentified person, I immediately started blushing. With immense nervousness I said, "Oh, hey Jake!" and sheepishly smiled at him. I said thank you and walked over to hug him.
"How are you?" I asked.
"Good. I hear you're going to Aspen for a week? That sounds fun."
I have no idea how he knows this.
"Yeah, where'd you hear tha- uhh nevermind. Doesn't matter. You should come with us!" I was utterly surprised when I realized those words actually came out of my mouth.

To my dismay, he responded, "Sorry, I can't. I'm going on a fishing trip with my uncle..."
"Aww, that doesn't sound quite as fun as an entire week of snowboarding and yummy hot coco!" I wonder if I could persuade him...
"Nope!" He replied. I got excited, but then he said, "But it definitely sounds better than 2 teenage girls screaming about every hot guy that passes by!" He laughed at this and I nervously laughed along with him.
"Actually, make that 3." I told him. "I think I'm going to invite Isabel to come along with us. I don't want to be a loner; Catherine's probably going to be with David the entire time." At this, I rolled my eyes and giggled.
"Alright! Well have fun!" He said to me.
"Thanks you too!"
Then, unexpectly, he added, "I'll miss you." And smiled that gorgeous smile of his and then enveloped me in a hug. I replied, "I'll miss you too."

Then we said our goodbyes and I went back inside and to my room. I fell back onto my bed and stared at the ceiling. All I could do was smile. I just received two amazing things! One; I got to talk to Jake, and he told me he was going to miss me! Two; I got my Jonas Brothers sweatshirt! Today was going just lovely.

The difficult part would come later, during dinner. I was going to ask my parents about the trip. I was hesitant at first, but nothing would happen if I didn't speak up. I thought I'd break the ice first.

"Thanks for dinner dad, it's great!"
I'll admit it. I was sucking up just a bit.
He answered, "You're welcome," in his usual unconcerned tone.
"You know you make the best turkey and mashed potatoes ever!"
So maybe I was pushing it a little too far. But hey, if it works, then so be it!
"Uhh, thanks Kali." He replied, while keeping his eyes focused on the TV that was strategically placed in our kitchen.
Danielle mumbled under her breath, "Suck up."
I kicked her under the table and she shot me a mean glance.

Alright. It was time to speak up.
"Okay, I have to talk to you guys about something."
"How did I know.." My mom said quietly to herself.
All of a sudden, my dad practically erupted.
"ARE YOU PREGNANT?!?" He boomed.
"NO DAD!" I protested.
My mom stands up for me. "Bob!" she says, "Be nice! Ok Kali, what is it?" She asks me cautiously.

I began, "OK. So you know how I got my license today..."
"...Right..." She said, unaware of where this conversation was leading.
"And Christmas Break is just around the corner..."
Then I say, "I'm 16.. almost 17 now.."
Impatiently she says, "Kali, just get to the point."
"Ok. Well, I was wondering if Catherine, Isabel and I could take a trip up to Aspen for a week. We've all been saving up money and-
Then my dad cuts me off.
"Kali, absolutely not." He says. I get mad.
"But Dad, why?!?"
I've always had a pretty bad attitude problem.
"I know you're a good driver and everything," he tells me, "but the roads are just way too dangerous this time of year."
"Umm, hello? Dad, have you seen my car lately? It's not exactly one that wouldn't protect me."

I have a 2005 Toyota 4Runner. It's pretty sweet. It's slate grey.

"Yeah.." He says.
Maybe he'll give in.
"Please Dad!" I continue. "I've been looking forward to this for weeks and I've really been saving up for this."

Like the result of many of our conversations, he says, "I don't know. Talk to your mom. I don't want to deal with this."

"Mom?" I ask, hopefully.
"Kali-" She says, as a concerned look spreads upon her face.
I reply in a calm, but firm tone, "Mom.. please. I'm begging you."
"I really don't think it's a good idea," she tells me.
Shit. Maybe this won't work out. I decide to try one more time, just in case.
"Mom! Can we please please please just do this one thing? Please! We'll be careful and Uncle David will be there to keep an eye out for us since he works there. And we already have our condo there, so you don't have to worry about where to stay." I was sure this would work. They love my uncle.

Finally, she buckles under and says, "Ugh.. Okay, fine! But there will be conditions."
I almost didn't believe it at first. Then, reality kicks in, or in this case I guess it seemed like a dream, and I started freaking out.

I sent multiple thank you's her way and my dad shoots a 'what the hell did you do that for' look as he says, "Vicky!"
She playfully replies, "Oh, get over it.." and smiles at him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you guys like this chapter. Nothing exciting is happening yet, but soon enough:)

Characters featured in this chapter:

Kali's Stepdad
Kali's Mom