One Lucky Ski Trip

"I can't believe I have to leave you guys."

Once dinner was over, I resorted to my room to call Catherine. I sat in silence for a few rings. I waited a little bit longer [[hehe:P]] and due to the fact that nobody answered, I was directed to her voicemail where her away message filled my ears. "Hi, youve reached Catherine! I cant talk right now so-"
I hate leaving messages so I hang up.
"Crap." I say to myself and then pull my phone out of my pocket.
I text her, "Hey girly:) Y arent u answering ur phone? Txt back. Luv u."

I really had nothing better to do, so I sat on my bed for about 10 minutes, waiting for Catherine to contact me.

This wasn't like her. Not to answer, I mean. I got impatient, so decided to listen to some music.
I turned on my iPod and plugged it into my speakers.
I wheeled down to Burnin Up by the Jonas Brothers and turned the volume up to the maximum limit. Whenever I listen to anything by the Jonas Brothers, I get really hyped up and happy. I started dancing carelessly around my room, singing and all. I was having a grand ol' time.

SOS came on, and I continued to dance and sing. At the end of this song, I was tired so I went back to laying on my bed as the song, 'You and I Both' by Jason Mraz started playing.
I picked up my phone again and noticed that I got a text from David, Catherine's boyfriend.
It said, "Hey Kali, don't mean to bother u but i cant find catherine anywhere + i need ur help!!"

This definitely worried me.
Catherine has run away before and it was 3 days before we found her again. Turns out she had made it all the way to another city, hitchhiking to get there.
I looked at the time I received the text and shot up quickly. I got it right after I turned on Burnin Up.
I called David and he answered almost instantly.
"Hello?!" He says, worriedly.
"Hey!" I reply. "What happened?!?"
"I don't even know!" he exclaims, "One minute we're in her room cuddling and watching a movie and then her grandparents call her out into the livingroom. The next thing I know, they're screaming at each other and she runs out the door crying!"
I'm confused now.
"Did you hear what they were screaming about?" I asked him.
"No. I tried running after her to make sure she was okay and she just screamed, 'Leave me alone!'"
"Umm, ok." I tell him. "Where are you? I'll come meet you and we'll go look for her."
"I'm at her house! Hurry!" He says.
"K. I'm on my way. See you."

It must have been an hour already that we've been searching for her. Now we're definitely worried. We've tried everywhere. Calling everywhere she could have possibly fled to.
But then, strangely, we see a girl with blonde hair sitting on a bench at a park about a 10 minute drive away from her house. She had her knees tucked into her chest.

"That's her!!!" I exclaimed.
David and I ran over to the girl, and found that it was indeed Catherine.
She had tear-stained cheeks, and her mascara was smeared under her eyes. Once Catherine noticed we were standing there in front of her, she rose and walked over to me, pulling me into a hug and crying into my shoulder.

I comforted her, as all best friends should.
"Aww babe.. It's okay. What's wrong? Talk to me... shh.. it's okay." I said, as I wiped the hair away from her face.

Catherine couldn't calm her tears down, so we remained in this position for about 5 more minutes, me shh-ing her the whole time. At last, she calms down and speaks, but is still sobbing.
In between sobs, she says, "My... grandparents said.. we were moving... to New Jersey.. in a month! I.. can't graduate with you guys!"
She looked up into our sorrowful faces and bursts into tears again.
"What?!" I said, totally pissed off. "They can't do this! We're supposed to go to prom together!" I told her. "...and have our birthdays and graduation parties together! How could they do this?!"
At the thought of all this happening, I also started crying.

David walks over to where we were standing and Catherine turns and hugs him, still crying.
"I'm so sorry, David." she says to him. "..I didn't mean to yell at you, I was just so upset and I-"
David interrupts her, "Shh, baby it's okay. I understand." He pulled her tighter.
"I love you so much." He says, reassuring her that she didn't do anything wrong.
"I love you too.." she replies. "I can't believe I have to leave you guys."

I tried to lighten the mood a little.
"Okay." I said. "We still have a month together, so let's make this the funnest, most exciting and fulfilling month of our lives. You know we'll always keep in touch when you leave so don't even worry about that. You'll always be my best friend."
"Thanks Kal." she says. "I love you."
"I love you too. Don't forget, k?"
"K." she says.

"Now let's go get ready for Aspen!!" I scream, excitedly.
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Characters in this chapter:
