Promise Not to Break My Little Heart or Leave Me All Alone

Chapter 11

The henna was finished but the ink wasn’t as seen yet. The girl said that it will start showing better by tomorrow. It was really nice. The girl was really able to copy the sand castle.

“My turn!” Ryan called out

The girl started working on his wrist and I can see that his was really pretty. It was very artistic and unique. He was finally finished and he had a bright smile on his face. He looked like a kid who received a lot of candies for Halloween.

“What do you think?” he inquired, showing me his wrist

“It’s lovely” I breathed out

“I knew you would like it” he snickered

I shrugged and led him out the store

“How long will this last anyway?” I ask him as we stroll around

“About two to three weeks. Depends on how you handle it” he informed me


“Let’s take a picture with our new hennas!” he said excitedly and then grabbed my camera

“Come here” he motioned his hand for me to approach him

I walked to him then he took me hands. He held it and took the picture with his hand holding mine, showing the tattoos we got.

“That’s a brilliant idea!” I tell him

“I have a lot of ideas here in my head” he said pointing to his head while grinning

We were strolling around and during that, I realized that school was starting in two weeks and I was supposed to go back to reality in three days. In three days, I wouldn’t see Ryan anymore and everything will be dull again. I frowned as I remember it

“Why are you frowning?” I hear Ryan ask

I look up at him and smiled weakly

“Do you realize that college starts in two weeks?” I tell him

He frowned a little and I knew that he just realized it when I told him

“Yeah. I know” he said softly

“Too bad I may have to go in three days” I mumbled

“Three days? You’re leaving in three days?” he asked automatically


“That’s so fast!” he complained

“I know. Sorry for only saying it now” I whisper

He sighed

“I guess we just have to maximize our time together. This sucks” he said

“It does suck’ I agreed

“Oh, hey, there’s a party tonight. Want to come?” he offered

“Party? Where?’

“At this club. Come on! Come with me?” he pleaded

I look at him. I should get all the chances that I could spend time with him. We only had three days left together

“Ok” I nodded

“Yeah!” he exclaimed and then hugged me

I was caught off guard so I froze

He hugged me so tight for a few seconds and then it eased a little bit. His hug loosened a bit but he was still hugging me.

“I’ll miss you Tasha” he whispered through my hair

I smile “I’ll miss you as well” and then I hugged him back

We were just standing there on the street, hugging for what felt like forever.

I will truly miss this guy.
♠ ♠ ♠
AN UPDATE! hhahah!

I love it that i have quite a handful of readers, but I feel distant to most of you. I mean, only a few comment :(

Come on guys! comment?

Fine, I shall PUSH you guys to comment! No update until I get a total of 35 comments! That's not too much guys, you can do it!