Promise Not to Break My Little Heart or Leave Me All Alone

Chapter 14

We left the party and now, we are walking to our hotel rooms. Ryan slipped his hand to mine and now, he was holding it tightly. We were silent the entire walk.

“Don’t be sad Tasha, we still have three days” he cheered me up as we stop in front of my room.

“Yeah I guess.” I said, looking down the floor. Three days is a short time for me.

He leaned closer to me and lifted my chin with his finger.

“Hey, cheer up. I don’t want seeing you frown on the last few days we have together.”

I tried to smile a little but of course, it wasn’t a perfect and genuine one

He chuckled and held my face softly. He looked into my eyes and I could feel him slowly leaning closer to me. His face was just inches from mine and after a split second, his lips softly pressed against mine. I could feel his soft lips on mine and his free hand holding my waist to bring me closer to him. I kissed back and coiled my arms around his neck. I realized at that moment that deep inside of me, I wanted to do this for a long time. He pushed me against the wall and continued slowly kissing me. I held the nape of his neck and brought him closer to me. He pulled away, breathing heavily and trying to gasp for air.

I bit my lip and smiled up to him. He put some stray strands of hair behind my ears and then pecked my cheeks.

“I’ll—I’ll see you tomorrow Ok?” he whispered to me, his face a little red

“Y-yeah” I smiled and turned the knob of my door.

I stepped in and wave goodbye to him. He was smiling broadly and then he waved back to me. I closed the door, still feeling his lips on mine. He was really sweet. I think I might just fall for him for real.

I slept soundly that night. All I had was happy thoughts and good memories floating in my head. It was actually all about Ryan.


I wake up, feeling a little dizzy. Did I oversleep? Then I realized that it was two in the afternoon. Why didn’t Ryan wake me up by calling my cell phone? Usually he would call me around ten in the morning to check on me.

I dialed his phone number, but then it was just his message saying that he couldn’t answer right now blah blah. Maybe his phone was turned off.

I decided to just drop by his room and check on him. I slowly walked towards his room and knocked lightly on the door. I didn’t want to disturb him that much when he’s sleeping.

No one answered. I knocked again, tapping my foot on the floor. Was he a deep sleeper or something? After ten minutes of waiting, I gave up and decided to open the door. I just hope it wasn’t locked. Thank God it wasn’t. I slowly opened it and walked into the familiar room.

I’ve been here several times and it looked the same. I walked into the bedroom and found it empty. I couldn’t see the bags that used to be beside the night stand. Did he clean up or something? I look around and found the entire room empty. Where was he? Suddenly, a bad thought went into my head. I reluctantly opened his drawers, and found nothing. I opted for the cabinets but then I stopped just as my hands were about to open it. I was scared of what I may see. Nonetheless, I opened it and saw what I feared. There were no clothes. This cabinet used to be filled with his junk, this just means one thing.

Did he leave?

He left without saying goodbye?
♠ ♠ ♠
OH my, what could have happned to Ryan? Watch out for the following chapters to find out!

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