Promise Not to Break My Little Heart or Leave Me All Alone

Chapter 15

I stare at the empty cabinet and felt tears in my eyes. Maybe he just transferred rooms? I tried to comfort myself. I ran out the room and went down to the reception area. I wiped my tears and went up to the girl

“Good morning! What can I do for you?” the girl asked

“Uh, I just wanna ask, where is the tenant of room 408, on the seventh floor?” I asked

The girl typed something on her computer and then smiled up to me

“The occupant of that room had left a few hours ago. He checked out at exactly eight in the morning” she informed me

“A-are you sure? Didn’t he just transfer rooms?” I asked, still hoping

“I am sorry Ms, but that’s what it says in my record” she said

I nodded, not knowing what else to say.

“Thanks” I mutter and walked to the elevator.

I just stood there, taking everything in. What had just happened? Why did he just leave me like that? Why didn’t he even say goodbye? To think he was cheering me up last night, saying that we still had three days left then he does this. I couldn’t understand him.

I felt so betrayed and abandoned. I thought we had something but I guess we really don’t. I was just imagining it the whole time. Why did he have to kiss me last night and make me so happy when he was going to run off the next day? I had all of these questions running in my head as I walk into my room.

As I go in, I slowly feel the tears that I had held during the entire elevator ride. I felt like crying and yelling at someone. I felt sad, angry and confused. Why did he make me so blissful and just leave me all alone here again? I crashed on my bed and started sobbing. I couldn’t do anything but shed tears. I cried and cried until I felt like there were no tears to drop anymore.

I got up from bed and just stared at the ceiling, I haven’t eaten anything the whole day and I don’t feel like eating. I don’t even want to go out anymore. I’ll just stay here until the day I have to leave and go back to my pathetic life. All the encouragement and confidence I gained this entire break disappeared just like that. I thought I changed a lot when I met him but the moment he left me without saying goodbye, I went straight back to my old self.

I don’t believe in myself anymore and I think that I am so useless that I didn’t even deserve a simple goodbye.
♠ ♠ ♠
I honestly feel bad for Tasha! :((

Anyway, I am happy because a lot of people commented in the other update! haha! I love all of you! I am happy that you guys like this story! I would be revealing the reason why he left in the following chapters. THAT is all i can give for now, SORRY!

Drop me a comment and make me feel happy again! ;D


isn't he HOT or what?

AND, one more thing, I love this story, and i bet you all will like it as well! It's just short(it's actually finished already) so it will not take that much time to read it. Give it a try? Gone Beyond Repair

and, please convince the writer to have a sequel! hahaha, help me persuade her that she NEEDS to write one! :))