Promise Not to Break My Little Heart or Leave Me All Alone

Chapter 18

I hear my alarm clock and I groan a little realizing that today I start going to school again. I hated going back to studying after taking a long beak from it because it’s hard for me to get used to it again. I grudgingly woke up and walked into my bathroom still with my eyes close. I wash my face and started taking a shower. After that, I quickly changed and then grabbed something to eat on my way to school. This is my daily routine ever since I went to College. It has become a little robotic to me already.

As soon as I arrived, I swiftly looked around for my room for the first period. The first subject was history IV. Even I my course is fine arts, I still had to take history. I hated it for it is the most boring class. I mean, we never do anything hands on. It’s all lectures. I sigh as I sat on the chair. I probably have the same classmates or at least most of them because who would be dumb to shift when it was the last year? I sigh again as I remember my bitchy classmates.

The girls are just like high school teenagers. And I thought college people would be more mature. Maybe that’s why I don’t have that much friends around here. I don’t like how these girls act. Even if I tried, we wouldn’t have anything similar. All they talk about are guys and that isn’t exactly my favorite topic.

They all started to come in little by little. Most of them never even tried to talk to me, maybe thinking that I am a snob because I also never talk to any of them unless necessary. Basically, we don’t mind each other. They don’t mind me, I don’t mind them and I am absolutely fine with that. At least we don’t fight. We just don’t interact that much.

The lights dimmed and the projector was turned on signaling that the class was starting. I took a deep breath and got ready for another long boring class. I mean, I love art but learning its history all over again is just pain irritating. We all learned this already. They’re just saying the same thing.

After a few minutes, people started to throw pieces of paper around. Of course, they’re passing notes again. I don’t know how they get away with that. I guess our teacher doesn’t see because of the darkness. History is usually like this. No one really took this subject seriously.

I felt a piece of paper hit my head. I turn around and looked for the person who threw it at me.

“Oh! Sorry!” Christine, a bitchy girl, who acts nice around people but when those people turn their backs, she gossips about them. A classic mean girl. How I know this? Well, I’ve seen it a lot of times. She even does it to her close friends, Sarah and Trish. The three of them are the most flirtatious girls around here.

I gave her a fake smile and passed the note back to her.


The class finally ended and I was walking out the door, on my way to the next class when someone tapped my shoulders. I turn around and saw Christine, Sarah and Trish smiling at me.

“Hey Tash! How was your vacation?” Christine asked happily

“Nothing much. I just went to the beach” I smiled to them

“Oh really?

“With who?” Christine asked

I am sure she’s just digging for something to gossip about me because ever since we’ve been classmates, she was never able to make something up about me. I bet she’s aiming to put dirt on my name by the end of the year. I am not letting her do that.

“Oh, just by myself” I answer briefly

“I like your henna. You got it there?” she persisted

“Ah, yeah” I said, looking at the fake tattoo.

I remember Ryan right away as soon as I looked at it. As long as I see this mark, I will always remember him. This won’t last forever anyway. It’ll be gone in a few weeks and then I’ll completely forget him already.

“I am sorry, I have to go, and I’ll be late for my next class” I waved and walked away
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comments are loved! hahah. You'll know the reason he left on the next chapter! YAY!

ANYWAY, do you guys remember the hey Monday story I was telling you about? Well, I posted the summary and layout already! Can you check it out and tell me what you think? THANKS!

Tell me how you love me now