Promise Not to Break My Little Heart or Leave Me All Alone

Chapter 23

“Natasha! Please, just listen” he yelled after me and caught up

“I have my own reasons. Believe me, I didn’t have a choice” he breathed as he ran after me

“Like I said Ryan, just go” I started to walk faster but he still caught up. Why does he walk so fast?!

“Fine. I’ll go today but I’ll be back tomorrow and then the next day, then the next, until I am able to explain to you everything”

“You can’t do that. Make good use of your time and go back to what you were doing this past three months.” I said with no emotion

“Oh, yes I can. I don’t care if I get in trouble for this or if I lose my job. I’ve given them three months already and now, it’s my turn” he said

What the hell is he talking about? I didn’t want to ask anymore because I know if I ask, he’ll think that we are okay already. I don’t want to talk to him right now. I am just not ready yet.

“Do whatever you want, but you’ll only be wasting your time” I mumble as I proceeded to the library

“I am definitely not wasting my time especially when I am with you” he muttered softly now, as we enter the library

“Just go Ryan. You’re not even supposed to be here. You’re not a student” I said and sat on a chair

“This is a public place” he smiled as he sat down

People were still looking at us. Why the hell? Don’t they know that it’s bad to stare?

One girl tapped Ryan’s shoulder and gave him a flirty smile

“Hi! I am Ashley. Why are you here? And, if I may just say, I really love you” she said with a high-pitched voice.

Why was everyone telling him that they loved him? That’s so strange

“Uh, yeah, thanks! I am just visiting my friend here” he pointed to me

“Oh! You’re friends with Natasha?” she asked with a little hint of disbelief

“Yeahp.” He smiled and patted my shoulders

I roll my eyes and stood up. I hate this. Can’t I just get my privacy? Why was everyone following me?

“Sorry, I have to go and follow her” I hear Ryan tell the girl

I step out the library and decided that I could just sit somewhere deserted

“Hey” he grabbed my arm and turned me around so I was facing him

“You’re really not talking to me are you?” he asked with sadness

“No” I simply said

“Okay then. I’ll be back tomorrow. Maybe you’ll be ready by then” he said weakly and let go of my arm.

“I am not giving up on you Tasha. Not this time” he muttered and then walked away.

I sigh and silently sat under a tree to finish my drawing. I had to submit it later today.

I hear heels click towards me. I look up and saw Christine.

“Hi Natasha!” she greeted

“Uh, hey?” Why was she talking to me? She never talks to me.

“I didn’t know you knew Ryan?” she tried to ask casually

“Oh, yeah. We’re not really close. He just dropped by” I say not wanting to tell her anything

“Oh really? I can’t believe you personally know THE Ryan Ross. I mean, he is so hot and sexy right? He’s really a great musician. I love his lyrics” she squealed as she randomly sat beside me

What was she saying? How did she know Ryan’s last name? I didn’t even know that. I just knew him as Ryan. I never really asked him what his last name was. And— he’s a musician? How does she know all of this?

“Uh, sorry, but are you friends with Ryan too? How do you know all of these?” I ask, still clueless.

“Hello, have you heard of google or the internet?” she asked like everyone knew what she was saying

“What do you mean?” I ask, not getting anything she just said

“Natasha, Ryan Ross is a famous person, of course people google him” she said and left

What did she just say? Did she just say that Ryan is a famous person?
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what do you think about this? hahah, well, secrets aren't always kept ;) They are bound to be found out, usually in a bad bad way... comment please?
