Promise Not to Break My Little Heart or Leave Me All Alone

Chapter 24

I went home with all of these questions in my head. What the heck was Christine blabbering about a while ago? Is Ryan famous? I never really noticed it. I don’t even know him as a musician. Maybe I am just not into music that much? Oh, no, of course not. I love music. But why do I not know him?

I wore a puzzled face until I reach my apartment. I slowly dropped my bag on the floor and went straight to my computer. I sat there for a few minutes without opening it.

Do I really want to know who he really was? I am such an idiot. Why didn’t I notice anything? And, why didn’t I recognize him as a famous person?

I sigh as I turned on the computer.

“Whatever, I will find out soon anyway” I whisper to myself as the computer started to turn on.

I went to google and typed in his name.

Ryan Ross

I closed my eyes as I pressed enter. I am honestly nervous on what I will find out.

I peeked and saw the screen. The first thing I saw was some pictures of Ryan and below it,

Panic at the Disco

He has his name in Wikipedia and they have their own website for Christ’s sake.

I knew a band named Panic at the Disco. In fact, I listened to some of their songs but I never really looked into the band. I just listen to the songs. I clicked on Wikipedia and started to read. I was shaking a bit as I read the whole article. I couldn’t believe it. I am so surprised and awed at the same time.

Why the hell didn’t I see this before? Ryan was indeed a famous musician. A rock star, to be exact. I never saw him as a rock star. The Ryan I have in my mind is a thin and friendly guy I met in the beach.

Why the hell didn’t he tell me these things about him? I must have looked like a moron the whole time.

I shut the computer off but I continue to sit on the chair. Everything is clear now. I remember when I would always see a random girl approach him in the hotel or wherever we went. I thought he just had a lot of friends but of course, I am wrong again.

I snap out of my thoughts. Why the hell did I google him?! I AM MAD at him am I? This is what I get when curiosity gets into me. I swiftly stood up and tried to make myself busy.

I will just forget about it and go on with my life. So what of he’s a famous person? I have nothing to do with it anymore.

I don’t have the right to care or even think about it.
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I am sad… You know why? My comment count is going down, way down. :( I am really really really sad. Aren’t there any new commenters out there to make me happy? I truly love the few people who comment constantly. I really appreciate and love people like you. Is there like a crisis in commenting nowadays?

I try not to be a type of writer who commands for comments. I even try to update as often as possible even if less than ten people comment, sometimes even less than five. All you guys can do is comment back so I don’t feel alone. Can you do that for me?

comment and cheer me up again.
