Promise Not to Break My Little Heart or Leave Me All Alone

Chapter 26

I noticed that he was taking me upstairs. Why did he have to take me there?

“Ryan, where the hell are we going?” I ask him as we continue to walk up

“I want to take you to my place here” he said

“What do you mean?” I ask, still confused

He turned back and smiled to me “You’ll see”

I just let it go and let him bring me wherever he wants. I couldn’t stop him even if I tried

I realized that we were going to the roof. What the hell? No one’s allowed on the roof! And how does he know how to get here?

“Ho— how do you know how to go up here?” I ask him as I looked around the place in awe. It was so nice and fresh up here.

“I have my own ways of finding out stuff” he smiled again

I nodded

“So, uh, I—I just want to explain everything to you. Starting from telling you my whole name.” he muttered

“I know your name” I whispered

“Do you know my whole name?” he asked

“Yes, I just found out yesterday”

He nodded.

“Your classmates told you already huh?”

“They didn’t exactly tell me straight. I had to do some research”

“You researched me?” he laughed

“Yeah. I honestly didn’t know what they were talking about and I just had to google you” I blush

“That is hilarious” he chuckled

“Why didn’t you tell me in the first place?” I ask

“I just wanted to forget about work and you helped me escape it for a while.”

“Well, I am glad that I helped you” I say sarcastically.

So, all along he was just hanging out with me because I helped him forget about his stress in work? Wow that hurt.

“No, no, I didn’t mean it that way. You helped me forget because you made me happier. You distracted me… a lot. And I mean that in a good way.” he clarified

He was looking in my eyes but I diverted mine and looked somewhere else. I can’t look at him straight yet. I am not ready.

He sighed as I looked away

“I am really sorry for what happened. Before I explain everything, may I ask you what you know about me?” he asked

“You’re a famous guitar player of the band called Panic at the Disco” I mutter, still avoiding eye contact

He smiled and nodded. “You know now”

“Like I said, I just found out yesterday. So, what’s your explanation?”

He took a deep breath then started

“The whole reason why I went to that beach is to forget about our band problems and to escape the stress I had. I was too pressured and Brent being a brat wasn’t helping. See, Brent and I don’t exactly always agree. We would always argue so I decided to distance myself from him so I can gain more patience and strength to deal with him again after our break. I went to the beach without the permission of our manager, breaking all the things he told us to do. Basically, I broke the rules he set that’s why when he found out where I was through Brendon, he immediately sent people to get me. Turned out, we had some guestings and extra shows that I missed. Our manager was so pissed at me”

“What does that have to do with me?” I ask

“Well, the people our manager sent arrived the morning after that night. They just got all my stuff and shoved me in a plane to L.A.” he sighed

“I am so sorry I wasn’t able to say goodbye. I didn’t have a choice. Those big guys didn’t give me a chance to talk to you. I couldn’t fight back because I am so small as compared to them. My manager was also yelling to my ear the whole time so I honestly didn’t get a chance to go to you. I know it’s all my fault and I admit that but please, please understand me. I did come back for you as soon as I was free of all the stuff I missed”
♠ ♠ ♠
And, of course Ryan wouldn’t just leave her without reason. He is a nice guy, right? Haahah! Hmmm, can anyone guess whether she’ll forgive him or not? I want your opinions!

Once again, I would like to thank the six people who were kind enough to comment in my last update. I love all of you. You guys are truly appreciated!

purplemonster (I love the short, but sweet comments!)
heartbreakisforever (Oh my, this person never fails me I swear.)
See. (her comments are just so hilarious! I love them all)
asra hussain (a reader who reads all of my stories! Hahah. Thanks for the support!)
Santi in Socks (I love knowing all your opinions about the updates. Im glad you take the time to comment!)
Isabel_Beckett (new commenter, yay!)


Out of 48 subscribers, I love the few people who always comment! I just wish I can get to know more of my readers/subscribers. That would just make me so overly happy!
