Promise Not to Break My Little Heart or Leave Me All Alone

Chapter 27

I sigh as I heard his long explanation.

“But why didn’t you call me or something? I was waiting for a week but you never did”

“Our manager confiscated my phone and told me to concentrate in making the new record. He just gave it back to me last week. I also tried to call you right after I arrived in L.A. but I couldn’t as much as I tried” he said softly

I just look at him, taking everything he just said. He didn’t just leave me there. He had a valid reason.

“You didn’t use me?” I asked the question I was dying to ask him for so long

“Of course not! No way!” he exclaimed “Don’t ever think that I used you because I didn’t! I treasure the whole time we spent together and I thought of you the whole time I was making the fucking record” he explained

I bit my lips

“Really? Are you saying the truth?” I ask him and finally looked at him

“Yes. I am saying the whole truth. Please believe me Tash” he mumbled

“Okay then I believe you” I smile to him

His eyes sparkled with happiness and his smile was so wide.

“You’re seriously forgiving me?” he asked with a shocked voice

“Yes I am” I smiled more

“Tasha! You’re the best!” he shouted and enveloped me with a tight hug

I pulled away and smirked at him

“Promise me one thing”

“What? Anything. Anything for you!”

“Promise not to leave me all alone again? I was so terrified and upset at the same time”

“I am so sorry I did that to you! I’ll never do that again! No more secrets” he said and then hugged me again

I hugged back and wore a huge smile on my face.


“All the begging I did didn’t go to waste!” he told me as we sat on the rooftop of my school

“What do you mean?”

“Well, first of, I begged my manager to allow me to fly all the way here. I really had to be a good boy and follow everything he told me. He’s actually really nice but if you break his rules, you’re dead. He’s like the band’s father. And then, I begged Brendon to come with me today because I wouldn’t want the girls to follow me as I try to get your forgiveness” he grinned to me

“What a show-off” I smacked his arm

“It’s true. We weren’t able to talk yesterday because random girls approached me half the time I was with you. I noticed that you didn’t like it at all so I had to bring Brendon to get all their attention”

“I admire Brendon for being so brave” I whisper

“Hey, I am brave also. I came all the way here and I did come here alone yesterday”

“Whatever” I roll my eyes and smile to him

“I missed that smile. I am happy that I get to see it again” he said with a dreamy voice

I blush a little and looked down. He lifted my chin with his finger and smiled to me

“Tash, I just want to clarify the things that happened that night” he told me softly pertaining to the kiss we had on his last night

“I just want to say that I was completely sober when I did that and I wanted to do that ever since I have met you. I want you to know now that I terribly am attracted to you. That’s why I came all the way here just to talk to you and explain myself. I wouldn’t do that if you weren’t important to me or if you didn’t mean anything to me”

I just look at him. I was lost of words to say. He liked me and he confessed it now.

What will I say?
♠ ♠ ♠
Whoa, what do you think will she say? Hahah, thanks for the comments guys! (:

Don't forget to comment ok?
