Promise Not to Break My Little Heart or Leave Me All Alone

Chapter 29

The class unexpectedly ended early. My teacher dismissed us early because he had some meeting back in the faculty. I sigh as all the people ran out the door. I don’t get why people are always in such a hurry to exit the classroom as if the door would be locked after the class is dismissed. I slowly stood up and proceeded outside the room. I was welcomed with a mob of girls who were in a circle, surrounding something or someone. I had a feeling it was Ryan. No, I take that back, I am sure it was him. I walked through the crowd, trying to get to the other side of the hall. It was unusually hard to do it considering all the girls around. As I walk, I suddenly saw Ryan’s head pop over the heads of all the people around.

“Tash!” he yelled over the crowd as he motioned his hand for me to come to him

I shook my head and then pointed at him to come to me. I am so not walking through those people just to reach him. He nodded then his head disappeared. Where did he go? What the hell, it feels like I am in a concert or something. I just stood there, waiting for him to finally reach me. I felt someone grab my arm and quickly pulled me to a direction. The girls were all following us. What the hell. This is crazy.

“I am so sorry. Those girls are unstoppable.” I hear Ryan mutter as he pulled on me

I didn’t say anything. What else could I say?

We reached the parking lot, still with the mob of girls chasing after us. The door of a car opened and we both went in. the car then sped up before the girls reached the car windows.

“That is seriously scary” I hear Ryan breathe out as he was catching his breath

“Good thing you guys survived” I hear the driver say, which I found out was Brendon.

“That was strange. No one gets chase like that around our school. Even though the guy is so hot, no mob ever chases that guy” I say

“That’s because Ryan’s not just any other hot guy out there. He’s Ryan Ross, the skinny but sexy guitarist of Panic at the disco” Brendon exclaimed

“That sounds weird coming from you man” Ryan immediately told his friend

“Aww, what best friends! You support and raise the confidence of each other!” I gush

Brendon rolled his eyes

“So, we’re picking up Spencer and Jon from their places first.” Brendon announced

“Oh, I thought they were in Spencer’s place?” Ryan asked

“Oh right, to Spencer’s place then” Brandon laughed

“Are those your other band mates?” I inquired

“Yes, you’ll love them. They love you already actually” Ryan told me with so much happiness coming form his voice

“They love you because Ryan always talks about you and they see you as a really fun and interesting girl. The most important reason why they love you is because you can basically control Ryan here. No one has ever done that” Brendon smirked through the rear view mirror

Ryan blushed a bit and smacked Brendon’s shoulder

“Oh, really?” I ask, trying to sound uninterested but deep inside, I was jumping with joy. I don’t exactly know why, but what Brendon just said made me happy

“Sure, why would I lie about that?” Brendon said playfully, still smirking to Ryan

“Stop that or I’ll break your neck. I don’t care if the girls who abnormally love you kill my ass” Ryan threatened

“Whoa there dude. I was just joking man” Brendon smiled

We halted in front of an average sized house and then the Brendon blew the honk. We waited for a few minutes and is see two guys walking out the door. They seem nice and fun as well.

I think I’ll enjoy the company of these people.
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Thanks to the new commeters! I love and appreciate all the comments I get! I hope I do get more?

