Promise Not to Break My Little Heart or Leave Me All Alone

Chapter 3

I see the person’s outline but I hardly see the face.

“Natasha?” the guy asked

“Huh?” I asked back, freaked that he knew my name, how could he have known it? I didn’t know him

“Natasha, this is Ryan, don’t you remember me?” the unknown guy asked again

I looked at him harder and slowly saw some of his features. Brown eyes, dark brownish hair and unusually thin. Definitely the Ryan who spilled coke over me.

“Oh, yeah! Ryan!” I said in relief. Good thing it was him.

“What are you doing here at this time?” he asked

“Oh, uh, just looking around. And I also kinda slept too early, so, I am fully awake now. You?”

He chuckled “Oh. Anyway, I am just hanging around here. It’s good to see the beach alone, without anyone troubling me”

I nodded.

“So, uh, you want to sit together?” he offered

I thought of it. He just said that he liked to see the beach alone and now he’s offering me to stay with him? Maybe he was just a little forced to offer me to be a gentleman.

“Don’t worry; I wasn’t talking about being alone in the beach literally. I just don’t want to see certain people right now. By people troubling me, I meant those people. Absolutely not you” he said as if he knew what I was thinking.

“Okay then” I smiled

We slowly walked near the shore. The moon was so bright and it was so oddly big. I couldn’t stop myself, so I took a picture of it.

“You like taking pictures?” Ryan asked me as I check if the photo I took was nice enough

“Uh, yeah. I like taking photographs” I say and looked up to him

“That’s nice” he said, peeping to my camera


“Yeah. You can take good angles. I would love to see other pictures you have taken”

“Thanks. Maybe next time” I tell him

“It’s nice to see you again. At least I can talk to someone normal around here.”

“You’re here alone?” I ask


“Me too”

“Really? You? You’re alone here? Yeah right. You look like a nice girl. I bet you’re here with a friend or a boyfriend” he exclaimed

I laugh at what he just said. Everything was not true. I didn’t have that much friends and I definitely don’t have a boyfriend.

“What? Now you’re laughing at me?” he pouted

“Nothing, it’s just, what you just said is so hilarious. I mean, what’s so unbelievable about me being alone here, without any friends or a boyfriend?”

“So you don’t have a boyfriend?” he automatically asked

I blinked a few times at how fast he threw that question to me

“Uh, yeah, none. I don’t have that much friends either”

He shook his head.

“What’s up with the people you mingle with? Don’t they see how a pleasant girl you are?” he asked

I shrugged “I guess I’ve been invisible to them”

“You’re not invisible to me. I can clearly see you” he smiled

I was touched. Even if I’ve only met him yesterday, I feel like I am so close to him already. He was also the only person who really just talked to me for the sake of talking to me. Some people only converse with me if they wanted to get or ask something from me.

He made me feel good and comfortable.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, the guy was Ryan. Who else can it be?? hahah, thanks for the comments guys! :))

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