Promise Not to Break My Little Heart or Leave Me All Alone

Chapter 30

“Hey!” both the guys greeted as one sat beside Brendon and the other one beside Ryan

“So, is this the famous love of—“the guy sitting in front said but Ryan cut him off

“Yeah, guys, this is Natasha. Tash, this is Spencer: he pointed to the guy sitting in front
“and this is Jon, the new guy” He smiled, pointing to the guy beside him

I smile and waved at both of them

“Nice to finally meet both of you” I said then what Ryan said entered my mind. New guy? Maybe I’ll ask him about that later.

“So, where are we going now?” Brendon asked, he’s eyes still on the road

“Let’s go bowling” Spencer suggested

“Bowling where?” Brendon asked

“I know there is a place near the store we always go to” Spencer said

“Oh, there? I didn’t know there was a bowling place there”

“Well, there is. Now you know” Jon interjected

Ryan’s hand absentmindedly reached for mine. He held it during the whole ride. I didn’t pull my hand away. Somehow I missed him too much that I wanted to be as close to him as possible. I looked up to him under my lashes and at that same moment, he turned to me. His eyes showed a sign of surprise for a second but then he quickly flashed his cute smile to me and all I could do was timidly smile back then looked down swiftly. I am such a sucker at this.

We finally arrive at the bowling alley and all the three guys jumped off the car the second Brendon turned off the engine. They all ran inside and left Ryan and I. Brendon randomly threw the keys to Ryan before he ran inside. What was that?

I threw Ryan a questioning look and he gave me a not so innocent smile.

“So, you want to go somewhere else?” he offered

“We’re not going here?” I ask, confused

“Not if you don’t want to. We can spend more time together, Just the two of us in another place” he grinned

“Oh!” I said, finally getting his point


“Okay, we can go somewhere else if you want. I don’t really care where as long as I am with you” I blurted out. Right after I said that, I wanted to take it all back. That was so awkward. I widen my eyes as I realize what I just said and looked up at him, checking his reaction.

His smile widened and then he chuckled

“That was cute, I feel the same way” he said as he crawled to the front seat.

He turned to me and then tapped the seat beside him, telling me to transfer there as well. I crawled uneasily like what he did but being my clumsy self, I lost balance so I tried to grab anything for support. The closest thing I can get my hands on were Ryan’s shirt so I grabbed his shirt as I tried balancing myself again. He chuckled as he held my hands that were literally destroying his beautiful shirt. He tried to give me more support by holding on my hands. He assisted me until I finally sat down the seat. That was so weird. I could have sworn that I felt my heart stop when he held my hand.

“That was fun” Ryan grinned again as he turned to me

“It was embarrassing” I whispered

“Actually it was adorable. I loved it” he said as he started the car and drove off
♠ ♠ ♠
What do you guys think? haha, thanks for all the wonderful comments! I love them all! Sorry if I am always confused about some small details. I don't know why I always make that mistake about Ryan. hmph. I'll try not to make it again.

Don't forget to comment ok?
