Promise Not to Break My Little Heart or Leave Me All Alone

Chapter 34

I woke up for another school day.

“Ugh, a few more months of suffering and I am free” I mumble to myself as I drag my feet to the bathroom

I quickly dressed up then ate my breakfast. After that, I hailed a cab to take me to school. I finally arrive and now, I am walking to my first class which. I settled myself on a chair and waited for the others to come in. I groan inside as I see Christine walk in. why does it have to be always her?

“Hey Tash. I heard you went out with Ryan? I thought you weren’t friends?” she asked as she sat beside me. Why is she sitting beside me now? She never sits here

“Uh, yeah. We just ate out”

“So, you’re friends again?” she asked

‘Yeah I guess” I mutter

“Oh! Really? When will you be going out with him again? Can you bring us together with you?” she asked eagerly and the rest of her friends nodded and smiled to me.

I honestly don’t want to tell her about the party and most importantly I don’t want to take her with me. We never even talk. She’s not close to me and I am not close to her. She is mean to people so I don’t really like her.

“Actually I don’t know when we’ll hang out again. Maybe after a long time because they’ve got to record their songs for the next album already”

“Oh my God! They’re recording already? Did he tell you when the record will be out? Did he let you listen to the new songs?” they all asked me

I truthfully didn’t ask those questions to him. All I could remember is that they were recording soon, so I used that as an excuse to say that we will not be hanging out any sooner but these girls made another set of questions about Ryan and the guys again. I mean, I really wasn’t that interested about those details. I am just glad to know that they are currently on a short break.

“I— I didn’t really ask anything about the album. All I know is that they’ll be recording, that’s all. I also didn’t ask to be able to listen to the new songs” I replied to them

“Tash! You should have asked!” a girl behind Christine said

I look at her with a confused face. Do I know her? Why is she talking to me all of a sudden?

“Anyway, I would greatly appreciate it if you brought us along the next time you go out with them” Christine said to me while wearing one of her fake smiles

“Uh, yeah I’ll try” I mumble

“Thanks Tash, you’re a great friend” she said standing up and then they walked away

I roll my eyes as she walked. It’s so obvious that she is just trying to use me for her own benefit. Whatever, I’ll never take her with me when I go out with Ryan not just because I don’t like her but she doesn’t deserve to know the guys.

She might just ruin their lives like how she ruined the lives of other people around here.
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hmm, I am kind of expecting more comments! Please? I only got five in the last update :( Can I get FIVE more? Puh-lease? Thanks to the five people who commented btw! I love you guys :))


aww, how cute is that? Ryan playing the drums

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