Promise Not to Break My Little Heart or Leave Me All Alone

Chapter 35

It was dismissal already and I was dying to rest and eat some food. It has been those types of days wherein teachers bombarded us with notes and new lessons so my hand was so tired and my brain was drained.

I slowly walk out the room and was immediately welcomed with Ryan leaning on a wall across my classroom. He automatically smiled when he saw me coming out.

“Hey” he greeted me

“Hi… so why are you here?” I questioned as we started walking down the crowded hallway wherein so much eyes were watching us. I feel awkward.

“You don’t want me to be here?” he asked pouting

I roll my eyes “I was just asking why you’re here Ryan”

“Why? What’s wrong with wanting to see my favorite girl in the world?”

“Whatever” I mutter shaking my head

“So, wanna eat out? You looked tired the moment you stepped out the room. Looks like you need something good to eat” he said wrapping his right arm around my shoulders.

The sudden contact really caught me off guard but I wouldn’t want him to notice that so I acted cool.

“Fine, but you pay for it!?” I teased so I can forget about being conscious regarding his arm around my shoulders.

“Sure, I always treat you— oh! You’re using the yellow bag I bought you from the beach!” he suddenly exclaimed as he glanced at my bag.

He looked so happy that I was using it. Actually, ever since he disappeared, I have never touched the bag and shades he has given me but ever since last night, I decided to start using them already since me and Ryan are in good terms again. The only reason I didn’t want to use them is because they hold bad memories of Ryan leaving me but now, those bad memories are gone.

“Yeah, I kinda like it anyway. It’s handy as well” I smile up to him

“I knew you’d like it” he said obviously proud of himself

He led me to his car and opened the door for me. I went in, smiling at myself. I can’t believe I am actually with Ryan right now while I thought I would never see him again.

“Why are you smiling?” he asked, amused

“Nothing” I smiled

“Awww, come on, tell me, I want to know” he whined as he started to drive

“Uh-huh” I shook my head like a five year old kid

“Fine, I’ll get it out off you sooner or later” he tried to threaten

“Do what you can then” I said back, still smiling

We stopped by Wendy’s and he hopped out the car then opened my door for me. I step out and we walked in the building.

“So, what would you want?” the girl asked me obviously bored then she averted her gaze at Ryan. Her eyes literally were bulging off her sockets when she saw him.

“Oh My God! Ry—Ryan Ross? As in Panic At the Disco?!” she exclaimed

“Uh— yeahp” Ryan answered, smiling

“Ca—can I get an autograph?” the girl jumped

“Yeah, sure, sure” he replied

“Okay, I’ll just get from inside ok? Don’t go anywhere!”

“Whoa, that was a fast change of mood” I commented thinking of how unlively that girl was just a second ago then when she say Ryan, she looked like she got energized instantly.

“I usually have that effect on people” I felt Ryan whisper in my ear which was a little too near.

Didn’t he know that I have what is called “private space”?

“Ha-ha” I laughed then stepped away a little.

The closeness was just too much for me to handle. I always get electricity running through my spine whenever he comes near.

“Why do you have to step away? I like us this close” he said as he came closer to me

“Uhhhmm…” I mumbled

I hear a clearing of throat which makes him raise his head up form gazing at my face.

“Oh, right, sorry about that” Ryan explained then got a piece of paper and wrote down something on it.

I lift my head and saw that the girl was glaring at me. What the heck? Why is everyone always glaring at me? In school, every single girl glared at me then even out of it? I just tried to ignore it and looked back down.

“Here yah go!” Ryan smiled, handing the piece of paper back

“Aww, thanks Ryan!” the girl said “So, what do you want to order?” the girl asked him as if I didn’t exist.

“Uhm… I don’t really know. Tash, what do you want to get?” he asked me absentmindedly holding my hand for me to go nearer to him

“Uhh…” I trailed off as the girl continued gawking at me. This is making me so conscious of myself.

“I’ll get whatever you get” Ryan said as he smiled down to me

“Okay then. I’ll get a cheese burger” I said randomly, not being able to clearly read the stuff written in front of me

“Okay, two cheese burger meals then?” the girl asked blankly

“Yeah” I confirmed

This is so annoying actually. I bet girls who see me with Ryan are “jealous” that I am with him. That is such a childish thing to do, I swear.

Ryan gets all the smiles and happy faces while I get all the frowns and glares.
♠ ♠ ♠
awww, poor Tash! haha, well, at least she's got Ryan right? (:


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