Promise Not to Break My Little Heart or Leave Me All Alone

Chapter 36

“What’s up? You’ve been quiet ever since we after eating” Ryan said as he drove

We just finished eating and I’ve been thinking about how people treated me so bad whenever I am around him. I am starting to feel like I am such a bad person that they all hate me so much.

“Nothing” I answered quietly

“You’re a fan of the word nothing huh?” he chuckled as he pulled over

“Why’d you stop?” I ask, looking around. We weren’t in my apartment yet

“You have to tell me why you are acting like that. It’s unfair” he muttered

I sighed and looked outside

“Come on Tash, you can tell me anything” he urged

“Fine then but you would think that this is so shallow” I said

“You wouldn’t be like that if it isn’t significant to you and if it’s important to you, it is vital to me as well”

I smile weakly and nodded

“Okay. It’s just that every time I am around you, people, specifically girls would give me these death glares that are just distracting for me. I mean, I didn’t do anything wrong to them but they look like they want me to go down to hell the instant they see me with you” I whisper afraid of his reaction

He sighed.

“I am really sorry that you have to be treated that way. It’s just that the fans overact at times” he said with a soft voice

“It’s not your fault. I am just wondering why they have to act that way towards me”

“They always do that to all the girls I go with. Even to my friends who are girls. They always think that I am dating them and then of course the fans wouldn’t want that”

“Oh” I mouthed

“I am sorry” he said with sad eyes

“It’s fine! I was just wondering.” I said and smiled to him.

He looked really sincere in saying sorry even though he didn’t really do anything bad.

“So, you’ll start talking to me again?” he asked excitedly

“When didn’t I not talk to you Mr. Ross?” I ask playfully

“Just a while ago”

“Well, sorry about that. I was just thinking that time but my mind is clear now” I say

“Yay! Old Tasha is back!” he exclaimed then started the car again

He is such a child at times.

“You’re going to the party on tomorrow night?” he asked as we arrive at my apartment


“I’ll pick you up at seven then?”

“Yeah seven it is” I smile to him going down the car

“I am happy that you’ll be coming” he told me as I motion to close the door

“I am happy that you invited me” I answered back

“I’ll see you tomorrow” he said teasingly as I shut the door

I wave as he drove away. He is such a sweet guy. I am quite excited about the party but I just don’t have anything to wear yet. Agh, now I have to find something good enough just so I’ll not look like a weirdo in that party.

What the heck will I wear?
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sorry, this is a filler :( I'll try my hardest to update sooner! I hope you guys comment more so I get motivation to update because sometimes I purposely don't update because I am still waiting for more comments to come :))

comment people!
