Promise Not to Break My Little Heart or Leave Me All Alone

Chapter 38

I take one last look at myself in the mirror before finally giving a contented sigh

“I look alright” I told myself then picked up my purse.

Coincidentally, my phone rang the instant I held it. This may be Ryan calling to see if I was ready. I hesitantly answered it.

“Hello?” I said softly in the receiver

“Hey, it’s Ryan. I just wanted to ask if I can come up and pick you up from your room.”

“Oh yeah, sure, just come up, I’ll buzz for you” I said

“Okay then. See you in a few minutes he beamed then we both hung up

Okay, I seriously need to stop jittering. It’s just RYAN for god’s sake. I jumped a mile when I heard the knock on the door. What if I don’t look nice? What if the dress actually doesn’t fit me? What if he didn’t like what I looked like? All of these questions rushed into my head as I walked towards the door. This isn’t even an actual date and I am acting all nervous already. I cannot believe this. I slowly turned the knob and swayed open the door revealing an oh so gorgeous Ryan.

I can say that he somehow dressed up for the party too because he was now wearing a polo shirt and he wasn’t wearing jeans. I look at him and smiled a little at his appearance. He smiled back then skillfully handed me one stem of a rose.

“Aw, thanks!” I say as I gladly took it from his hands

“You look utterly beautiful” he said without taking his eyes off of me

“You look handsome yourself Mr. Ross” I complimented back

“Come, let’s party!” he exclaimed then suddenly grabbed my arm. We both entered the elevator and exited it without uttering a single word. We just stood there. It was a comfortable silence. We both enter the car and he started driving.

“Why are you so quiet?” he asked amused

“No-nothing. It just feels weird that I am wearing a dress. It feels like prom all over again” I smile

“I’d be honored to be your prom date” he joked

“Ha-ha” I fake laughed

The entire car ride consisted of Ryan and his infamous sense of humor. I find it funny that he finds his jokes funny.

“’We’re… here?” I more of asked

“Yeahp, let’s go” he swiftly got out of the car then ran to my side of the car.

He opened it to let me out. The music coming out of the house was so loud that I can feel the ground moving a little. I can feel my heart thump faster with every step I take nearer the house. Did I look okay?

“Don’t worry, you look perfect.” He whispered to my ear as we step on the porch

“Are you sure?” I ask nervously

“It’s okay Tash, It’s just a few people and the guys are gonna be here, so you’ll definitely be welcomed no matter what. Besides I am here with you. I’d never leave your side” he winked as he opened the door

I was welcomed with so much people dancing all around the house. Most of them looked drunk already.

Okay, what did Ryan just say about a few people?
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry guys, this is yet another filler. BUT, I carry with me good news (: I will be updating again within 24 hours. I just have to fix some stuff. PROMISE, I will. I have been busy these past few days so please bear with me. For now, comment and make me happy!

AND, another reminder… This story ends at the 40th chapter. I think I informed you guys about that already.

OHYEAH, one last one. I have something posted in my profile. Whoever gets most of it correct wins herself/himself a one shot. So, if you are interested, check my profile and answer!
