Promise Not to Break My Little Heart or Leave Me All Alone

Chapter 39

“Hey! Our new friend!” I hear Brendon say as we both enter the cramped and hot house.

“Hi! Nice party!” I smiled

“Here, drink away. I trust Ryan to carry you home in case you get drunk” Brendon said as he handed me a red plastic cup and then he patted Ryan on the shoulder before walking away.

“I have a feeling he’s drunk already. It’s just seven thirty” I told Ryan

“Well, as other people say, party like you’ve never partied before” he says as he pulled me through the crowd.

We both sat on an empty couch and I curiously looked at the drink Brendon gave me a while ago. It smelled like strong vodka.

“If you don’t want to get drunk tonight, I suggest that you stay away from those drinks” Ryan warned as he watched me smelling it

“What if I want to?” I asked playfully

“Fine, it’s your head that’ll hurt like hell tomorrow, not mine” he mocked

“Whatever. I’ll just taste it”

After that, I drank the whole cup in a matter of minutes. It tasted weird at first but I got used to it. I suddenly felt so energetic and charged. I wanted to dance so I randomly took Ryan’s arm and led him to the crowded dance floor

“Dance with me Ross” I whisper in his ear.

“You’re drunk” he stated as I put my arms around his neck

“Nope” I said violently shaking my head

“Tash. I know a person when he or she is drunk” he smiled.

I roll my eyes then the next thing I know, we were both dancing and having fun on the dance floor. He was a good dancer if I may say. He had the moves that girls look for. I begin to get a little exhausted already and I think he noticed it.

“Come on, let’s go get something to drink. You must be dehydrated by now” he yelled through the music.

I didn’t completely hear what he said. All I caught were vague words like “water” and “dehydrated”. I followed either way. I let him take my hand and bring me to the kitchen

“Here! Drink up!” he said giving me a glass of water

“There’s water around here?” I asked as I drank it

“Not in the party. That’s why we’re in the kitchen. No one really goes here to find drinks” he answered as he drank as well

“Oh, so they hide water in parties huh? Is that like the forbidden drink around here?” I joked

“Of course they do. What kind of party is it with water all over the place? Everyone wants to see each person drunk by the end of the night” he said matter of factly

“O-Kay” I mouthed

“I love the dress on you. It’s perfect” he suddenly said as he looked at me straight in the eye.

We were both leaning against the counter, with him just a few inched away form me. His eyes felt so close to me. We just looked at each other in silence, not clearly knowing what to say to the other.

“Your eyes are astounding and deep. I could get lost and drown in them whenever I look into them” he muttered randomly leaning nearer to me

“Really?” I wanted to say but before it even came out my mouth, he suddenly pressed his lips on mine leaving me speechless and dumbfounded. Ryan kissed me AGAIN.

I just hope he’ll not disappear by tomorrow.

He tried to deepen the kiss by moving closer to me and holding my face softly on the palm of his hands. After overcoming the shock I felt, I found myself kissing back and coiling my arms around his neck pulling him even closer to my body. He smiled in the kiss the instant he felt me kiss back. We both pulled away, running out of breath already. How long have we been kissing? I look at him and he did that too. He had his arms tied around my waist now.

“I want to show you something” he muttered to me then grabbed my waist leading me to the back door in the kitchen

“Where are we going?’ I asked softly

“Somewhere” he smiled weakly as we both settled in his car.

I nodded and decided to not push it any further. I would find out sooner or later.
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As promised, here's another update (: What do you think?

OHYEAH, one last one. I have something posted in my profile. Whoever gets most of it correct wins herself/himself a one shot. So, if you are interested, check my profile and answer!

