Promise Not to Break My Little Heart or Leave Me All Alone

Chapter 6

Honestly, he could build a nice sand castle. It was firm and it only collapsed twice. Usually, if I build one, it would break a million times before I finally give up on it. I wasn’t even doing anything. I was just helping him a bit by handing him sand but basically, he put it together.

“There’s your sand castle Tasha” he beamed to me as he put some final touches into it

“Awww, that’s really nice Ryan. I have my own sand castle now!” I squealed

He made a face “No one has made you a sand castle yet?”

“Nah. I tried but I never succeeded” I say as I gazed at the beautiful sand castle in front of me.

“I am honored to be the very first person who have made you one”

“Thanks!” I absentmindedly hugged him and he fell to the ground, taking me with him

We looked at each other’s faces for a moment and then I realized how uncommonly close our faces were.

“Oh, shit, sorry!” I say as I pulled away

“It’s okay” he muttered as he stood up as well

There was silence and awkwardness. He was just looking down at his feet. I thought of something to say. Thank God I had my camera.

“Oh, I wanna take a picture of this! My very first sand castle!” I said happily as I grab my camera from my bag

He glanced up to me and smiled.

“Oh, wait, I’ll just add one last thing” he said and wrote my name on the sand near the sand castle

Tasha’s little sand Castle.

Then right below it,

From Ryan (:

He ran to me “There, it’s complete now”

“Thanks” I say as I took a picture of it.

“It’s really beautiful” I mutter

“And who was questioning my skills?” he mocked

“Okay, sorry I made a terrible mistake of questioning your abilities Ryan” I said playfully

“Good” he said smugly

I laughed and shook my head

“Oh, here, I’ll take a picture of you with it” I told him, pushing him near the sand castle he had made

“Why me? It’s not mine. You should be the one here” he protested

“Smile!” I say instantly and he obviously wasn’t ready for it. He was just standing there, still talking to me. I laugh as he started posing after I took the first photo.

“You’re such a camera whore!” I yell out to him as he continued posing with the sand castle

“You asked for it. I have no choice but to oblige to whatever you ask me to do” he chuckled while posing “But, I think it’s your turn now” he said approaching me and got my camera

He pushed me to the sand castle and started taking pictures of me before I was even ready. I posed and smiled never the less.

“You can be a model!” Ryan cheered as I made faces and posed to the camera

“Yeah right!” I laugh as I did weird poses

He suddenly ran to me and put his hands around my shoulders

“Say summer!” he whispered as he clicked on the button. I was caught off guard so I just looked at him while he clicked the camera.

“That’s unfair! I didn’t know what you were talking about!” I say as he continued taking pictures of us.

I gave up because he obviously wasn’t listening to whatever I was saying. I smiled to the camera and made faces. I was really having fun. I think it’s because of Ryan. He was so carefree and sunny.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aww, I love Ryan <3

I want more comments from new people! I love the two people who are constantly giving me comments! asra hussain and heartbreakisforever

haha! Please make me happy and comment?