Promise Not to Break My Little Heart or Leave Me All Alone

Chapter 7

We continued taking random pictures on the beach. We were being such camera whores around here but I didn’t mind. I was having fun and that’s all that matters to me. We are now sitting on the beach and Ryan was taking picture of the beach. The pictures he took weren’t bad. He could be a good photographer.

“Hey, you want something to drink?” he offered

“Okay. But where?” I ask

He smiled and stood up

“Just stay there, I’ll just buy some fruit shakes” with that, he ran away and left the camera with me

I found myself still smiling as I watched him run away. I took a snapshot of it and laughed at my randomness. Why did I take a picture of him running? Maybe I just liked taking pictures of him.

I look at the beach and saw that it was almost sun set. The sky was turning a little orange already. It was stunning. I felt someone sit beside me and saw Ryan handing me a mango shake

“Here, I hope you like mango” he muttered

“I love mango! You’re a good guesser” I exclaimed

“I just thought that you’re a mango person. I am good in that way” he smirked

I let go of my camera and started sipping the drink as I gaze at the setting sun. I was trapped into my own thoughts already until I heard my camera clicking several times. I turned around and caught Ryan taking pictures of me

“You just looked amazing with the sun set” he mumbled as he lifted his head from the camera

I smile at him and shrugged my shoulders. I don’t mind that he took pictures of me. I mean, I always take pictures so why not allow someone take a picture of me for once?

“I am really happy that I spilled coke on you” he told me as I continue to watch the sun set

I turn to him and gave him a confused look

“Well, not that I wanted to spill it on you, but if I didn’t, I wouldn’t have this much fun here”

I grin at him “Yeah I guess. I am having a blast also. I never thought I would meet someone here who was willing to spend time with me”

“Why wouldn’t people not want to be with you?” he asked

“Well, I am quite passive. I don’t talk too much” I said

“Really? You are not passive at all!” he burst out

“Back to where I came from, I am” I admitted

“You are honestly the most fun girl I have ever met. The most true and unique girl”

I blush at his compliments to me


“Don’t ever put down yourself and say that you’re like that because from my perspective, you are completely not like that. Maybe those people just didn’t take the time to look at you because they’re too busy with their pathetic lives”

“That really makes it all better” I whisper to him

“I am just stating a fact” he smiled and scooted nearer to me
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